388 research outputs found

    Aandacht voor de ambiance van maaltijden in verpleeghuizen een medische noodzaak?!

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    Een goede vocht- en voedselvoorziening in zorginstellingen lijkt een vanzelfsprekende zaak in een welvarend land als Nederland. Niettemin constateerde de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg in 1997 dat lang niet altijd eten en drinken in deze instellingen op de behoefte van de clie¨nt gerichte zorg is

    Molecular profiles of BRCA1-mutated and matched sporadic breast tumours: relation with clinico-pathological features

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    About 5–10% of breast cancers are hereditary; a genetically and clinically heterogeneous disease in which several susceptibility genes, including BRCA1, have been identified. While distinct tumour features can be used to estimate the likelihood that a breast tumour is caused by a BRCA1 germline mutation it is not yet possible to categorize a BRCA1 mutated tumour. The aim of the present study is to molecularly classify BRCA1 mutated breast cancers by resolving gene expression patterns of BRCA1 and matched sporadic surgical breast tumour specimens. The expression profiles of 6 frozen breast tumour tissues with a proven BRCA1 gene mutation were weighed against those from 12 patients without a known family history but who had similar clinico-pathological characteristics. In addition two fibroblast cultures, the breast cancer cell-line HCC1937 and its corresponding B-lymphoblastoid cell line (heterozygous for mutation BRCA1 5382insC) and an epithelial ovarian cancer cell line (A2780) were studied. Using a high density membrane based array for screening of RNA isolated from these samples and standard algorithms and software, we were able to distinguish subgroups of sporadic cases and a group consisting mainly of BRCA1-mutated breast tumours. Furthermore this pilot analysis revealed a gene cluster that differentially expressed genes related to cell substrate formation, adhesion, migration and cell organization in BRCA1-mutated tumours compared to sporadic breast tumours. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Does conduction heterogeneity determine the supervulnerable period after atrial fibrillation?

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) resumes within 90 s in 27% of patients after sinus rhythm (SR) restoration. The aim of this study is to compare conduction heterogeneity during the supervulnerable period immediately after electrical cardioversion (ECV) with long-term SR in patients with AF. Epicardial mapping of both atria was performed during SR and premature atrial extrasystoles in patients in the ECV (N = 17, age: 73 ± 7 years) and control group (N = 17, age: 71 ± 6 years). Inter-electrode conduction times were used to identify areas of conduction delay (CD) (conduction times 7-11 ms) and conduction block (CB) (conduction times ≥ 12 ms). For all atrial regions, prevalences and length of longest CB and continuous CDCB lines, magnitude of conduction disorders, conduction velocity, biatrial activation time, and voltages did not differ between the ECV and control group during both SR and premature atrial extrasystoles (p ≥ 0.05). Hence, our data suggest that there may be no difference in biatrial conduction characteristics between the supervulnerable period after ECV and long-term SR in AF patients. The supervulnerable period after AF termination is not determined by conduction heterogeneity during SR and PACs. It is unknown to what extent intra-atrial conduction is impaired during the supervulnerable period immediately after ECV and whether different right and left atrial regions are equally affected. This high-resolution epicardial mapping study (upper left panel) of both atria shows that during SR the prevalences and length of longest CB and cCDCB lines (upper middle panel), magnitude of conduction disorders, CV and TAT (lower left panel), and voltages did not differ between the ECV and control group. Likewise, these parameters were comparable during PACs between the ECV and control group (lower left panel). †Non-normally distributed. cm/s = centimeters per second; mm = millimeter; ms = millisecond; AF = atrial fibrillation; AT = activation time; BB = Bachmann's bundle; cCDCB = continuous lines of conduction delay and block; CB = conduction block; CD = conduction delay; CT = conduction time; CV = conduction velocity; ECV = electrical cardioversion; LA = left atrium; LAT = local activation times; PAC = premature atrial complexes; PVA = pulmonary vein area; RA = right atrium; SR = sinus rhythm; TAT = total activation time.</p

    Preductal Segmental Tubular Aortic Hypoplasia in Perinatally Died Stabyhoun Puppies

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    Background: A high perinatal mortality rate in the Stabyhoun breed prompted one of the Dutch breeding organizations to start an investigation. Preductal segmental tubular aortic hypoplasia is an extremely rarely documented congenital vascular anomaly in dogs, and it is suspected to be the result of constriction of ectopic ductal tissue in the aortic wall at birth. Methods: Over a period of 18 months, Stabyhoun puppies that were stillborn, died or were euthanized before 3 weeks of age were submitted to post-mortem examination at the reporting institution. Pathologic findings were documented. Results: Eight Stabyhoun puppies were submitted during the study period. In five of them, a severe preductal segmental tubular aortic hypoplasia was found. Two of the five puppies were stillborn, and three died spontaneously or were euthanized. Conclusions: Preductal tubular aortic hypoplasia was found in an unusually high frequency in the examined Stabyhoun puppies. Because the condition is believed to cause clinical signs only after birth, this anomaly cannot explain the death of the stillborn puppies. However, it might be responsible for cardiogenic pulmonary edema in the postnatal period. Routine dissection of the great vessels in perinatally deceased puppies would help to establish the prevalence of congenital anomalies of the aorta

    Identification of an altered peptide ligand based on the endogenously presented, rheumatoid arthritis-associated, human cartilage glycoprotein-39(263–275) epitope: an MHC anchor variant peptide for immune modulation

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    We sought to identify an altered peptide ligand (APL) based on the endogenously expressed synovial auto-epitope of human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39) for modulation of cognate, HLA-DR4-restricted T cells. For this purpose we employed a panel of well-characterized T cell hybridomas generated from HC gp-39-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. The hybridomas all respond to the HC gp-39(263–275) epitope when bound to HLA-DR4(B1*0401) but differ in their fine specificities. First, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and T-cell receptor (TCR) contact residues were identified by analysis of single site substituted analogue peptides for HLA-DR4 binding and cognate T cell recognition using both T hybridomas and polyclonal T cells from peptide-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. Analysis of single site substituted APL by cognate T cells led to identification of Phe265 as the dominant MHC anchor. The amino acids Ala268, Ser269, Glu271 and Thr272 constituted the major TCR contact residues, as substitution at these positions did not affect HLA-DR4(B1*0401) binding but abrogated T cell responses. A structural model for visualisation of TCR recognition was derived. Second, a set of non-classical APLs, modified at the MHC key anchor position but with unaltered TCR contacts, was developed. When these APLs were analysed, a partial TCR agonist was identified and found to modulate the HC gp-39(263–275)-specific, pro-inflammatory response in HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. We identified a non-classical APL by modification of the p1 MHC anchor in a synovial auto-epitope. This APL may qualify for rheumatoid arthritis immunotherapy

    Relationship between drug burden and physical and cognitive functions in a sample of nursing home patients with dementia

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    Purpose: The Drug Burden Index (DBI) is a tool to quantify the anticholinergic and sedative load of drugs. Establishing functional correlates of the DBI could optimize drug prescribing in patients with dementia. In this cross-sectional study, we determined the relationship between DBI and cognitive and physical functions in a sample of patients with dementia. Methods: Using performance-based tests, we measured physical and cognitive functions in 140 nursing home patients aged over 70 with all-cause dementia. We also determined anticholinergic DBI (AChDBI) and sedative DBI (SDBI) separately and in combination as total drug burden (TDB). Results: Nearly one half of patients (48%) used at least one DBI-contributing drug. In 33% of the patients, drug burden was moderate (0 < TDB < 1) whereas in 15%, drug burden was high (TDB ≥ 1). Multivariate models yielded no associations between TDB, AChDBI, and SDBI, and physical or cognitive function (all p > 0.05). Conclusions: A lack of association between drug burden and physical or cognitive function in this sample of patients with dementia could imply that drug prescribing is more optimal for patients with dementia compared with healthy older populations. However, such an interpretation of the data warrants scrutiny as several dementia-related factors may confound the results of the study
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