18 research outputs found

    Reducing Bit-Vector Polynomials to SAT using Gröbner Bases

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    We address the satisfiability of systems of polynomial equations over bit-vectors. Instead of conventional bit-blasting, we exploit word-level inference to translate these systems into non-linear pseudo-boolean constraints. We derive the pseudo-booleans by simulating bit assignments through the addition of (linear) polynomials and applying a strong form of propagation by computing Gröbner bases. By handling bit assignments symbolically, the number of Gröbner basis calculations, along with the number of assignments, is reduced. The final Gröbner basis yields expressions for the bit-vectors in terms of the symbolic bits, together with non-linear pseudo-boolean constraints on the symbolic variables, modulo a power of two. The pseudo-booleans can be solved by translation into classical linear pseudo-boolean constraints (without a modulo) or by encoding them as propositional formulae, for which a novel translation process is described

    Encoding Redundancy for Satisfaction-Driven Clause Learning

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    Satisfaction-Driven Clause Learning (SDCL) is a recent SAT solving paradigm that aggressively trims the search space of possible truth assignments. To determine if the SAT solver is currently exploring a dispensable part of the search space, SDCL uses the so-called positive reduct of a formula: The positive reduct is an easily solvable propositional formula that is satisfiable if the current assignment of the solver can be safely pruned from the search space. In this paper, we present two novel variants of the positive reduct that allow for even more aggressive pruning. Using one of these variants allows SDCL to solve harder problems, in particular the well-known Tseitin formulas and mutilated chessboard problems. For the first time, we are able to generate and automatically check clausal proofs for large instances of these problems

    POLYBORI: A Gröbner basis framework for Boolean polynomials

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    This work presents a new framework for Gröbner basis computations with Boolean polynomials. Boolean polynomials can be modeled in a rather simple way, with both coefficients and degree per variable lying in {0, 1}. The ring of Boolean polynomials is, however, not a polynomial ring, but rather the quotient ring of the polynomial ring over the field with two elements modulo the field equations x2 = x for each variable x. Therefore, the usual polynomial data structures seem not to be appropriate for fast Gröbner basis computations. We introduce a specialized data structure for Boolean polynomials based on zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs), which is capable of handling these polynomials more efficiently with respect to memory consumption and also computational speed. Furthermore, we concentrate on high-level algorithmic aspects, taking into account the new data structures as well as structural properties of Boolean polynomials. For example, a new useless-pair criterion for Gröbner basis computations in Boolean rings is introduced. One of the motivations for our work is the growing importance of formal hardware and software verification based on Boolean expressions, which suffer – besides from the complexity of the problems – from the lack of an adequate treatment of arithmetic components. We are convinced that algebraic methods are more suited and we believe that our preliminary implementation shows that Gröbner bases on specific data structures can be capable to handle problems of industrial size

    POLYBORI: A Gröbner basis framework for Boolean polynomials

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    This work presents a new framework for Gröbner basis computations with Boolean polynomials. Boolean polynomials can be modeled in a rather simple way, with both coefficients and degree per variable lying in {0, 1}. The ring of Boolean polynomials is, however, not a polynomial ring, but rather the quotient ring of the polynomial ring over the field with two elements modulo the field equations x2 = x for each variable x. Therefore, the usual polynomial data structures seem not to be appropriate for fast Gröbner basis computations. We introduce a specialized data structure for Boolean polynomials based on zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs), which is capable of handling these polynomials more efficiently with respect to memory consumption and also computational speed. Furthermore, we concentrate on high-level algorithmic aspects, taking into account the new data structures as well as structural properties of Boolean polynomials. For example, a new useless-pair criterion for Gröbner basis computations in Boolean rings is introduced. One of the motivations for our work is the growing importance of formal hardware and software verification based on Boolean expressions, which suffer – besides from the complexity of the problems – from the lack of an adequate treatment of arithmetic components. We are convinced that algebraic methods are more suited and we believe that our preliminary implementation shows that Gröbner bases on specific data structures can be capable to handle problems of industrial size

    New developments in the theory of Gröbner bases and applications to formal verification

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    We present foundational work on standard bases over rings and on Boolean Grobner bases in the framework of Boolean functions. The research was motivated by our collaboration with electrical engineers and computer scientists on problems arising from formal verification of digital circuits. In fact, algebraic modelling of formal verification problems is developed on the word-level as well as on the bit-level. The word-level model leads to Grobner basis in the polynomial ring over Z/2(n) while the bit-level model leads to Boolean Grobner bases. In addition to the theoretical foundations of both approaches, the algorithms have been implemented. Using these implementations we show that special data structures and the exploitation of symmetries make Grobner bases competitive to state-of-the-art tools from formal verification but having the advantage of being systematic and more flexible

    Mutant Differential Fault Analysis of Trivium MDFA

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    Abstract. In this paper we present improvements to the differential fault analysis (DFA) of the stream cipher Trivium proposed in the work of M. Hojśık and B. Rudolf. In particular, we optimize the algebraic rep-resentation of obtained DFA information applying the concept of Mu-tants, which represent low degree equations derived after processing of DFA information. As a result, we are able to minimize the number of fault injections necessary for retrieving the secret key. Therefore, we in-troduce a new algebraic framework that combines the power of different algebraic techniques for handling additional information received from a physical attack. Using this framework, we are able to recover the secret key by only an one-bit fault injection. In fact, this is the first attack on stream ciphers utilizing minimal amount of DFA information. We study the efficiency of our improved attack by comparing the size of gathered DFA information with previous attacks