13 research outputs found

    Cheyne-Stokes Respiration in Patients with First-Ever Lacunar Stroke

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    The aim of this single-center prospective study was to assess the presence of Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) and CSR-related variables in 68 consecutive patients with radiologically proven first-ever lacunar stroke undergoing a respiratory sleep study using a portable respiratory polygraph within the first 48 hours of stroke onset. CSR was diagnosed in 14 patients (20.6%). Patients with CSR as compared with those without CSR showed a significantly higher mean (standard deviation, SD) apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) (34.9 (21.7) versus 18.5 (14.4), P=0.001) and central apnea index (13.1 (13.8) versus 1.8 (3.4), P=0.0001) as well as higher scores of the Barthel index and the Canadian Neurological scale as a measure of stroke severity, and longer hospital stay. CSR was present in one of each five patients with lacunar stroke. The presence of CSR was associated with a trend towards a higher functional stroke severity and worse prognosis

    Masa cavitada como forma de presentaci贸n de un linfoma pulmonar primario

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    El linfoma pulmonar primario es una entidad poco frecuente, que en la mayor铆a de las ocasiones es de estirpe celular tipo B, predominantemente de bajo grado y de tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa (MALT/BALT). Los linfomas pulmonares primarios de alto grado suelen presentarse en pacientes inmunodeprimidos. Habitualmente se presentan con s铆ntomas respiratorios y generales. La radiograf铆a de t贸rax puede mostrar una masa pulmonar o atelectasia y derrame pleural. El pron贸stico es peor que en los linfomas pulmonares de bajo grado, con un tiempo de supervivencia de 8-10 a帽os y una mayor probabilidad de progresi贸n local o recidiva a distancia. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 76 a帽os no inmunodeprimido con una masa pulmonar cavitada secundaria a un linfoma pulmonar primario tipo B de c茅lulas grandes. Despu茅s de la cuarta sesi贸n de quimioterapia se objetiv贸 una reducci贸n de la masa pulmonar y en la cavidad residual se desarroll贸 un aspergiloma. Revisando la bibliograf铆a se ha comprobado lo anecd贸tico del caso presentado, pues es extremadamente poco frecuente que un linfoma pulmonar primario se presente en forma de masa cavitada 煤nica y con poca repercusi贸n cl铆nica en cuanto a sintomatolog铆a genera

    Cheyne-stokes respiration in patients with heart failure: prevalence, causes, consequences and treatments

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    Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) is characterized by a pattern of cyclic oscillations of tidal volume and respiratory rate with periods of hyperpnea alternating with hypopnea or apnea in patients with heart failure. CSR harms the failing heart through intermittent hypoxia brought about by apnea and hypopnea and recurrent sympathetic surges. CSR impairs the quality of life and increases cardiac mortality in patients with heart failure. Thus, CSR should actively be pursued in patients with severe heart failure. When CSR persists despite optimal therapy of heart failure, noninvasive adaptive servoventilation is currently the most promising treatment