126 research outputs found

    Quantum data gathering

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    Measurement of a quantum system – the process by which an observer gathers information about it – provides a link between the quantum and classical worlds. The nature of this process is the central issue for attempts to reconcile quantum and classical descriptions of physical processes. Here, we show that the conventional paradigm of quantum measurement is directly responsible for a well-known disparity between the resources required to extract information from quantum and classical systems. We introduce a simple form of quantum data gathering, “coherent measurement”, that eliminates this disparity and restores a pleasing symmetry between classical and quantum statistical inference. To illustrate the power of quantum data gathering, we demonstrate that coherent measurements are optimal and strictly more powerful than conventional one-at-a-time measurements for the task of discriminating quantum states, including certain entangled many-body states (e.g., matrix product states)

    Climbing Mount Scalable: Physical-Resource Requirements for a Scalable Quantum Computer

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    The primary resource for quantum computation is Hilbert-space dimension. Whereas Hilbert space itself is an abstract construction, the number of dimensions available to a system is a physical quantity that requires physical resources. Avoiding a demand for an exponential amount of these resources places a fundamental constraint on the systems that are suitable for scalable quantum computation. To be scalable, the effective number of degrees of freedom in the computer must grow nearly linearly with the number of qubits in an equivalent qubit-based quantum computer.Comment: LATEX, 24 pages, 1 color .eps figure. This new version has been accepted for publication in Foundations of Physic

    Physical-resource demands for scalable quantum computation

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    The primary resource for quantum computation is Hilbert-space dimension. Whereas Hilbert space itself is an abstract construction, the number of dimensions available to a system is a physical quantity that requires physical resources. Avoiding a demand for an exponential amount of these resources places a fundamental constraint on the systems that are suitable for scalable quantum computation. To be scalable, the number of degrees of freedom in the computer must grow nearly linearly with the number of qubits in an equivalent qubit-based quantum computer.Comment: This paper will be published in the proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 1--4, 200

    On the Optimal Choice of Spin-Squeezed States for Detecting and Characterizing a Quantum Process

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    Quantum metrology uses quantum states with no classical counterpart to measure a physical quantity with extraordinary sensitivity or precision. Most metrology schemes measure a single parameter of a dynamical process by probing it with a specially designed quantum state. The success of such a scheme usually relies on the process belonging to a particular one-parameter family. If this assumption is violated, or if the goal is to measure more than one parameter, a different quantum state may perform better. In the most extreme case, we know nothing about the process and wish to learn everything. This requires quantum process tomography, which demands an informationally-complete set of probe states. It is very convenient if this set is group-covariant -- i.e., each element is generated by applying an element of the quantum system's natural symmetry group to a single fixed fiducial state. In this paper, we consider metrology with 2-photon ("biphoton") states, and report experimental studies of different states' sensitivity to small, unknown collective SU(2) rotations ("SU(2) jitter"). Maximally entangled N00N states are the most sensitive detectors of such a rotation, yet they are also among the worst at fully characterizing an a-priori unknown process. We identify (and confirm experimentally) the best SU(2)-covariant set for process tomography; these states are all less entangled than the N00N state, and are characterized by the fact that they form a 2-design.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Darwinism in quantum Brownian motion: the vacuum as a witness

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    We study quantum Darwinism -- the redundant recording of information about a decohering system by its environment -- in zero-temperature quantum Brownian motion. An initially nonlocal quantum state leaves a record whose redundancy increases rapidly with its spatial extent. Significant delocalization (e.g., a Schroedinger's Cat state) causes high redundancy: many observers can measure the system's position without perturbing it. This explains the objective (i.e. classical) existence of einselected, decoherence-resistant pointer states of macroscopic objects.Comment: 5 page

    Adaptive quantum state tomography improves accuracy quadratically

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    We introduce a simple protocol for adaptive quantum state tomography, which reduces the worst-case infidelity between the estimate and the true state from O(N1/2)O(N^{-1/2}) to O(N1)O(N^{-1}). It uses a single adaptation step and just one extra measurement setting. In a linear optical qubit experiment, we demonstrate a full order of magnitude reduction in infidelity (from 0.10.1% to 0.010.01%) for a modest number of samples (N=3×104N=3\times10^4).Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of nonnegativity on estimation errors in one-qubit state tomography with finite data

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    We analyze the behavior of estimation errors evaluated by two loss functions, the Hilbert-Schmidt distance and infidelity, in one-qubit state tomography with finite data. We show numerically that there can be a large gap between the estimation errors and those predicted by an asymptotic analysis. The origin of this discrepancy is the existence of the boundary in the state space imposed by the requirement that density matrices be nonnegative (positive semidefinite). We derive an explicit form of a function reproducing the behavior of the estimation errors with high accuracy by introducing two approximations: a Gaussian approximation of the multinomial distributions of outcomes, and linearizing the boundary. This function gives us an intuition for the behavior of the expected losses for finite data sets. We show that this function can be used to determine the amount of data necessary for the estimation to be treated reliably with the asymptotic theory. We give an explicit expression for this amount, which exhibits strong sensitivity to the true quantum state as well as the choice of measurement.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, One figure (FIG. 1) is added to the previous version, and some typos are correcte

    Spectral thresholding quantum tomography for low rank states

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    The estimation of high dimensional quantum states is an important statistical problem arising in current quantum technology applications. A key example is the tomography of multiple ions states, employed in the validation of state preparation in ion trap experiments (Häffner et al 2005 Nature 438 643). Since full tomography becomes unfeasible even for a small number of ions, there is a need to investigate lower dimensional statistical models which capture prior information about the state, and to devise estimation methods tailored to such models. In this paper we propose several new methods aimed at the efficient estimation of low rank states and analyse their performance for multiple ions tomography. All methods consist in first computing the least squares estimator, followed by its truncation to an appropriately chosen smaller rank. The latter is done by setting eigenvalues below a certain 'noise level' to zero, while keeping the rest unchanged, or normalizing them appropriately. We show that (up to logarithmic factors in the space dimension) the mean square error of the resulting estimators scales as where r is the rank, is the dimension of the Hilbert space, and N is the number of quantum samples. Furthermore we establish a lower bound for the asymptotic minimax risk which shows that the above scaling is optimal. The performance of the estimators is analysed in an extensive simulations study, with emphasis on the dependence on the state rank, and the number of measurement repetitions. We find that all estimators perform significantly better than the least squares, with the 'physical estimator' (which is a bona fide density matrix) slightly outperforming the other estimators

    The structure of preserved information in quantum processes

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    We introduce a general operational characterization of information-preserving structures (IPS) -- encompassing noiseless subsystems, decoherence-free subspaces, pointer bases, and error-correcting codes -- by demonstrating that they are isometric to fixed points of unital quantum processes. Using this, we show that every IPS is a matrix algebra. We further establish a structure theorem for the fixed states and observables of an arbitrary process, which unifies the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures, places restrictions on physically allowed kinds of information, and provides an efficient algorithm for finding all noiseless and unitarily noiseless subsystems of the process