17 research outputs found

    Weidehaltung im alpinen Raum

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    Fachtagung für Biologische Landwirtschaft - Weidehaltung im alpinen Raum Inhalt der Tagung: Ergebnisse zur Kurzrasenweidehaltung im Vergleich zur Schnittnutzung Vergleich der Biomasseproduktion bei Schnittnutzung und Kurzrasenweide unter biologischen Bedingungen im ostalpinen Raum Ampferregulierung durch intensive Beweidung möglich? Ergebnisse aus einem Exaktversuch sowie aus der Praxis Ergebnisse zur Rindfleischproduktion auf der Weide - Kalbin, Ochse, Jungrind Ergebnisse zum Einfluss der Abkalbesaison auf Milchkühe bei Vollweidehaltung Erste Versuchsergebnisse und Erfahrungen zur Weidehaltung von Milchziegen Parasitenbelastung von Weideziegen - Ergebnisse aus einem Versuch sowie aus Praxisuntersuchungen Ergebnisse zur Almrekultivierung mit Schafen - Änderungen in Pflanzenbestand und Vegetationsstruktu

    A Framework for the Classification and Description of Multidimensional Data Models

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    The words On-Line Analytical Processing bring together a set of tools, that use multidimensional modeling in the management of information to improve the decision making process. Lately, a lot of work has been devoted to modeling the multidimensional space. The aim of this paper is twofold. On one hand, it compiles and classifies some of that work, with regard to the design phase they are used in. On the other hand, it allows to compare the different terminology used by each author, by placing all the terms in a common framework.

    Data Warehouse Schema Evolution Perspectives

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    Schema evolution in data warehousing environments -- a schema transformation-based approach

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    In heterogeneous data warehousing environments, autonomous data sources are integrated into a materialised integrated database. The schemas of the data sources and the integrated database may be expressed in different modelling languages. It is possible for either the data source schemas or the warehouse schema to evolve. This evolution may include evolution of the schema, or evolution of the modelling language in which theschema is expressed, or both. In such scenarios, it is important for the integration framework to be evolvable, so that the previous integration e ort can be reused as much as possible. This paper describes how the AutoMed heterogeneous data integration toolkit can be used to handle the problem of schema evolution in heterogeneous data warehousing environments. This problem has been addressed before for specific data models, but AutoMed has the ability to cater for multiple data models, and for changes to the data model

    An overview of multidimensional data models for OLAP

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    Multidimensional database technology is becoming more and more important in conjunction with data warehouses and OLAP analysis. What is still lacking is a commonly accepted formal foundation which can serve as a basis for future research and standardization. Recently, a multitude of interesting proposals on this topic have been published. OLAP applications have some special requirements that do not apply to other areas of multidimensional analysis (e.g. GIS, PACS). In this report, we list requirements that a formal model and a corresponding query language must fulfill to be suitable for OLAP. We present several recently proposed approaches that come closest to our requirements. For each approach, we give a brief description and a discussion of its suitability as a formal foundation for OLAP, with respect to our requirements. We conclude the report by giving some directions for future work in this area. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 9940(1999-001) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Biodiversity Conservation: Geosynphytosociology as a Tool of Analysis and Modelling of Grassland Systems

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    The study site is located along the Umbria-Marches Apennine (central Italy). Following a series of research topics, the aims and objectives of this paper are to present the tested process of forage resources modelling at a large scale in a pastoral system in order to define essential management and decision making aimed on biodiversity conservation. The analytical process is based on correlation between phytosociological and agro-zootechnical analysis. This approach allows one to extend any type of heterogeneous data, provided this is in any way correlated to the intrinsic characteristics of the plant community, can be interpolated to the whole polygon and therefore to all polygons referring to the same phytosociological unit. In terms of planning and application, the results of phytosociological modelling are much more useful when integrated in a database (GIS), in which the different information levels, based on hierarchical criteria, are simulated in multiple polygon segmentations. In particular, this method allows one to obtain a first general overview of the forage resource using the theoretical data linked to the phytosociological interpretation of the territory. Subsequently, this overview can be enhanced with actual quantitative data, offering also a qualitative dimension coming from the phytosociological aspects