2,611 research outputs found

    Cold atoms at unitarity and inverse square interaction

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    Consider two identical atoms in a spherical harmonic oscillator interacting with a zero-range interaction which is tuned to produce an s-wave zero-energy bound state. The quantum spectrum of the system is known to be exactly solvable. We note that the same partial wave quantum spectrum is obtained by the one-dimensional scale-invariant inverse square potential. Long known as the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser (CSM) model, it leads to Fractional Exclusion Statistics (FES) of Haldane and Wu. The statistical parameter is deduced from the analytically calculated second virial coefficient. When FES is applied to a Fermi gas at unitarity, it gives good agreement with experimental data without the use of any free parameter.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, To appear in J. Phys. B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    A Fermion-like description of condensed Bosons in a trap

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate of atoms, trapped in an axially symmetric harmonic potential, is considered. By averaging the spatial density along the symmetry direction over a length that preserves the aspect ratio, the system may be mapped on to a zero temperature noninteracting Fermi-like gas. The ``mock fermions'' have a state occupancy factor (>>1)(>>1) proportional to the ratio of the coherance length to the ``hard-core'' radius of the atom. The mapping reproduces the ground state properties of the condensate, and is used to estimate the vortex excitation energy analytically. The ``mock-fermion'' description predicts some novel collective excitation in the condensed phase.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    Ground state fluctuations in finite Fermi and Bose systems

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    We consider a small and fixed number of fermions (bosons) in a trap. The ground state of the system is defined at T=0. For a given excitation energy, there are several ways of exciting the particles from this ground state. We formulate a method for calculating the number fluctuation in the ground state using microcanonical counting, and implement it for small systems of noninteracting fermions as well as bosons in harmonic confinement. This exact calculation for fluctuation, when compared with canonical ensemble averaging, gives considerably different results, specially for fermions. This difference is expected to persist at low excitation even when the fermion number in the trap is large.Comment: 20 pages (including 1 appendix), 3 postscript figures. An error was found in one section of the paper. The corrected version is updated on Sep/05/200

    Classifying Reported and "Missing" Resonances According to Their P and C Properties

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    The Hilbert space H^3q of the three quarks with one excited quark is decomposed into Lorentz group representations. It is shown that the quantum numbers of the reported and ``missing'' resonances fall apart and populate distinct representations that differ by their parity or/and charge conjugation properties. In this way, reported and ``missing'' resonances become distinguishable. For example, resonances from the full listing reported by the Particle Data Group are accommodated by Rarita-Schwinger (RS) type representations (k/2,k/2)*[(1/2,0)+(0,1/2)] with k=1,3, and 5, the highest spin states being J=3/2^-, 7/2^+, and 11/2^+, respectively. In contrast to this, most of the ``missing'' resonances fall into the opposite parity RS fields of highest-spins 5/2^-, 5/2^+, and 9/2^+, respectively. Rarita-Schwinger fields with physical resonances as lower-spin components can be treated as a whole without imposing auxiliary conditions on them. Such fields do not suffer the Velo-Zwanziger problem but propagate causally in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The pathologies associated with RS fields arise basically because of the attempt to use them to describe isolated spin-J=k+1/ 2 states, rather than multispin-parity clusters. The positions of the observed RS clusters and their spacing are well explained trough the interplay between the rotational-like (k/2)(k/2 +1)-rule and a Balmer-like -(k+1)^{-2}-behavior

    Haldane Exclusion Statistics and the Boltzmann Equation

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    We generalize the collision term in the one-dimensional Boltzmann-Nordheim transport equation for quasiparticles that obey the Haldane exclusion statistics. For the equilibrium situation, this leads to the ``golden rule'' factor for quantum transitions. As an application of this, we calculate the density response function of a one-dimensional electron gas in a periodic potential, assuming that the particle-hole excitations are quasiparticles obeying the new statistics. We also calculate the relaxation time of a nuclear spin in a metal using the modified golden rule.Comment: version accepted for publication in J. of Stat. Phy

    The virial expansion of a classical interacting system

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    We consider N particles interacting pair-wise by an inverse square potential in one dimension (Calogero-Sutherland-Moser model). When trapped harmonically, its classical canonical partition function for the repulsive regime is known in the literature. We start by presenting a concise re-derivation of this result. The equation of state is then calculated both for the trapped and the homogeneous gas. Finally, the classical limit of Wu's distribution function for fractional exclusion statistics is obtained and we re-derive the classical virial expansion of the homogeneous gas using this distribution function.Comment: 9 pages; added references to some earlier work on this problem; this has led to a significant shortening of the paper and a changed titl
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