13 research outputs found

    Impact of climatic factors to the percentage of young in the population of brown hare (Lepus europaeus P) in the Bačka district

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    Climatic factors, especially temperature and precipitations, greatly affect the dynamics of the hare number and population. Climatic factors directly affect the physiological and reproductive processes of both individuals and entire populations, or indirectly, through the availability of food, competition with other species, predators and other. The age structure of the hare population at the end of the period of reproduction is an important indicator of the population growth that is used for planning the level of explotation of the hare population (hunting). The rational use of the hare's population is one of the most important protection procedures and it should be well monitored and controlled by the hunting professionals. We used the average monthly temperature and the sum of monthly precipitations in the hare reproductive period (March-September) during ten years (2000 - 2009), together with the percent of young in the hare population, on the territory of Bačka, for multiple regression (stepwise) analysis. Results of the regression analysis show an association between the percentage of young hares and the influence of climatic factors. The average temperature and sum of precipitation in June, are the strongest predictor of the percent of young in the hare’s population in Bačka. According to the coefficient of determination (R2=0.50) climatic parameters account for 50% of variance in the percentage of young hares in Bačka. The regression correlation coefficient of all factors was R=0.70, which is on the border line between medium and high correlation

    Proizvodni rezultati različitih kategorija fazana gajenih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    The overview of domestic and foreign investigations of the effects of various intensity of ant feeding technique in various categories of pheasants. With the aim to increase number of pheasants in our country and in the world, for decades pheasant chicks are produced in pheasant farms up to the age of 5-8 weeks, and body mass of 400-450 g, after which they are released into the hunting grounds. The capacity of pheasant farms in Serbia is about 900.500 hatched chicks, and in the past four decades several tens of millions of artificially reared pheasants were released. The quality of feeding the brood stock of pheasants, which produce eggs for hatching incubator has a direct influence on number, mass and fertility of eggs, and on the mass of newly hatched chicks. The feed conversion ratio in chicks depends on the first place on energy and protein level, and also on biological value of protein. In domestic investigations of pheasant chicks feeding with the concentrate mixture with higher protein value (30% to 28 days of age and 24% to 42 days of age) and with lower stocking density (450 individuals in the group), had significantly bigger Final body mass (457.07 g) and higher daily gain (4.22 g in the first 13:31 and g in the second period), and with better feed conversion ratio.U radu je dat pregled domaćih i stranih istraživanja efekata različitog intenziteta i tehnike ishrane na proizvodne rezultate različitih kategorija fazana. U cilju povećanja broja fazana za odstrel u svetu i kod nas decenijama se gaje fazančići u fazanerijama do starosti od 5-8 nedelja i telesne mase od 400-450 g a zatim se puštaju u lovišta. Kapacitet fazanerija u Srbiji je oko 900.500 jednodnevnih fazančića a za protekle četiri decenije u lovišta Srbije pušteno je nekoliko desetina miliona veštački odgajenih fazana. Kvalitet ishrane matičnog jata fazana koji proizvode jaja za inkubatore direktno utiče na broj, masu i fertilitet jaja, kao i na masu fazančića. Konverzija hrane kod fazančića zavisi od nivoa energije i proteina, kao i od biološke vrednosti proteina, pre svega od sadržaja metionina i lizina. U domaćim ispitivanjima ishrana fazančića smešom koncentrata sa većim nivoom proteina (30% do 15. dana života i 24% do 42. dana) i pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti (450 jedinki u grupi) rezultovala je signifikantno većom završnom telesnom masom (457,07 g) i većim dnevnim prirastima (4,22 g za prvi period odgajivanja i 13,31 g za drugi period), kao i boljom konverzijom hrane

    Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus l.1758) management in Serbia

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    The common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L. 1758) is an allochtonous game species of great importance to the hunting sector in Serbia. Growing concerns over a decline in its population raise issues about the proper management and hunting of common pheasants. As this research tends to identify the importance of common pheasants to Serbian hunters, the present study is based on a mixed research model combining traditional analyses with social studies on Serbian hunters. The data utilized have been collected from the annual management plans of 272 hunting grounds across Serbia and the interviews with 377 hunters. The results obtained suggest that there are significant differences between the analyzed variables in the management plans examined, which indicates that the pheasant hunting management in Serbia is not harmonized. However, the social studies conducted identify the common pheasant as the most hunted and popular game species with Serbian hunters. Accordingly, the common pheasant hunting and management in Serbia has to be improved in order to meet the hunters' expectations and ensure their satisfaction

    Management of roe deer population (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Serbia

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    ABSTRACT The research was conducted during the 2018/19 hunting year at three hunting grounds: "Barajevska reka" - "Takovo" and "Jadar". The average density of Roe deer in hunting grounds varied from 48.67 to 74 individuals per 1,000 ha of hunting-productive area. However, when observing the number of individuals per 1,000 ha of total hunting area, the density varies from 16.07 individuals to 34.72 individuals. The determined gender ratio at the hunting ground "Jadar" was (M: F = 1: 0.93). At the hunting ground "Takovo", the gender ratio was (M: F = 1: 1.22), while at the hunting ground "Barajevska reka" the ratio was (M: F = 1: 1.59). The average fertility of Roe deer was 1.67 embryos per individual, or 1.75 embryos per pregnant female. Depending on the study area, the real growth varied from 0.54 to 0.73 fawns per female. Loss in Roe deer are caused mostly by biotic factors. The determined average age of shot individuals varied depending on the hunting ground from 3.53 to 5.24 years. The current state of Roe deer populations in Serbia varies between analyzed hunting grounds, but the overall situation is quite unsatisfactory, especially in terms of density, gender ratio and age structure of culled individuals

    Analysis of the features of hunting grounds in Serbia

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    Covering almost the entire territory of Serbia, hunting grounds occupy a unique role not only in the country's hunting practices but also in game management and wildlife conservation. Therefore, it is useful to be acquainted with their characteristics in order to manage game in a sustainable manner. Nevertheless, there has not been a proper study on the condition of hunting grounds in Serbia since the country's transition process, which reshaped the hunting sector as a whole. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the features of hunting grounds in Serbia in order to establish a base for future scientific research and appropriate decision making. The research results were obtained on the basis of the data on 272 hunting grounds in Serbia, collated during the hunting year of 2012/2013 and compared with the last comprehensive hunting analysis at the national level in 2001. The analysis suggests that the regal hunting system is still predominant in Serbia. The quality of hunting grounds has been enhanced to a certain extent, although there are yet some challenges which pose a threat to sustainable management such as the oversized hunting areas, lack of employees and poor financial condition.Lovišta u Srbiji imaju jedinstvenu ulogu, pošto se prostiru preko skoro celokupne državne teritorije i služe na samo za lov, nego i za gazdovanje divljači i zaštitu divljih životinja. Zbog toga je korisno poznavati njihove osobine da bi se moglo gazdovati divljači na održiv način. Uprkos svojoj ulozi, od tranzicionih promena u Srbiji koje su preoblikovale i lovstvo, nije bilo odgovarajuće studije koja bi na nacionalnom nivou utvrdila stanje lovišta. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da analizira osobine lovišta u Srbiji i identifikuje njihove karakteristike radi uspostavljanja osnove za buduća naučna istraživanja i odgovarajuće donošenje odluka. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su dobijeni na osnovu podataka prikupljenih iz 272 lovišta u Srbiji za lovnu 2012/2013 godinu i upoređeni sa poslednjom sveobuhvatnom analizom lovstva na nacionalnom nivou iz 2001. godine. Analiza ukazuje da je u Srbiji i dalje dominantan regalni sistem gazdovanja. Kvalitet lovišta je donekle poboljšan, iako i dalje postoje izazovi koji ugrožavaju održivo gazdovanje, kao što su prevelike površine lovišta, nedovoljan broj zaposlenih i teška finansijska situacija

    Genetic variability of pheasant (Phasianus spp) in breeding station Ristovača

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    One of the possible reasons for pheasant population number decline in past several years might be loss of adaptability in populations originated from breeding stations caused by inbreeding depression. Due to fact that adaptability is a consequence of genetic structure of the populations, the aim of this paper was the analysis of genetic variability in pheasant population from breeding station Ristovaca using molecular markers. Allozyme variability of 20 putative gene loci was detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Polymorphism was revealed in 5 loci: Est-1, Pgd, Sod, Gpi-2 and Odh. The values of genetic variability measures - heterozigosity polymorphism, fixation indices and H/P ratio indicate low level of genetic variability and possible presence of inbreeding depression within pheasant population

    Assessing the origin, genetic structure and demographic history of the common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in the introduced European range

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    The common pheasant, a game species widely introduced throughout the world, can be considered as an ideal model to study the efects of introduction events on local adaptations, biogeographic patterns, and genetic divergence processes. We aimed to assess the origin, spatial patterns of genetic variation, and demographic history of the introduced populations in the contact zone of Central and Southeast Europe, using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and microsatellite loci. Both types of molecular markers indicated relatively low to moderate levels of genetic variation. The mtDNA analyses revealed that common pheasants across the study area are divided into two distinct clades: B (mongolicus group) and F (colchicus group). Analyses of the microsatellite data consistently suggested a diferentiation between Hungary and Serbia, with the pheasant population in Hungary being much more genetically homogeneous, while that of Serbia has much more genetic mixture and admixture. This cryptic diferentiation was not detected using a non-spatial Bayesian clustering model. The analyses also provided strong evidence for a recent population expansion. This fundamental information is essential for adequate and efective conservation management of populations of a game species of great economic and ecological importance in the studied geographical region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Određivanje novčane vrednosti hraniva

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    The determinations of nutrient costs and breakeven prices of feedstuffs are important activities in the field of nutritional economics. Nutrient content is the primary determinant of feed value. Various methods can be used to estimate feed values. Method by content of dry matter is appropriate for the comparison of feeds that are similar in composition, but differing in moisture. Method based on barometer feeds can provide reasonable estimates of feed values and can be used with a simple pocket calculator. Linear programming methods are best when applied to individual farm cases. They do require a good ration balancing program, a computer and a skillful nutritionist. Maximum likelihood method uses the prices of all feedstuffs traded in a given market to estimate feedstuff costs. The method was programmed as a Windows application named Sesame. This method give more accurate estimates of feed values but also require a computer. Beware however, that even this high technology and brain power does not account for all factors determining the value of a feed.Određivanje cene hraniva i hranljivih materija je veoma važno sa aspekta ekonomskog razmišljanja u ishrani domaćih životinja. Sadržaj hranljivih materija u najvećoj meri određuje novčanu vrednost hraniva. Postoji vise metoda za određivanje novčane vrednosti hraniva. Metod određivanja na osnovu sadržaja suve materije je pogodan kada su u pitanju dva hraniva sa sličnim hemijskim sastavom, ali koji se razlikuju u sadržaju vlage. Metod određivanja na osnovu cena barometar hraniva (Petersen metod) može da obezbedi prihvatljive rezultate, a za upotrebuj e dovoljno posedovati kalkulator. Metod linearnog programiranja je najbolji kada se primenjuje na individualnim farmama. Zahteva kompjuter, kvalitetan softver za sastavljanje obroka i kvalifikovanog nutricionistu. Metod maksimalne verodostojnosti (Maximum likelihood method), u cilju određivanja novčane vrednosti za neko hranivo uzima u obzir cene svih hraniva na tržištu. Ovaj metod je dostupan za rad kao Windows aplikacija pod nazivom "Sesame". Daje najtačnije rezultate, ali takođe zahteva kompjuter i već pomenuti softver. Uprkos visoko razvijenoj tehnologiji i mogućnostima ljudskog uma, nijedan od prikazanih metoda za određivanje novčane vrednosti hraniva ne uzima u obzir sve faktore koji determinišu cenu istih

    Analysis of the Features of Hunting Grounds in Serbia

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    Covering almost the entire territory of Serbia, hunting grounds occupy a unique role not only in the country’s hunting practices but also in game management and wildlife conservation. Therefore, it is useful to be acquainted with their characteristics in order to manage game in a sustainable manner. Nevertheless, there has not been a proper study on the condition of hunting grounds in Serbia since the country’s transition process, which reshaped the hunting sector as a whole. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the features of hunting grounds in Serbia in order to establish a base for future scientific research and appropriate decision making. The research results were obtained on the basis of the data on 272 hunting grounds in Serbia, collated during the hunting year of 2012/2013 and compared with the last comprehensive hunting analysis at the national level in 2001. The analysis suggests that the regal hunting system is still predominant in Serbia. The quality of hunting grounds has been enhanced to a certain extent, although there are yet some challenges which pose a threat to sustainable management such as the oversized hunting areas, lack of employees and poor financial condition