1,637 research outputs found

    Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly,

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    Rural areas in Europe are presenting a decreasing population density and an increasing age index. These elders usually present multiple diseases that require complex tools to identify the exact cares that they need. Currently, different frameworks can evaluate their functional status and identify the required cares to maintain their Quality of Life, together with the associated cost to the health system. Nevertheless, these frameworks are usually questionnaires that have to be performed by already overloaded professionals. In this paper, we make use of mobile technologies to build a system capable of monitoring the activities of the elderly and analysing these data to assess their functional status. The experiments carried out show us that it correctly evaluates these patients and reduces the effort required by health professionals

    Enriched elderly virtual profiles by means of a multidimensional integrated assessment platform

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    The pressure over Healthcare systems is increasing in most developed countries. The generalized aging of the population is one of the main causes. This situation is even worse in underdeveloped, sparsely populated regions like Extremadura in Spain or Alentejo in Portugal. The authors propose to use the Situational-Context, a technique to seamlessly adapt Internet of Things systems to the needs and preferences of their users, for virtually modeling the elderly. These models could be used to enhance the elderly experience when using those kind of systems without raising the need for technical skills or the costs of implementing such systems by the regional healthcare systems. In this paper, the integration of a multidimensional integrated assessment platform with such virtual profiles is presented. The assessment platform provides and additional source of information for the virtual profiles that is used to better adapt existing systems to the elders needs

    Situational-Context for Virtually Modeling the Elderly

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    The generalized aging of the population is incrementing the pressure over, frequently overextended, healthcare systems. This situations is even worse in underdeveloped, sparsely populated regions like Extremadura in Spain or Alentejo in Portugal. In this paper we propose an initial approach to use the Situational-Context, a technique to seamlessly adapt Internet of Things systems to the needs and preferences of their users, for virtually modeling the elderly. These models could be used to enhance the elderly experience when using those kind of systems without raising the need for technical skills. The proposed virtual models will also be the basis for further eldercare innovations in sparsely populated regions

    Coordinating heterogeneous IoT devices by means of the centralized vision of the SDN controller

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) has become a reality during recent years. The desire of having everything connected to the Internet results in clearly identified benefits that will impact on socio economic development. However, the exponential growth in the number of IoT devices and their heterogeneity open new challenges that must be carefully studied. Coordination among devices to adapt them to their users' context usually requires high volumes of data to be exchanged with the cloud. In order to reduce unnecessary communications and network overhead, this paper proposes a novel network architecture based on the Software-Defined Networking paradigm that allows IoT devices coordinate and adapt them within the scope of a particular context.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    West Nile virus; ecology and epidemiology of an emerging pathogen in Colombia

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    El virus del oeste del Nilo (VON) es mantenido en la naturaleza en un ciclo enzoótico ave-mosquito-ave. Los principales vectores son los mosquitos del genero Culex. Las aves son los huéspedes amplificadores primarios. Humanos y caballos son huéspedes incidentales finales. En humanos las infecciones por VON se presentan como enfermedad febril autolimitada. En los casos de enfermedad neurológica se puede presentar encefalitis, meningitis o meningoencefalitis, con mayor incidencia y mortalidad por encefalitis en personas de mayor edad y pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Se han reportado brotes en África, Medio Oriente, Europa y Asia. El virus apareció por primera vez en Estados Unidos en 1999 y se ha documentado su circulación en México, Islas Caimán, Jamaica, Republica Dominicana, Martinica, Guadalupe, Cuba, Puerto Rico, El Salvador y recientemente Colombia. La importancia en salud pública de VON si es introducido en áreas de Centro y Sur América dependerá del resultado de la interacción de múltiples factores. Colombia reúne las condiciones que favorecen su entrada y desarrollo. Se pueden postular dos hipótesis: el virus podría llegar a ser enzoótico y endémico y causar limitada enfermedad humana, o podría llegar a ser epidémico y causar brotes anuales que afecten humanos y animales. Esto dependerá de la susceptibilidad de las especies aviares colombianas al virus por las diferencias en su biología, y a las variaciones geográficas intraespecificas en la competencia de las diferentes especies de mosquito y los efectos de las condiciones medioambientales sobre su habilidad para transmitir el virus, y estos factores son determinantes en el ciclo de amplificación primario

    The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26): Reliability and Validity in Spanish Female Samples

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    This paper focuses on the validation of the Spanish form of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26; Garner, Olmsted, Bohr & Garfinkel, 1982) across two studies. Participants in Study 1 were 778 females recruited from community settings (aged 12-21). Study 2 included 86 females recruited from clinical and 86 females from community settings (aged 12- 35). Results from Principal and Simultaneous Component Analyses showed a unidimensional structure of the EAT-26 item scores. Reliability analyses supported the internal consistency of the scale. Study 1 also explores the ability of the EAT-26 to discriminate between subjects with Eating Disorder (ED), Symptomatic or Asymptomatic by means of ROC analyses and using results from the Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses (Q-EDD; Mintz, O’Halloran, Mulholland, & Schneider, 1997) as criterion. The EAT-26 demonstrated good specificity but insufficient sensitivity to detect a full or partial ED. Study 2 explores the ability of the questionnaire to discriminate between subjects with and without ED. The EAT-26 demonstrated good specificity and moderate sensitivity to detect ED. Clinical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed

    Calmodulin antagonizes amyloid-β peptides-mediated inhibition of brain plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase

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    AbstractThe synaptosomal plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) plays an essential role in regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentration in brain. We have recently found that PMCA is the only Ca2+ pump in brain which is inhibited by amyloid-β peptide (Aβ), a neurotoxic peptide implicated in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) [1], but the mechanism of inhibition is lacking. In the present study we have characterized the inhibition of PMCA by Aβ. Results from kinetic assays indicate that Aβ aggregates are more potent inhibitors of PMCA activity than monomers. The inhibitory effect of Aβ could be blocked by pretreating the purified protein with Ca2+-calmodulin, the main endogenous activator of PMCA, and the activity of truncated PMCA lacking the calmodulin binding domain was not affected by Aβ. Dot-overlay experiments indicated a physical association of Aβ with PMCA and also with calmodulin. Thus, calmodulin could protect PMCA from inhibition by Aβ by burying exposed sites on PMCA, making them inaccessible to Aβ, and also by direct binding to the peptide. These results suggest a protective role of calmodulin against neuronal Ca2+ dysregulation by PMCA inhibition induced by Aβ

    Variación radial de la anatomía, densidad y durabilidad de la madera de teca (Tectona grandis) procedente de dos calidades de sitio y dos regiones climáticas de Costa Rica

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    The objective of this study was to show the radial variation of some anatomic characteristics, wood density and natural durability of teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) growing in Costa Rica. Samples of trees 13 years old were obtained from two growing sites (high and low growing) of plantations established in a humid tropical climate (CHT) and dry tropical climate (CST). The variables measured of the fibers as well as for the rays were not affected by the climate or the type of growing site, except for the length of the fibers. The fibers of teak wood from the best growing site were significantly larger. Vessels were found with a greater frequency for the CST but mostly solitary in comparison with the CHAverage density, maximum density and the variation within the ring presented a light higher magnitude for the CSThe quality of the growing site did not affect these variables. The resistance of fungus attack was similar in the area of heartwood near the pith compared to the heartwood near the sapwood for all the conditions evaluated. Nevertheless, it was observed in some trees a similar resistance of fungus attack for areas of sapwood compared to similar areas of heartwood.Con el objetivo de mostrar la variación radial de las características anatómicas, de densidad normal y de durabilidad natural de la madera de Tectona grandis L.f. creciendo en Costa Rica, se muestrearon plantaciones de 13 años procedentes de dos regiones con clima diferente: clima húmedo tropical (CHT) y clima seco tropical (CST). En cada una de ellas se analizaron dos tipos de sitios con diferente fertilidad: bueno (SB) y malo (SM). Se encontró que las fibras y los radios no fueran afectados por el tipo de clima o calidad de sitio, a excepción de la longitud de la fibra que sí fue afectada. Se encontró que CST produce mayor frecuencia de vasos, pero en su mayoría solitarios en relación al CHT, la densidad normal promedio, máxima y su variación dentro del anillo, presentan magnitudes mayores en CST que CSH. La calidad de sitio no afectó estas variables. La resistencia al ataque de hongos fue similar en el duramen próximo a la médula y el duramen próximo a la albura para los dos tipos de clima y las calidades de sitio. No obstante, se observó que en algunos árboles la resistencia al ataque de los hongos del duramen fue similar a la albura