394 research outputs found

    Breaking down the language of racism:a computerised linguistic analysis of racist groups’ self-defining online statements

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    The Internet represents a powerful tool for racist groups to build a sense of group consciousness and promote their cause. In the current study, we examined the language used by racist (n = 87), anti-racist (n = 50), and nonactivist (n = 1379) groups when describing their self-defining beliefs online. We used computerized linguistic analysis software to measure psychological indicators and antecedents of group consciousness and to examine the persuasive techniques used in online group communication. Racist and anti-racist groups were similar on some linguistic indicators of group consciousness (e.g., use of words reflecting perceived injustice), but differed on others (e.g., use of words reflecting group identification). Linguistic indicators of antecedents of group consciousness (moral foundations and focus on religion) differed across groups, with racist groups focused more on purity, respect for authority, and religion, and less on fairness than anti-racist groups. Racist groups also used less cognitively complex language than nonactivist groups (but similar levels to anti-racist groups). Our results contribute to understanding how racist groups promote their self-defining beliefs online, and identify several key factors that should be considered when designing policies to reduce racist groups' growth and impact

    Cost-effectiveness of alternative methods of surgical repair of inguinal hernia

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    Objectives: To assess the relative cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic methods of inguinal hernia repair compared with open flat mesh and open non-mesh repair. Methods: Data on the effectiveness of these alternatives came from three systematic reviews comparing: (i) laparoscopic methods with open flat mesh or non-mesh methods; (ii) open flat mesh with open non-mesh repair; and (iii) methods that used synthetic mesh to repair the hernia defect with those that did not. Data on costs were obtained from the authors of economic evaluations previously conducted alongside trials included in the reviews. A Markov model was used to model cost-effectiveness for a five-year period after the initial operation. The outcomes of the model were presented using a balance sheet approach and as cost per hernia recurrence avoided and cost per extra day at usual activities. Results: Open flat mesh was the most cost-effective method of preventing recurrences. Laparoscopic repair provided a shorter period of convalescence and less long-term pain compared with open flat mesh but was more costly. The mean incremental cost per additional day back at usual activities compared with open flat mesh was €38 and €80 for totally extraperitoneal and transabdominal preperitoneal repair, respectively. Conclusions: Laparoscopic repair is not cost-effective compared with open flat mesh repair in terms of cost per recurrence avoided. Decisions about the use of laparoscopic repair depend on whether the benefits (reduced pain and earlier return to usual activities) outweigh the extra costs and intraoperative risks. On the evidence presented here, these extra costs are unlikely to be offset by the short-term benefits of laparoscopic repair.Luke Vale, Adrian Grant, Kirsty McCormack, Neil W. Scott and the EU Hernia Trialists Collaboratio

    Recent advances in clinical practice: Colorectal cancer chemoprevention in the average-risk population

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and lethal malignancies in Western countries. Its development is a multistep process that spans more than 15 years, thereby providing an opportunity for prevention and early detection. The high incidence and mortality rates emphasise the need for prevention and screening. Many countries have therefore introduced CRC screening programmes. It is expected, and preliminary evidence in some countries suggests, that this screening effort will decrease CRCrelated mortality rates. CRC prevention involves a healthy lifestyle and chemoprevention—more specific

    A comparison of oral omeprazole and intravenous cimetidine in reducing complications of duodenal peptic ulcer

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    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common problem and its most common etiology is peptic ulcer disease. Ulcer rebleeding is considered a perilous complication for patients. To reduce the rate of rebleeding and to fasten the improvement of patients' general conditions, most emergency departments in Iran use H2-blockers before endoscopic procedures (i.e. intravenous omeprazole is not available in Iran). The aim of this study was to compare therapeutic effects of oral omeprazole and intravenous cimetidine on reducing rebleeding rates, duration of hospitalization, and the need for blood transfusion in duodenal ulcer patients. METHODS: In this clinical trial, 80 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal peptic ulcer and endoscopic evidence of rebleeding referring to emergency departments of Imam and Sina hospitals in Tabriz, Iran were randomly assigned to two equal groups; one was treated with intravenous cimetidine 800 mg per day and the other, with 40 mg oral omeprazole per day. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found between cimetidine and omeprazole groups in regards to sex, age, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, NSAID consumption, endoscopic evidence of rebleeding, mean hemoglobin and mean BUN levels on admission, duration of hospitalization and the mean time of rebleeding. However, the need for blood transfusion was much lower in omeprazole than in cimetidine group (mean: 1.68 versus 3.58 units, respectively; p < 0.003). Moreover, rebleeding rate was significantly lower in omeprazole group (15%) than in cimetidine group (50%) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that oral omeprazole significantly excels intravenous cimetidine in reducing the need for blood transfusion and lowering rebleeding rates in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Though not statistically significant (p = 0.074), shorter periods of hospitalization were found for omeprazole group which merits consideration for cost minimization

    Влияние светодиодного освещения на содержание фотосинтезирующих пигментов в листьях томата

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    Relevance and methods. We studied the influence of LED lighting of different spectral composition on the content of photosynthetic pigments in tomato leaves to identify the most optimal lighting option suitable for obtaining high-quality seedlings under controlled conditions. We used LED lamps in which the ratio of the photon flux density (PFD) of the orange-red band (607–694 nm) to the PFD of the blue band (400–495 nm) varied from 1 to 20. In this case, the proportion of the PFD in the range 580-607 nm ( yellow) ranged from 13 to 22%, and the fraction of photons in the range 495–580 nm (green) ranged from 18 to 38%. The research was carried out with two varieties of Belarusian tomato varieties, which differed in a number of morphobiological characteristics.Results. It was found that the use of LED lighting of different spectral composition had mainly an inhibitory effect on the biosynthesis of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the leaf tissue of plants. The decrease in the amount of pigments, in comparison with the control variant, reached 47-57%. It was revealed that under all studied lighting options, with the exception of conditions where the spectral ratio R / B ("red/blue") was 0.8, the value of the total inhibitory effect in the Cherry Coral variety was 1.2-1.7 times lower than that of the Zorka variety, which indicated a significantly lower susceptibility of the pigment fund of the former to LED lighting. The smallest inhibitory effect of the latter on the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments in both tomato varieties was established at a photon flux of 69.1 μmol/s, while the greatest, exceeding it by 3.0-3.1 times in the Zorka variety and 4.5-5.3 times for the Cherry Coral variety with a photon flux of 73.9 μmol/s.Актуальность и методика. Изучали влияние светодиодного освещения разного спектрального состава на содержание фотосинтезирующих пигментов в листьях томата для выявления оптимального варианта освещения, пригодного для получения качественной рассады в контролируемых условиях. Применяли светодиодные светильники, у которых отношение плотности потока фотонов (ППФ) оранжево-красной полосы (607–694 нм) к ППФ синей полосы (400–495 нм) варьировало от 1 до 20. При этом доля ППФ в диапазоне 580–607 нм (желтый) составляла от 13 до 22%, а доля фотонов в диапазоне 495–580 нм (зеленый) – от 18 до 38%. Исследования проводили с двумя сортами томата белорусской селекции, которые отличались по ряду морфобиологических признаков.Результаты. Установлено, что применение светодиодного освещения разного спектрального состава оказало в основном ингибирующее действие на биосинтез хлорофиллов и каротиноидов в листовой ткани растений. Снижение количества пигментов, по сравнению с контрольным вариантом, достигало 47-57%. Выявлено, что при всехтисследуемых вариантах освещения, за исключением условий, где спектральное соотношение R/B («красный/синий») составляло 0,8, величина совокупного ингибирующего эффекта у сорта Черри Коралл оказалась в 1,2-1,7 раза меньшей, чем у сорта Зорка, что свидетельствовало о значительно меньшей восприимчивости пигментного фонда первого из них к светодиодному освещению. Наименьшее ингибирующее влияние последнего на биосинтез фотосинтезирующих пигментов у обоих сортов томата установлено при потоке фотонов 69,1 мкмоль/с, тогда как наибольшее, превосходящее его в 3,0-3,1 раза – у сорта Зорка и в 4,5-5,3 раза – у сорта Черри Коралл при потоке фотонов 73,9 мкмоль/с


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    The paper contains research pertaining to laser thermohardening processes of high-strength ВЧ-50 cast iron and grey СЧ-20 cast iron with reference to a problem concerning an increase of wear resistance and operational properties of tractor «Belarus» brake mechanisms.Исследованы процессы лазерного термоупрочнения высокопрочного чугуна ВЧ-50 и серого СЧ-20 применительно к проблеме повышения износостойкости и эксплуатационных свойств тормозных механизмов трактора «Беларус»


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    Influence of technological modes of magnetic-electric grinding on structural changes in a surface layer of gas-thermal sprayed coatings is investigated in the paper. The paper presents optimum modes of  coating roughing and finishing processes.Изучено влияние технологических режимов магнитно-электрического шлифования на структурные изменения в поверхностном слое газотермических покрытий. Предложены оптимальные режимы черновой и чистовой обработки покрытия