23 research outputs found

    Fizikalne i kemijske karakteristike i senzoričko ocjenjivanje plodova šipka (Punica granatum L.) sorte "Glavaš"

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    Physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of pomegranate fruits of cultivar ‘Glavaš’ were investigated. External and internal fruit quality was assessed by standard parameters (fruit and aril weight and dimensions, soluble solids, total acid) and sensorial quality by panel tests (fruit size, shape and colour; juiciness, sweet/acid taste). Among locations ‘Stolac3’ and ‘Buna 3’ have significantly distinct physical characteristics. The highest fruit weight was at ‘Buna 3’. Location ‘Stolac 1’had significantly higher values of total soluble solid content (17,63 ºBrix) and acidity of fruit juice (3,16 g/L). Large differences in sensory scores for fruit taste were found between locations.Istraživane su fizikalne, kemijske i senzoričke karakteristike plodova šipka sorte ‘Glavaš’. Vanjska i unutarnja kakvoća ploda ocijenjena je standardnim parametrima (masa ploda i arilusa, dimenzije ploda i arilusa, suha tvar, ukupne kiseline) i senzoričkim ocjenjivanjem panel testom (krupnoća ploda, oblik i boja ploda i arilusa, sočnost, slatkoća/kiselost). Između istraživanih lokacija statistički značajne razlike u fizikalnim karakteristikama ploda javljaju se na lokacijama ‘Stolac 3’ i ‘Buna 3’. Najveća masa ploda izmjerena je na lokaciji ‘Buna 3’. Lokacija ‘Stolac 1’ značajno se razlikuje u sadržaju suhe tvari (17,63 ºBrix) i ukupnih kiselina (3,16 g/L). Senzoričkim ocjenjivanjem utvrđene su razlike u okusu između plodova na različitim lokacijama

    Fizikalne i kemijske karakteristike i senzoričko ocjenjivanje plodova šipka (Punica granatum L.) sorte "Glavaš"

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    Physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of pomegranate fruits of cultivar ‘Glavaš’ were investigated. External and internal fruit quality was assessed by standard parameters (fruit and aril weight and dimensions, soluble solids, total acid) and sensorial quality by panel tests (fruit size, shape and colour; juiciness, sweet/acid taste). Among locations ‘Stolac3’ and ‘Buna 3’ have significantly distinct physical characteristics. The highest fruit weight was at ‘Buna 3’. Location ‘Stolac 1’had significantly higher values of total soluble solid content (17,63 ºBrix) and acidity of fruit juice (3,16 g/L). Large differences in sensory scores for fruit taste were found between locations.Istraživane su fizikalne, kemijske i senzoričke karakteristike plodova šipka sorte ‘Glavaš’. Vanjska i unutarnja kakvoća ploda ocijenjena je standardnim parametrima (masa ploda i arilusa, dimenzije ploda i arilusa, suha tvar, ukupne kiseline) i senzoričkim ocjenjivanjem panel testom (krupnoća ploda, oblik i boja ploda i arilusa, sočnost, slatkoća/kiselost). Između istraživanih lokacija statistički značajne razlike u fizikalnim karakteristikama ploda javljaju se na lokacijama ‘Stolac 3’ i ‘Buna 3’. Najveća masa ploda izmjerena je na lokaciji ‘Buna 3’. Lokacija ‘Stolac 1’ značajno se razlikuje u sadržaju suhe tvari (17,63 ºBrix) i ukupnih kiselina (3,16 g/L). Senzoričkim ocjenjivanjem utvrđene su razlike u okusu između plodova na različitim lokacijama

    Aceites de oliva virgen extra etiquetados como suplemento alimenticio; compuestos fenólicos en aceites de aceitunas autóctonas croatas

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    Within the framework of an incentive to provide labeled extra virgin olive oils as a food supplement in pharmacies, the phenolic profile analysis of extra virgin olive oils obtained from Croatian olive cultivars has been reported. With the aim of increasing the consumption of EVOO-s in northern Croatia, the varieties Bjelica, Buža and Italian Leccino have been studied involving two different agroclimatic locations, over two harvest years differing significantly in the amount of rainfall. The Croatian cultivars Plominka, Žižolera, Oblica and Lastovka, were also examined. Correlation tests and the insight from PCA reveal that the cultivars are highly individualized in character with regard to relationships among phenolic compounds. Some elements of an innovative labeling aimed to better present the authenticity, quality, excellence and uniqueness of the EVOO-s were suggested.En el marco de los incentivos que se han considerado para proporcionar el etiquetado de aceites de oliva virgen extra como suplemento alimenticio en farmacias, se reporta el análisis del perfil fenólico de aceites de oliva vírgenes extra obtenidos a partir de variedades croatas. Para ampliar el consumo de AOVE-s en el norte de Croacia, se han estudiado las variedades Bjelica, Buža y Leccino italiana procedentes de dos lugares agroclimáticos diferentes que difieren significativamente en la cantidad de lluvia y obtenidos en dos cosechas. Tambien fueron examinados los cultivares croatas Plominka, Žižolera, Oblica y Lastovka. Los test de correlación y los resultados de PCA revelan que las variedades están altamente individualizados en su carácter en lo que respecta a las relaciones entre los compuestos fenólicos. Se sugirieron algunos elementos innovadores para un etiquetado dirigido a presentar mejor la autenticidad, la calidad, la excelencia y la singularidad de los AOVE-s

    Labeled extra virgin olive oil as food supplement; phenolic compounds in oils from some autochthonous Croatian olives

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    Within the framework of an incentive to provide labeled extra virgin olive oils as a food supplement in pharmacies, the phenolic profile analysis of extra virgin olive oils obtained from Croatian olive cultivars has been reported. With the aim of increasing the consumption of EVOO-s in northern Croatia, the varieties Bjelica, Buža and Italian Leccino have been studied involving two different agroclimatic locations, over two harvest years differing significantly in the amount of rainfall. The Croatian cultivars Plominka, Žižolera, Oblica and Lastovka, were also examined. Correlation tests and the insight from PCA reveal that the cultivars are highly individualized in character with regard to relationships among phenolic compounds. Some elements of an innovative labeling aimed to better present the authenticity, quality, excellence and uniqueness of the EVOO-s were suggested.<br><br>En el marco de los incentivos que se han considerado para proporcionar el etiquetado de aceites de oliva virgen extra como suplemento alimenticio en farmacias, se reporta el análisis del perfil fenólico de aceites de oliva vírgenes extra obtenidos a partir de variedades croatas. Para ampliar el consumo de AOVE-s en el norte de Croacia, se han estudiado las variedades Bjelica, Buža y Leccino italiana procedentes de dos lugares agroclimáticos diferentes que difieren significativamente en la cantidad de lluvia y obtenidos en dos cosechas. Tambien fueron examinados los cultivares croatas Plominka, Žižolera, Oblica y Lastovka. Los test de correlación y los resultados de PCA revelan que las variedades están altamente individualizados en su carácter en lo que respecta a las relaciones entre los compuestos fenólicos. Se sugirieron algunos elementos innovadores para un etiquetado dirigido a presentar mejor la autenticidad, la calidad, la excelencia y la singularidad de los AOVE-s

    Makromolekulski prolijekovi. XIII. Vodotopljivi konjugati 17β-estradiola i estradiol-17β-valerata s poliaspartamidnim polimerom

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    Two hydrosoluble conjugates of 17β-estradiol (ED) and estradiol-17β-valerate (EV) with polyaspartamide polymer were prepared and characterized. ED and EV were first chemically modified and bound to poly,-(N-2-hydroxyethyl-DL-aspartamide)-poly,-(N-2-aminoethyl-DL-aspartamide) (PAHA), a hydrosoluble polyaspartamide-type copolymer bearing both hydroxyl and amino groups. ED was first converted to 17-hemisuccinate (EDS) and then bound to PAHA. In the resulting conjugate PAHA-EDS, the estradiol moiety was linked to the polymer through a 2-aminoethylhemisuccinamide spacer. On the other hand, EV was first converted to estradiol-17-valerate-3-(benzotriazole-1-carboxylate), which readily reacted with amino groups in PAHA affording the polymer-drug conjugate PAHA-EV. In the prepared conjugate PAHA-EV, the estradiol moiety was covalently bound to the polyaspartamide backbone by carbamate linkage, through an ethylenediamine spacer. The polymer-drug conjugates were designed and prepared with the aim to increase water-solubility, bioavailability and to improve drug delivery of the lipophilic estrogen hormone.U radu je opisana priprava i karakterizacija dvaju vodotopljivih polimer-lijek konjugata 17β-estradiola (ED) i estradiol-17β-valerata (EV) s poliaspartamidnim polimerom. ED i EV su prvo kemijski modificirani i vezani na poli,-(N-2-hidroksietil-DL-aspartamid)-poli,-(N-2-aminoetil-DL-aspartamid) (PAHA), vodotopljivi poliaspartamidni kopolimer s hidroksi i amino skupinama. ED je prvo preveden u 17-hemisukcinat (EDS), a zatim vezan na PAHA. U nastalom konjugatu PAHA-EDS estradiolska komponenta vezana je na polimer preko 2-aminoetilhemisukcinatne razmaknice. S druge strane, EV je prvo preveden u estradiol-17-valerat-3-(benzotriazol-1-karboksilat), koji reagira s amino skupinama u PAHA dajući polimer-lijek konjugat PAHA-EV. U tom je konjugatu estradiolska komponenta kovalentno vezana na poliaspartamidnu okosnicu karbamatnom vezom, preko etilenediaminske razmaknice. Polimer-lijek konjugati estradiola dizajnirani su i pripravljeni sa ciljem da se poveća topljivost i bioraspoloživost te isporuka tog lipofilnog estrogenog hormona