20 research outputs found

    Potent Motivators for Work among Staff of a Teaching Hospital

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    The human resource of any organization is a unique resource; it can be developed and motivated to be of competitive advantage over other organizations. A motivated workforce therefore ensures improved output from the organization. This study set out to evaluate the level of motivation and factors associated with being well motivated among selected workers in a tertiary institution. Proportionate sampling technique was used to sample 220 staff of Jos University Teaching Hospital and data was collected from and analyzed using Epi Info. Logistic regression was used to assess predictive factors for being highly motivated. There was a statistically significant difference in motivation between respondents as regards age, sex and highest educational status attained. However, motivation was not statistically related to respondents’ duration of work in JUTH or their professional cadre. However motivation was not statistically related to the respondents’ duration of work or professional cadre. On logistic regression, age (20 – 39 years) and gender (being male) were predictive determinants for being highly motivated. Majority of the staff studied were well motivated; particularly the young and male subjects. It is recommended that management of organizations regularly evaluate the level of motivation of their staff to improve performance of the organization.Keywords: Motivators; Workforce; Learning; Teaching hospita

    HIV Prevalence in Vulnerable Children Living in Jos, Plateau State, North-Central Nigeria

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    Background: The lack of Parental supervision, including psycho social problems and decrease access to basic needs  such as food, shelter, clothing, education and health care are examples of the enormous challenges faced by Vulnerable children (VC). These challenges pushes VC to adopt survival and coping strategies, of which some are exposure variables of sexually transmitted infection including HIV infection. In addition, some of these children were orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV. As such, VC should benefit from a health provider initiated counseling and testing for HIV as recommended by the Nigerian HIV policy. However, focus on screening VC for HIV infection has been abysmal; it is on this premise that this study set out to determine the HIV prevalence of vulnerable children in Jos, Nigeria. Methods: Vulnerable children were sampled from 3 different institutions and from households in 3 different communities in Jos, Plateau State with the assistance of Non-Governmental organizations involved in the care of VC. All VC enrolled were interviewed, clinically examined and screened for HIV based on national protocol and standard. Data generated were analyzed using CDC epi info version 7. A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Out of the 237 children enrolled 145 (61.2%) were male VC while 92(38.8%) were female vulnerable children, giving a male female ratio of 1.0: 0.6. HIV sero - positivity was identified in 9 of the 237 VC giving a prevalence of 3.8%, amongst the study subjects. Out of the 9 HIV positive VC, 7 VC (77.8%) were resident in institutions; only two household VC were HIV positive. There was no statistically significant association between place of residence, age of VC, gender and type of vulnerability and HIV status among the studied population. Conclusion: The HIV prevalence of 3.8% in vulnerable children is enormous and appears to be higher amongst children resident in orphanages than those in househol

    Awareness and practice of safety measures against occupational hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Founding predisposes the worker to hazards (extreme heat, dust, fumes, sharp objects), which if unchecked, can cause health problems (burns, respiratory problems, cuts). This study aimed to assess the awareness and practice of safety measures against occupational hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos-North LGA.Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study, which involved 125 aluminium foundry workers in Laranto-Katako area of Jos-North LGA. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Analysis of data was done using EPI-Info® version 3.5.4 statistical software package. A probability value of p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: All 125 (100%) respondents were males with a mean age of 24.8±9.7 years and 52 (41.2%) were less than 20 years of age. The study revealed that 118 (94.4%) of them were aware of occupational hazards associated with foundries; The hazards most known were fires with 116 (92.8%) mentions, extreme heat, 85 (68.0) and sharp objects, 85 (68.0%), and with the least being, long working hours, 25 (20.0%). A majority, 118 (94.4%) were aware of hand gloves, 114 (91.2%) nose masks with overalls having the least awareness, 13 (10.4%). The most frequently used safety measures were nose masks, 73 (58.4%), then hand gloves, 57 (45.6%). A statistically significant relationship, with p value of 0.0321, was found between the level of education and the practice of safety measures.Conclusions: The study showed that most of the foundry workers had good knowledge of the hazards, safety measures; however, there was low use of safety measures. An educational campaign on the hazards and use of safety measures, accompanied by the efforts of the government, should be instituted for the foundry workers regularly to help safeguard their health

    Serotypes and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from Adults with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae causing lower respiratory tract infection remains a global challenge, particularly when it involves drug resistant isolates. It is a cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries including Nigeria. Several studies documented the prevalence, serologic and molecular types, antibiotic susceptibility patterns; as well as the herd effect following vaccination. This study thus determined the prevalence of the Heptavalent vaccine serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae in adult patients and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern. Methods: A cross sectional study involving 91 adult patients with clinical features of lower respiratory tract infection were recruited for this study. Serologic typing as well as antibiotic susceptibility testing were carried out on the Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates. Results: Four (4.4%) of the 91 patients had Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from their clinical samples. Only one (14.3%) of the heptavalent vaccine serotype (serotype 23F) was found. All the four Pneumococci were susceptible to Ceftriaxone, Levofloxacine, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid but varying susceptibility to Erythromycin and Tetracycline. Conclusion: Heptavalent vaccine serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae causes infection in adults. Early detection and appropriate antibiotic susceptibility will enhance proper management of patient. Vaccination of children will reduce infection due to the vaccine serotypes in adult population

    Hepatitis C Virus Antibodies Among Blood Donors in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the hepatitis agents known to be transmitted through blood and blood products. Hepatitis C virus has been implicated as a major cause of chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. This study was, therefore, undertaken with the objective of determining the sero-prevalence of HCV antibodies among blood donors in the central city of Jos, Nigeria. Method: A total of two hundred blood donors were recruited from three hospitals within Jos metropolis. Sera from all subjects were tested for Hepatitis C virus antibodies using a second generation enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Ninety five percent (95%)of the blood donors were males and most of them were aged between 21 and 50years. Twelve (6.0%)of the blood donors were anti-HCV seropositive and all of them males. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to introduce routine screening of blood donors for Hepatitis C virus markers in centers where this is not currently been practiced. This will reduce the risk of transfusion-associated hepatitis C infection and its complications in Nigeria

    Knowledge and practice of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria

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    There is a global strategy to improve health through prompt identification and treatment of diseases. The pharmacy profession has remodelled its roles in an attempt to meet these global expectations through pharmaceutical care. The objective of this study was therefore to assess the knowledge and practice of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists in Jos metropolis. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 42 community pharmacists in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State in October 2012 using a self-administered questionnaire as the data collection tool. Completed questionnaires were analysed descriptively and relationship between variables were tested by chi-square test using SPSS version 17. Thirty six questionnaires were completed and returned representing a response rate of 85.7%. All respondents (100%) reported they are knowledgeable about pharmaceutical care while 81% of them practice it. Availability of a private consultation room and number of prescriptions attended to per day were found to positively influence counselling time (p=0.008) and (p=0.026) respectively. Years of experience in practice was found to influence pharmacists’ view on confidentiality of patient information (p=0.031). There was a positive knowledge of pharmaceutical care among community pharmacists in the Jos metropolis with 81% of them reported to be practicing it. Keywords: Pharmaceutical care, Knowledge, practice, community pharmacists, JosJournal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, Vol. 10 No. 3 (2013

    Cryptosporidiosis in HIV/AIDS Adult Patients in Jos

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in adult HIV/AIDS patients with diarrhoea Method: Blood and stool samples of 190 HIV-seropositive adults and another 190 HIV-sero-negative adults aged 15-70 years were collected and screened for HIV and Cryptosporidium oocysts respectively. The sera were screened by double ELISA and the stool by the modified Ziehl Neelsen method. Result: Out of the 190 HIV-seropositive adults 17(9.0%) excreted Cryptosporidium oocyst in their stool while only 3(1.6%) of the control group excreted the oocyst. Conclusion: The prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis is high in HIV/AIDS adult patients in this environment. KEY WORDS: Cryptosporiodiosis, Adults, HIV./AIDS, Jos. Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.1(4) 2003: 17-2

    Two-Year Review of Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacteriuria in Pregnant Women Attending Ante Natal Clinic in Jos Nigeria

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    Background: Urinary tract infections acquired during pregnancy can result in the development of symptomatic cystitis and up to 50% of women develop pyelonephritis. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is also associated with intrauterine growth retardation and delivery of low-birth-weight infants. Most published literature of Urinary tract infections in pregnancy come from developed countries and there is scanty information from developing countries. The objective of this study was to determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of bacteriuria in pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) Plateau state, Nigeria.Methods: A retrospective review of microscopy, culture and antibiotic susceptibility of urine specimens from pregnant women in JUTH between 1st June 2007 and 31st May 2009.Results: The total number of urine samples submitted during the period of study was 1340, out of which 1242 had pus cells of 10 and below per high power field. Prevalence of 12.4% significant bacteriuria was obtained from a total of 166 organisms isolated from culture. The most frequently isolated organism was Escherichia coli 36(38.6%) from which 89.1% was susceptible to nitrofurantoin while 100% was resistant to cotrimoxazole and erythromycin. The organism least isolated from culture was Pseudomonas species 3(1.8%) which was sensitive to ofloxacin and gentamycin but resistant to tetracycline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol and nitrofurantoin.Conclusion: The prevalence of bacteriuria amongst pregnant women attending ANC at JUTH is high but routine urine screening at the first antenatal visit with subsequent treatment will prevent the sequelae of bacteriuria

    Reasons why West Africa continues to be a hotbed for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) exhibits a huge disease burden on West Africa, with a large proportion of all HCC cases worldwide occurring in the sub-region. The high HCC prevalence is due to the endemicity of a number of risk factors, most notably hepatitis B, C and HIV. West African HCC also displays a poor prognosis. Generally speaking, this is owing to more aggressive tumours, late patient presentation and inadequate management. Exposure to chronic viral hepatitis, more carcinogenic West African strains of hepatitis B virus and carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1 all encourage tumour growth. Lack of patient confidence in the healthcare system contributes to poor health-seeking behaviors and management of the disease can be lacking, due in part to poor health infrastructure, resources available and lack of access to expensive treatment. There is also much we do not know about West African HCC, especially the effect rising obesity and alcohol use may have on this disease in the future. Suggestions for improvement are discussed, including surveillance of high-risk groups. Although there is much to be done before West African HCC is thought to be a curable disease, many steps have been taken to move in the right direction

    Cervical Dysplasia In Hiv Seropositive Women In Nigeria

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    Objective: To identify social, behavioural and epidemiologic predictors of cervical dysplasia in HIV- infected women in central Nigeria. Design: A cross sectional study. Setting: Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Nigeria. Patients: Cases were HIV- positive heterosexually active women diagnosed between January and April 2005 in JUTH. Controls were HIV- negative heterosexually active women recruited from HIV testing sites. Family and social history and cervical smears were obtained from the subjects. Results: Univariate analysis of 178 HIV- positive and 116 HIV- negative women showed that HIV-positive cases were more likely to be unemployed ( OR= 7.31, RR= 1.83, P< 0.0001), divorced ( OR= 3.69, P< 0.006, RR= 1.60), widowed (OR= 5.63, RR= 1.77, P< 0.0001), housewives ( OR= 2.19, RR= 1.83, P< 0.03), singles ( OR= 3.19, RR= 1.57, P < 0.0001), have had STDs (OR= 3.30, RR= 1.66, P< 0.0001) and more lifetime sexual partners (OR= 2.05, RR= 1.53, P< 0.0001). Inflammatory smears were more associated with HIV-positive cases (OR= 2.71, P< 0.0001). High grade dysplasia was more likely to be present in HIV-infected women (OR= 10.71, RR= 1.95, P< 0.003). The prevalence of cervical dysplasia was found to be 21% and 6% in HIV cases and controls respectively. Conclusion: We conclude that the prevalence of cervical dysplasia is two times higher in HIV- infected women than HIV- negative women in Jos. Socioeconomic factors such as poverty and social insecurity are risk factors for HIV infection as well are predictors of cervical dysplasia. Keywords: HIV infection, cervix, dysplasia, NigeriaHighland Medical Research Journal Vol. 4 (2) 2006 pp. 21-2