9 research outputs found

    Turbidite sedimentology and history at DSDP Site 89-585

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    At Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, a 900-m section of Aptian-Albian to Recent sediments was recovered. The upper 590 m are pelagic components (carbonate, siliceous, and clay); small-scale graded sequences and laminations are common. The underlying sediments are volcaniclastic sandstones with a large proportion of shallow-water carbonate debris; sedimentary structures including complete Bouma sequences, cross-laminae, and scouring are common. These structures indicate that the entire section was deposited by turbidity currents. The change in lithology upward in the section reflects the evolution of the surrounding seamounts, from their growth stages during the middle of the Cretaceous to the later subsidence phases. Several black layers containing pyritized organic debris and associated turbidite structures were cored near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary; this material has been transported from the flanks of the seamounts where it was deposited within a shallow anoxic zone. Seismic data extends the stratigraphy across the entire Basin, showing the reflectors onlapping the seamounts, and indicating at least 1200 m of sediment at Site 585. The crust is placed at 6900 m after correcting for sediment loading, and the subsidence curve indicates that the Basin has been deeper than 5500 m since before the Aptian

    El Margen Atlántico Ibérico al W de Galicia. Evolución en régimen extensional y sedimentación. (Resultados preliminares del Leg. 103, Ocean Drilling Program.)

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    Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) was devoted discovering the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Atlantic Margin of the lberian Peninsula. A transect of five sites, with a total of 14 drill-holes was undertaken to the South of the Galicia Bank on the seaward edge of the margin. The data obtained revealed a complex history of subsidence and rifting preceding the initiation of sea floor spreading between Newfoundland and Iberia. The main findings include: 1) The Upper Jurassic-Lowermost Cretaceous shallow-water carbonate platform are the first Messozoic deposits at the margin. The «basement seismic reflector» is made-up of these carbonates. 2) The platform drowning, tilting of fault blocks and rapid subsidence preceded the spreading by as much as 25 million years. 3) A ridge of serpentiniced peridotites is located near the boundary between the oceanic and continental crusts. 4) The seismic reflector «S» does not, as widely believed represent a ductile-brinle boundary within the continental crust but is instead a reflector at the base of the synrift sediments.La campaña oceanográfica 103 del Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) ha estado dedicada a dilucidar la evolución tectónica y sedimentación del Margen Atlántico-Ibérico. Se realizaron un total de 14 sondeos., en cinco puntos de posicionamiento, sobre el extremo más profundo del margen; al S del Banco de Galicia. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que previamente al inicio de la expansión oceánica entre Terranova e Iberia ocurrió una historia compleja de distensión cortical, fracturación y subsidencia asociadas. Los resultados fundamentales son los siguientes: 1) Carbonatos de plataforma marina somera, de edad Jurásico superior-Cretáceo basal constituyen los primeros depósitos mesozóicos en ese ámbito del margen y dan lugar a un reflector sísmico considerado interiormente como basamento, 2) El hundimiento de la plataforma, fallamiento y basculamiento de los bloques ocurre desde 25 m.a. antes de iniciarse la acreción oceánica. 3) En el límite entre corteza oceánica-corteza continental se ubica una cresta constituida por peridotitas serpetinizadas. 4) El reflector sísmico «S», generalmente considerado como el límite dúctil-frágil en la corteza continental, corresponde realmente a la base de los depósitos sinrift