29 research outputs found

    Ispitivanja urodinamskih disfunkcija kod bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom

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    Background/Aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the unknown origin leading to multifocal demyelization, axonal damage and the loss of the nervous tissue in various parts of the central nervous system. Most MS patients have decreased functionality of the bladder leading to various dysuria disorders during the course of the illness. However, in 2% of the cases dysuric problems are the first symptoms of the disease. Urodynamic testing could help to diagnose functional disorders of the lower urinary tract, which might not be otherwise possible by performing the standard invasive procedures or noninvasive scans, such us ultrasound, computed tomography or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods. Urodynamic testing - cystometry with electromyographic (EMG) potentials from the external anal sphincter (EAS), was performed in 34 patients (25 female and 9 male patients). Those patients fulfilled Mc Donald's multiple sclerosis criteria. The urodynamic values were compared to neurological signs and the present disease symptoms. Results. The MS patients with (27) and without (7) miction problems were tested. Detrusor hyperreflexia is the most common finding, present in 58.8% of the cases. More than a half of the patients have detrusor sphincter dissynergia. Conclusions. Urodynamic testing helps us to determine neurological disorders characteristics and to prepare an appropriate treatment plan. During the course of the disease different urodynamic disfunctions may occur as well as changes in the urinating functionality. The rationale for urodynamic testing in patients suffering from MS before any other treatment procedure is to confirm the diagnosis of dysuric disorders and to secure appropriate treatment.Uvod/Cilj. Multipla skleroza (MS) je hronično zapaljensko autoimuno oboljenje nepoznate etiologije koje dovodi do multifokalne demijelinizacije, oštećenja aksona i gubitka nervnog tkiva u različitim delovima centralnog nervnog sistema. Većina bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom ima i poremećenu funkciju mokraćne bešike koja dovodi do različitih dizuričnih smetnji tokom trajanja bolesti. Samo kod 2% bolesnika ove smetnje su prvi simptom bolesti. Urodinamsko ispitivanje omogućava nam da postavimo dijagnozu funkcionalnih poremećaja donjeg urinarnog trakta, što uobičajenim invazivnim procedurama ili neinvazivnim snimanjima (ultrazvuk, kompjuterizovana tomografija ili funkcionalna magnetna rezonanca) često nije moguće ustanoviti. Metode. Urodinamsko ispitivanje - cistometrija i registrovanje elektromiografskih (EMG) potencijala sa spoljašnjeg analnog sfinktera (SAS) urađeno je kod 34 bolesnika (25 žena i 9 muškaraca), koji ispunjavaju Mc Donaldove dijagnostičke kriterijume za multiplu sklerozu. Dobijene vrednosti su upoređivane sa neurološkom simptomatologijom i znacima bolesti. Rezultati. Ispitivani su bolesnici sa (n = 27) i bez (n = 7) mikcionih tegoba. Hiperrefleksija detrusor bila je najčešći nalaz, prisutan čak kod 58,8% bolesnika. Više od polovine ovih bolesnika imalo je detrusor-sfinkter disinergiju. Zaključak. Urodinamsko ispitivanje može pomoći da se utvrde postojeći neurourološki poremećaji i na osnovu njih planira sprovođenje odgovarajućeg terapijskog plana. Tokom trajanja bolesti mogu se ustanoviti različiti oblici urodinamskih nalaza disfunkcije, kao i promena funkcije mokrenja. Razlog za sprovođenje urodinamskog ispitivanja kod bolesnika sa MS pre svake terapije bio bi postavljanje jasne dijagnoze dizuričnih poremećaja koja bliže određuje pravilnu i adekvatnu terapiju

    Patterns of fluidity: mostar interchange in Belgrade

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    The main idea of this paper is to research the patterns of fluidity in the relationship between contemporary urban perceptual experiences and architectural elements of Mostar Interchange in Belgrade. Fluidity is positioned as the main conceptual phenomenon, simultaneously causing and manifesting in contemporary transformations of perceptual and spatial conditions into a constant process of dynamic interactions and flows. This research is contextualized by reading the new sense of perceptive, sensory and experiential values of this city area through the analysis of the architectural patterns of fluid experience. Accordingly, this research is focused on the relations between the elements of form, tectonics and ambient in the Mostar Interchange architecture and dynamic perceptual experiences in the process of constant movement. The dynamic concept of flows is placed into the spatial perspective as a design method and architectural criterium for creation of the patterns of fluidity. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to put fluidity and notion of flow into the spatial perspective through the patterns of relations, continuity, dynamism, sequence and repetition of formal, tectonic and ambient elements

    HPV testing on self collected cervicovaginal lavage specimens as screening method for women who do not attend cervical screening: cohort study

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    Objective To determine whether offering self sampling of cervicovaginal material for high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is an effective screening method for women who do not attend regular cervical screening programmes

    The instrumentalisation of the fluidity phenomenon in the XXI century architecture

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    Предмет истраживања ове дисертације је феномен флуидности у архитектури, који до сада није дефинисан у области архитектуре и урбанизма...The research topic of this dissertation is the phenomenon of fluidity in architecture, which until now remained non-defined within the field of architecture and urbanism..

    Potential uses of biomass from fast-growing crop miscanthus×giganteus

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    There is an increasing interest in perennial grasses as a renewable source of bioenergy and feedstock for second-generation cellulosic biofuels. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and miscanthus (Miscanthus×giganteus), belonging to the parennial grasses group, are the major lignocellulosic materials being studied today as sources for direct energy production, biofuels, bioremediation and other. They have the ability to grow at low cost on marginal land where they will not compete with the traditional food crops. Miscanthus×giganteus possesses a number of advantages in comparison with the other potential energy crops such as are: high yields, low moisture content at harvest, high water and nitrogen use efficiencies, low need for annual agronomic inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, high cellulose content, non-invasive character, low susceptibility to pests and diseases and broad adaptation to temperate growing environments. The main problems are low rate of survival during the first winter after the creation of plantation and the relatively high establishment costs. Miscanthus×giganteus is grown primarily for heat and electricity generation but can also be used to produce transport fuels. Miscanthus biomass has a very good combustion quality due to its low water concentration as well as its low Cl, K, N, S and ash concentrations compared to other lignocellulose plants. It is expected that miscanthus will provide cheaper and more sustainable source of cellulose for production of bioethanol than annual crops such as corn. Miscanthus has great promise as a renewable energy source, but it can only be realised when the grass production has been optimised for large-scale commercial cultivation. However, further research is still needed to optimise agronomy of miscanthus, to develop the production chain and pre-treatment as well as to optimise energy conversation route to produce heat, electricity, and/or fuels from biomass, if miscanthus is to compete with fossil fuel use and be widely produced

    Hepatitis B screening in pregnant women in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia

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    The principal screening test for maternal infection is the serologic identification test for the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Data of HBsAg testing surveillance from all public and private laboratories in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, were collected. There were differences in the inclusion of pregnant women for HBsAg testing between the different counties in the province, ranging from 9% to 68% in Zapadnobački county and Severnobački county, respectively. Preventing perinatal transmission should be an important element in any national strategy for the control hepatitis B infection