34 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Perempuan: Pergulatan Wacana Di Nahdlatul Ulama (Nu)

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    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) currently considers as the biggest issue and its subcategory, rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB). MDR-TB is defined as a resistant to isoniazid (H) and rifampicin (R), while the latter is resistant to rifampicin (R) only. Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus increases the risk of TB and leads to poor TB treatment outcomes as well it is consider potentially threating TB control. Difference in patients’ response and side effect developments toward anti-TB (ATB) medications requires rechallenging procedure that can be complicated at times. The management of MDR-TB can be complicated, especially, when the patient cannot tolerate the short regimen. Difference in patients’ response and side effect developments toward ATB medications requires rechallenging procedure which can have prolonged treatment time, hospital stay, and make patients exposed to hospital-acquired infection. This challenges and obstacles, however, could be prevented earlier by having strong DOTS strategy to prevent the development of resistance and reactivation of TB


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    ABSTRACT One of the alternative financing projects that can be used is by issuing corporate bonds. Bonds experienced considerable progress as financial instruments in the period of 2000. Bonds were able to become one of the financing alternatives for projects and competitive against other sources of financing such as loans from conventional banks. One of the project issues is the delay in project financing is expected to be resolved by alternative financing through corporate bond issuance. Eureka Villa private project in this research will try to simulate its financing by using financing through corporate bond issuance. For this purpose, a financial feasibility analysis of the investment system will be conducted using funds from corporate bonds on villa operations. The principal amount of the bonds to be issued are IDR 80,000,000,000.00 with 7.5% coupon per annum payable every 6 months and redeem principal bonds with sinking fund each year over the life of the bonds of 10 years. Nominal investment receipts of IDR 16,000,000,000.00 or in lot units of 3200 lots carried out during the implementation of the project is 12 months assuming the receipt of investment funds 5 times every 3 months. Payment of interest coupon and principal redemption are payable after the villa commences operations on September 1, 2017 with annual payment of IDR 14,005,000,000.00. After calculating the NPV & IRR for the income and outcome of the villa with the source of the cost of the bonds obtained NPV = (-IDR 77,048,163,482.40 ) < 0 and IRR = 1.5 Ă— 10-13% < MARR 12%, then the investment plan of Corporate Bonds on the construction project Eureka Villa Tuban - Bali using the NPV method and the IRR method is recommended "not feasible". Keyword: Corporate Bonds, Construction Management, Financial Analisy


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    Le but de notre travail est de déterminer l'influence de la structure et de la concentration de glucides simples (oses) et composés (diholosides) sur l'atténuation ultrasonore de solutions contenant ce type de molécules. Les expériences montrent qu'il n'existe aucune différence d'atténuation entre une solution aqueuse de glucose (aldose) et une solution de fructose (cétohexose) dans les mêmes concentrations molaires. Par contre les solutions aqueuses de saccharose (glucose-fructose) et de maltose (glucose-glucose) présentent des valeurs d'atténuation différentes surtout aux basses fréquences (40-150 MHz). D'autre part, l'influence de la concentration des glucides sur l'absorption ultrasonore haute fréquence (50-500 MHz) a été mise en évidence au cours de nos travaux.Our aim is to investigate the influence of the structure and concentration of simple and compound sugars on the ultrasonic absorption of solutions containing these molecules. Our experiments show no difference between the attenuation of an aqueous solution of glucose and a fructose one with the same molar concentrations. However aqueous solutions of sucrose (glucose-fructose) and maltose (glucose-glucose) exhibit different attenuation figures, mainly at low frequencies (40-50 MHz). Morever the influence of the sugars concentration on ultrasonic absorption has been evidenced at frequencies between 50 and 500 MHz


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    Nous nous sommes attachés dans ce travail, à déterminer expérimentalement l'atténuation des ultrasons dans le sang en fonction de ses constituants essentiels (plasma et globules rouges) dans une gamme de fréquences s'étendant de 50 à 400 MHz à la température de 20°C. L'originalité et l'intérêt d'une telle entreprise consistent en une prospection plus fine des caractéristiques acoustiques du sang étant donné que dans cette gamme de fréquences, les longueurs d'ondes deviennent comparables à la taille des diffuseurs (les globules rouges). Toutefois, le choix de l'atténuation en tant que moyen de caractérisation hautes fréquences n'est pas le plus judicieux, car il semblerait qu'il n'existe pas de corrélation remarquable entre la taille des diffuseurs et la longueur d'onde d'une part et l'atténuation mesurée avec un transducteur sensible à la phase d'autre part. Il sera nécessaire d'étudier l'évolution d'autres grandeurs telle que la répartition spatiale du diffusé en fonction de la fréquence. Des mesures de l'atténuation en fonction de l'hématocrite révèlent la même dépendance en fréquence des diverses courbes. L'atténuation montre une évolution croissante jusqu'à un hématocrite de 22.5%, se stabilise entre 22.5% et 36% et évolue de nouveau jusqu'à 45%. Il a également été mis en évidence que le plasma participe dans une proportion de 36% à l'atténuation dans le sang.Our interest here is in the experimental determination of ultrasonic attenuation in blood as a function of its main components (plasma and erythrocytes) in the frequency range between 50 and 400 MHz at the room temperature of 20°C. The originality of this work is that, with such high frequencies, the wavelengths become very close to the scatterers' (the erythrocytes) size, leading to a microscopic characterization of the tissue. However, the choice of attenuation as a mean for high frequency characterization is not the most judicious one because it seems that no remarkable correlation exists between the scatterers' size and the ultrasonic wavelengths on one hand and the ultrasonic attenuation measured with a phase sensitive transducer on another hand. It will also prove necessary to study the variations of other physical parameters as the retrodiffused acoustic field spatial distribution versus frequency. The relation between the attenuation and the hematocrit is also examined up to a hematocrit of 45 percent. According to our findings, the attenuation increases along with the hematocrit until 22.5 percent, remains constant between 22.5 and 36 percent and then increases together with the hematocrit. We also measured a nearly 36 percent contribution of plasma to blood attenuation