388 research outputs found

    Geopolymer Cement: an Initiative towards the Replacement of Grey Cement by Green Cement in Future

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    The emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from the production of Ordinary Portland Cement and Blended Portland Cement have widely affected the environment with increase in infrastructure development worldwide. Secondly, due to the continuous mining of limestone for the production of cement there is also simultaneous depletion of natural resources and hardly will it last up to maximum 40 years. Hence we need to switch over to some other alternate binders for constructions purpose in future. Geopolymer Cement is one of the inventions which is produced by a polymeric chain reaction of alkali-activated alumino-silicate materials better known as alkali activator (NaOH/Na2SiO3) binders with the industrial by-product materials such as Fly Ash, Rice Husk Ash, Slag, Crusher Dust etc. and provides high compressive strength which is comparable to BPC and reduces the carbon foot print. The objective of our study is to prepare the low CO2 foot print green Geopolymer Cement which may substitute the Ordinary Portland Cement and Blended Portland Cement in future and will helpful to reduce the greenhouse effect up to some extent and takes an initiative towards the green revolution movement


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    Eradication of illegal fishing activities related to violations of the use of destructive fishing equipment such as explosives has not yet shown encouraging signs, this incident actually does not need to happen, if government officials and the police can respond to the problem. The motives of fishermen fishing with explosives, namely fishing activities are the livelihoods of fishing communities to fulfill basic needs, mental attitudes and personalities of fishermen who prefer to catch fish in a short time, Efforts to overcome the use of explosives in fishing on Manokwari Lemon Island, West Papua Province, namely by strictly enforcing the law against the perpetrators, providing knowledge to the fishing community about the impact of using explosives in fishing and cooperating with other relevant agencies such as the Manokwari Regency Fisheries Service. Keywords: countermeasures, explosives, fisheries crime, Manokwari. DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/74-07 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    Pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai instrumen-instrumen pada pesawat terbang menjadi sangat penting bagi pilot, mekanik, ataupun orang lain yang bekerja dibidang yang berkaitan dengan pesawat. Namun, hambatan utama dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini adalah sulitnya pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran mengenai pesawat ini. Alat dari penulis akan melengkapi sarana pembelajaran sistem kerja heading indicator. Pembuatan alat ini berlandaskan pada komponen-komponen yang disusun menjadi satu kesatuan yang meliputi komponen input, proses dan output. Dimana komponen input meliputi sensor compass QMC5883,power supply atau baterai,dan micro tester. Komponen proses yaitu mikrokontroler dengan jenis arduino MEGA . Komponen output yaitu mini servo dan display jenis TFT display ILI9481. Prinsip kerja dari alat ini yaitu prototipe pesawat akan bergerak menggunakan mini servo yang dikontrol melalui micro tester,mini servo dipasang pada bagian bawah prototipe. Pergerakan mini servo akan menyebabkan Gerakan yawing pada prototipe pesawat, dimana pada prototipe tersebut telah dipasangkan sensor gyroscope QMC5883 dan mikrokontroller jenis arduino MEGA. Gerakan yawing pada prototipe akan ditangkap oleh sensor compassQMC5883, kemudian data dari sensor akan dikirimkan kepada mikrokontroler untuk diproses. Selanjutnya data hasil proses akan ditampilkan pada display jenis TFT display ILI9481


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    Kampung Soryar distrik Biak Timur terletak di pesisir kabupaten biak memiliki hasil laut yang melimpah, sebagian besar penduduknya berprofesi sebagai nelayan tradisional. Salah satu hasil laut yang banyak dihasilkan oleh nelayan di Kampung Soryar adalah ikan tongkol atau Euthynnus affinis, dengan hasil tangkapan yang sangat banyak apalagi saat musim tangkap melimpah. Hasil tangkapan ikan tongkol melimpah itu sehingga terkadang banyak pedagang maupun nelayan mengalami kerugian karena terkadang ikan yang tidak laku mengalami pembusukan. Belum adanya industri pengolahan ikan, itu juga yang menjadi penghambat usaha pemasaran ikan. Oleh karena itu maka kita perlu mendorong industri kreatif rumah tangga. Kemudian kelompok ibu-ibu PKK kampung Soryar Distrik Biak Timur kabupaten Biak NumforĀ  dipilih untukĀ  menjadi mitra dalam membuat produk olahan ikan tongkol menjadi abon. Mengolah ikan basah menjadi abon selain dapat menjadi sumber protein yang dapat disimpan lama juga menambah daya jual ikan tongkol, pada saat tangkapan melimpah tidak semua ikan tangkapan tidak dijual basah di pasar ikan tetapi sebagian dijual ke kelompok Ibu-ibu PKK untuk diolah menjadi abon selain itu dapat menjadi peluang usaha terbuka sehingga akan meminimalkan tingkat pengangguran untuk ibu-ibu rumah tangga. Mitra dalam PKM ini adalah kelompok Ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang di kampung Soryar. Luaran yang diharapkan dari kegitan ini adalah adanya produk olahan ikan tongkolĀ  menjadi abon ikan tongkol

    Understanding the Extent, Composition, and Characteristics of the Poor

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    Probing deeper into the poverty picture, this Policy Note examines the extent, composition, and characteristics of the poor, using various rounds of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) and Annual Poverty Indicator Survey (APIS) as panel data sets. Understanding these aspects could provide insights that may guide the government in formulating specific types of interventions for different groups of households, especially the chronic and transient poor.Philippines, chronic poor, transient poor, panel data

    Constraints in Countermeasures to Illegal Fishing Crime by Water Police Directorate of Papua Regional Police

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    The recognition of Indonesia as an archipelagic states is a great boon for the Indonesian nation as the waters of the National jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia are increasingly widespread and judged to have a wealth of diversity contained in it is very potential for the economic development of the country. One of the big islands located in the eastern tip of Indonesia which also has a wealth of fisheries and marine resources is a very large island of Papua. Yet this enormous potential has not been properly managed and utilized, accountable and sustainable for the welfare of society. The problems studied in this paper are the constraints faced by the Directorate of Water Police in the handling of illegal fishing crime in the jurisdiction of the Papua Regional Police. This type of research is normative legal research and empirical legal research using legislation approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. There are two types of data in this study, namely primary data and secondary data. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive-qualitative technique. The results showed that the constraints faced by the Directorate of Water Police in the handling of Illegal Fishing crime is caused by the lack of optimal human resources of water police related to the number and competence in the field of water; Infrastructure constraints that have not been optimal in the form of Patrol Ship, the existence of Dock and Docking Ship that is still not available; obstacles Regulation related to boundary Jurisdiction or authority that is only 12 miles drawn from coastline as opposed to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 Year 2002 about Police in Article 17 that Police officer in carrying out its duties and authority throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia; constraints of people without high legal awareness; and cultural constraints that have been done for a long time, this is done by the community as a mode to pursue a profit. Keywords: countermeasures, illegal fishing, obstacles, Papua Regional Police

    Variation In The Role And Coping Mechanism of 4Ps Beneficiaries In Northern Samar

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    This study analyzed the emerging roles and coping mechanisms of poor families in the province of Northern Samar considering the 4Ps recipients as the representatives of the poor families. It described the emergent roles of families in relation to income generation, provision of basic needs and family spending. The power patterns among poor families were also examined. It also discussed the coping mechanisms of poor families in terms of income generation, provision of basic needs and family spending. This study was conducted in the province of Northern Samar and considered one municipality from every geographical area as the major data source. The municipality of Lavezares represented the BalicuatroĀ  area, Catarman for the central area and Pambujan for the Pacific Area. This study considered the heads of poor families in drawing out data. The recipients of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) were basically the subjects of the study. They were drawn through purposive sampling technique. Among the parentsā€™ emergent role on income generation, giving of the whole income for the family was frequently practiced while accepting immediate paid labor and leaving the major source of income was least or occasionally practiced. On the provision of basic needs the frequently performed role was the daily preparation of food by the parents and the leastĀ  frequently practiced was the provision of regular budget for food. On family spending, the frequently performed role was that the parents make the final decision, making authority and the occasionally practiced was that, the parents donā€™t tell the family on significant matters. Among the family power patterns, the frequently played was the voice of the father is the law in the family while the least manifested power pattern was that, the father is the head but not the breadwinner, thus obedient to the breadwinner. In terms of income generation, family coping mechanisms of poor families in Northern Samar, the frequently practiced mechanism was generally, the culture of sharing is observed in the family while the seldom practiced was a member of the family has to stop schooling and work to augment the income of the family. On the provision of basic needs, the occasionally practiced was that the father doubles his major task to support and satisfy the basic needs of the family while the seldom practiced was, the eldest child of the family has to go to an urban/city area for a job to finance the basic needs of the family. Any member of the family is consulted for decision on spending matter is the occasionally shown coping mechanism while, in all family affairs, decision on spending is always put upon the shoulders of the close friends was the seldom coping mechanism shown. Keywords: Family role, coping mechanisms, poor families

    Resilience and well-being among children of migrant parents in South-East Asia

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    There has been little systematic empirical research on the well-being of children in transnational households in South-East Asiaā€”a major sending region for contract migrants. This study uses survey data collected in 2008 from children aged 9, 10 and 11 and their caregivers in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam (N=1,498). Results indicate that while children of migrant parents, especially migrant mothers, are less likely to be happy compared to children in non-migrant households, greater resilience in child well-being is associated with longer durations of maternal absence. There is no evidence for a direct parental migration effect on school enjoyment and performance. The analyses highlight the sensitivity of results to the dimension of child well-being measured and who makes the assessment.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    REDHORSE-REcombination and Double crossover detection in Haploid Organisms using next-geneRation SEquencing data

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    BACKGROUND: Next-generation sequencing technology provides a means to study genetic exchange at a higher resolution than was possible using earlier technologies. However, this improvement presents challenges as the alignments of next generation sequence data to a reference genome cannot be directly used as input to existing detection algorithms, which instead typically use multiple sequence alignments as input. We therefore designed a software suite called REDHORSE that uses genomic alignments, extracts genetic markers, and generates multiple sequence alignments that can be used as input to existing recombination detection algorithms. In addition, REDHORSE implements a custom recombination detection algorithm that makes use of sequence information and genomic positions to accurately detect crossovers. REDHORSE is a portable and platform independent suite that provides efficient analysis of genetic crosses based on Next-generation sequencing data. RESULTS: We demonstrated the utility of REDHORSE using simulated data and real Next-generation sequencing data. The simulated dataset mimicked recombination between two known haploid parental strains and allowed comparison of detected break points against known true break points to assess performance of recombination detection algorithms. A newly generated NGS dataset from a genetic cross of Toxoplasma gondii allowed us to demonstrate our pipeline. REDHORSE successfully extracted the relevant genetic markers and was able to transform the read alignments from NGS to the genome to generate multiple sequence alignments. Recombination detection algorithm in REDHORSE was able to detect conventional crossovers and double crossovers typically associated with gene conversions whilst filtering out artifacts that might have been introduced during sequencing or alignment. REDHORSE outperformed other commonly used recombination detection algorithms in finding conventional crossovers. In addition, REDHORSE was the only algorithm that was able to detect double crossovers. CONCLUSION: REDHORSE is an efficient analytical pipeline that serves as a bridge between genomic alignments and existing recombination detection algorithms. Moreover, REDHORSE is equipped with a recombination detection algorithm specifically designed for Next-generation sequencing data. REDHORSE is portable, platform independent Java based utility that provides efficient analysis of genetic crosses based on Next-generation sequencing data. REDHORSE is available at http://redhorse.sourceforge.net/. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1309-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
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