471 research outputs found

    Effect of the (Nd,Dy)-double doping on the structural properties of ceria

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    The crystallographic properties of the Ce1-x(Nd0.63Dy0.37)xO2-x/2 system (0 64 x 64 0.6) were studied by means of synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and compared to the ones of Sm-doped ceria. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of substituting Sm3+ by a mixture of a smaller and a larger ion that ensures a more pronounced Ce4+/dopant size mismatch while having the same average ionic size as Sm3+. Two main findings came to light: (a) the compositional region of the CeO2-based solid solution widens up to x ranging between 0.4 and 0.5, and (b) the cell parameter is larger than the one of Sm-doped ceria at each composition. Both effects are expected to play a significant role on the ionic conductivity of the material. The results are discussed in terms of disorder and cation-vacancy association

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank (Pendekatan Rgec) Pada PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kesehatan Bank Danamon pada periode 2011 – 2014. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Variabel yang digunakan adalah Profil Risiko yang diukur dengan rasio NPL dan LDR, Good Corporate Governance yang diukur melalui hasil self assesment, Rentabilitas yang diukur melalui rasio ROA dan NIM , dan Permodalan yang diukur melalui rasio CAR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama periode 2011 sampai tahun 2014 Bank Danamon selalu medapatkan peringkat 1 atau sangat sehat. Perhitungan rasio NPL dan LDR menggambarkan bank telah mengelola risikonya dengan baik. Penilaian GCG menunjukkan tata kelola Perusahaan telah dilakukan dengan baik. Perhitungan ROA dan NIM menunjukkan kemampuan bank dalam mencapai laba yang tinggi. Perhitungan CAR selalu diatas batas minimum Bank Indonesia dianggap mampu dalam mengelola permodalannya

    Tradisi Omed-omedan Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Teruna-teruni Banjar Kaja Dalam Rangkaian Hari Raya Nyepi Di Kelurahan Denpasar Selatan

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    Balinese always preserve cultural traditions as the inheritance of their ancestors. Omed-omedan tradition is a unique and rare tradition since such tradition cannot be encountered in other areas. Therefore, it is interesting to be discussed in a paper. This reseacrh was aimed at finding out: How is the process of implementation of Omed-omedan tradition at Banjar Kaja Kelurahan Sesetan, South Denpasar Sub-District, Denpasar City?, What is the relationship between Omed-omedan tradition and the series of Nyepi Holiday at Banjar Kaja Kelurahan Sesetan, South Denpasar Sub-District Denpasar City? What is the meaning of Omed-omedan tradition for the people at Banjar Kaja Kelurahan Sesetan, South Denpasar Sub-District, Denpasar City? The theoretical bases applied in this research are 1). Culture, 2). Religious systems, 3). Society. Â The results of the research show that the implementation of Omed-omedan Tradition must be conducted as it relates to Ida Bhatara Sesuhunan at in Banjar Kaja Sesetan temple, which is believed to be able to provide safety for His people, in addition, Omed-omedan tradition is also an event of Masima Krama (visit and forgive each other) to welcome Caka New Year (Nyepi Holiday). The conclusions of this research are 1). Omed-omedan tradition is Purwa Dresta, namely a religious custom and it is not allowed if it is not conducted because if it is not conducted, it is believed it would lead to the undesirable things, 2). In its performance, Omed-omedan tradition is an event of Masima Krama in order to welcome Caka New Year, 3). The meaning of this Omed-omedan tradition is as a devotion to Ida Bhatara Sesuhunan, as by always conducting this tradition, the members of Banjar Kaja Sesetan are believed to always have His protection.

    Pengaruh Supervisi Klinis Terhadap Kemampuan Guru Melaksanakan Pengelolaan Proses Pembelajaran Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan supervisi klinis terhadap kemampuan guru dalam menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dan mengelola proses pembelajaran pada guru SD di Gugus VIII Kecamatan Sawan Kabupaten Buleleng. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 19 orang guru kelas IV, V, dan VI di Gugus VIII Kecamatan Sawan yang dibimbing dalam menyusun RPP dengan SK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan panduan observasi untuk mengumpulkan data tentang kemampuan guru menyusun RPP dan mengelola proses pembelajaran. Data dianalisis dengan menerapkan rumus-rumus statistik deskriptif dan uji t. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan 1) terdapat pengaruh penerapan supervisi klinis terhadap kemampuan menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran pada guru SD di Gugus VIII Kecamatan Sawan Kabupaten Buleleng, dengan kategori sebelum guru diberikan tindakan cukup baik, setelah tindakan sangat baik, 2) terdapat pengaruh penerapan supervisi klinis terhadap kemampuan mengelola proses pembelajaran pada guru SD di Gugus VIII Kecamatan Sawan Kabupaten Buleleng, dengan kategori sebelum tindakan cukup baik, setelah tindakan baik. Kata Kunci : supervisi klinis, kemampuan guru melaksanakan proses pembelajaran This thesis aimed at investigating the influence of clinical supervision implementation to the competence of elementary school teachers in Gugus VIII Sawan Sub district Buleleng Regency in making lesson plan and managing learning process. The subjects of the study were 19 teachers who are the teachers of class IV, V, and VI in Gugus VIII Sawan Sub district who were guided in making lesson plan with Standard of Competency. Data collection was done by observation method in collecting data about teachers\u27 competence in making lesson plan and managing learning process. The data was analyzed by implementing the formulas of descriptive statistics and T-test. The result shows that 1) there is an influence of clinical supervision implementation to the competence of elementary school teachers in Gugus VIII Sawan Sub district Buleleng Regency in making lesson plan, in which before being implemented it was categorized as sufficient, after being implemented it becomes excellent, 2) there is an influence of clinical supervision implementation to the competence of elementary school teachers in Gugus VIII Sawan Sub district Buleleng Regency in managing learning process, in which before being implemented it was categorized as sufficient, after being implemented it becomes goo

    Implementasi Alat Peraga Bentuk-bentuk Geometri Untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Dan Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Kelompok B Tk Lumbung Sari Denpasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan peningkatan kreativitas dan kecerdasan kognitif anak melalui implementasi alat peraga bentuk-bentuk geometri. Sukjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelompok B Tamaan Kanak-Kanak Lumbung Sari Denpasar berjumlah 25 orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan bersiklus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dengan instrumen kreativitas dan kecerdasan kognitif, analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan kriteria keberhasilan baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, hasil penelitian menunjukkan akhir siklus II kreativitas anak dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 38,72 dengan kategori baik. Begitu juga dengan kecerdasan kognitif anak akhir tindakan siklus II dengan nilai rata-rata 49,9 dengan kategori keberhasilan tinggi. Ini berarti kegiatan pembelajaran implementasi alat peraga bentuk-bentuk geometri sesuai nilai rata-rata indikator keberhasilan yang diharapkan dalam penelitian iniKata Kunci : Alat peraga bentuk-bentuk geometri, kecerdasan kognitif, kreativitas This study aims to analyze and describe the increase of children's creativities and cognitive intelligent through the implementation of geometrical forms of learning media. The subjects of this research are 25 children of Taman Kanak-kanak Lumbung Sari Denpasar group B. This research is a class action research which was conducted in cycles. Data collection methods used was observational methods using creativities and cognitive intelligent as instruments; data analysis performed descriptively with the criteria of good success. This research was done in 2 cycles, the result of the research shows : Cycle II Children Creativities with averaging value 38.72 with category : good. So is the cognitive intelligent, in the end action of cycles II with the average value 49.9 in the category of high success. This means that learning activities implementing geometrical forms as media is parallel (in accordance) to average value of success indicator expected in this researc

    Serratiopeptidase reduces the invasion of osteoblasts by Staphylococcus aureus

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    Finding new strategies to counteract periprosthetic infection and implant failure is a main target in orthopedics. Staphylococcus aureus, the leading etiologic agent of orthopedic implant infections, is able to enter and kill osteoblasts, to stimulate pro-inflammatory chemokine secretion, to recruit osteoclasts, and to cause inflammatory osteolysis. Moreover, by entering eukaryotic cells, staphylococci hide from the host immune defenses and shelter from the extracellular antibiotics. Thus, infection persists, inflammation thrives, and a highly destructive osteomyelitis occurs around the implant. The ability of serratiopeptidase (SPEP), a metalloprotease by Serratia marcescens, to control S. aureus invasion of osteoblastic MG-63 cells and pro-inflammatory chemokine MCP-1 secretion was evaluated. Human osteoblast cells were infected with staphylococcal strains in the presence and in the absence of SPEP. Cell proliferation and cell viability were also evaluated. The release of pro-inflammatory chemokine MCP-1 was evaluated after the exposure of the osteoblast cells to staphylococcal strains. The significance of the differences in the results of each test and the relative control values was determined with Student’s t-test. SPEP impairs their invasiveness into osteoblasts, without affecting the viability and proliferation of bone cells, and tones down their production of MCP-1. We recognize SPEP as a potential tool against S. aureus bone infection and destruction
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