742 research outputs found

    Lasing in metamaterial nanostructures

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    A self-consistent computational scheme is presented for one dimensional (1D) and two dimensional (2D) metamaterial systems with gain incorporated into the nanostructures. The gain is described by a generic four-level system. The loss compensation and the lasing behavior of the metamaterial system with gain are studied. A critical pumping rate exists for compensating the losses of the metamaterial. There exists a wide range of input signals where the composite system behaves linearly. Nonlinearities arise for stronger signals due to gain depletion. The retrieved effective parameters are presented for one layer of gain embedded in two layers of Lorentz dielectric rods and split ring resonators with two different gain inclusions: (1) gain is embedded in the gaps only and (2) gain is surrounding the SRR. When the pumping rate increases, there is a critical pumping rate that the metamaterial system starts lasing.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optic

    The Role of Parliamentary Scrutiny in Budgetary Policy: Understanding the Politics of Fiscal Policy

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    This paper examines the role of parliamentary scrutiny in budgetary policy, focusing on the eighteenth Parliament of Jordan. Data from 59 surveyed parliamentarians reveals a modest level of budgetary scrutiny. Factors such as legislative powers, parliament composition, political parties, time allocation, and parliamentarians knowledge and skills significantly influence budgetary scrutiny. The study highlights the correlation between budgetary scrutiny and transparency. The findings emphasize the need to empower legislators, promote transparency, and enhance parliamentarians capabilities to strengthen budgetary scrutiny

    Optical anisotropic metamaterials: Negative refraction and focusing

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    We design three-dimensional (3D) metallic nanowire media with different structures and numerically demonstrate that they can be homogeneous effective indefinite anisotropic media by showing that their dispersion relations are hyperbolic. For a finite slab, a nice fitting procedure is exploited to obtain the dispersion relations from which we retrieve the effective permittivities. The pseudo focusing for the real 3D wire medium agrees very well with the homogeneous medium having the effective permittivity tensor of the wire medium. Studies also show that in the long-wavelength limit, the hyperbolic dispersion relation of the 3D wire medium can be valid even for evanescent modes.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Implementasi ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik dalam pembuatan Berita & Feature : Studi deskriptif kualitatif pada anggota ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan

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    Seorang jurnalis yang memiliki kapabilitas dan kompetensi baik lahir dari keahliannya dalam memahami teori dan praktik dalam dunia jurnalistik. Kompetensi dan kapabilitas yang baik bisa diperoleh dari berbagai macam cara, diantaranya adalah dengan melalui pendidikan formal atau pendidikan informal. Pendidikan formal jurnalistik bisa diperoleh contohnya dalam perguruan tinggi, sedangkan pendidikan informal jurnalistik bisa diperoleh melalui pelatihan-pelatihan seperti seminar, webminar, komunitas, organisasi yang memang menyangkut ke dalam dunia jurnalistik, bahkan ekstrakurikuler yang ada di tingkat sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana implementasi ekstrakurikuler jurnalistik di SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan diterapkan dalam proses pembuatan berita khususnya pada pembuatan berita & feature, dengan mengacu pada konsep news peocessing yang meliputi perencanaan, penggalian, penulisan, penyuntingan, dan publikasi berita. Penelitian ini tidak menggunakan teori, tetapi menggunakan konsep news processing atau proses lahirnya sebuah berita. Jurnalistik merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh jurnalis, yang mana kegiatan tersebut meliputi perencanaan, penggalian, penulisan, penyuntingan, dan publikasi berita. Hal-hal tersebut merupakan sebuah proses dalam pembuatan berita atau lahirnya sebuah berita, yang kerap disebut sebagai news processing. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Kegunaan metode kualitatif ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan secara terperinci dibantu dengan langkah-langkah dalam mendapatkan pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dari pelatihan yang dilaksanakan di ekstrakurikuler jurnalistik di SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasannya anggota ekstrakurikuler jurnalistik di SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan telah mengimplementasikan kegiatan jurnalistik, terlebih dalam konsep news processing yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan berita & feature mulai dari perencanaan berita yang dilakukan dalam rapat internal, penggalian berita yang dilakukan dengan mencari data di berbagai portal berita dan media sosial, penulisan berita yang menerapkan 5W+1H dan piramida terbalik, penyuntingan berita yang dilakukan juga dalam rapat internal, dan publikasi berita dengan menggabungkan antara hasil tulisan, desain grafis, dan gambar di media sosial Instagram. Selain konsep tersebut, dalam penulisan beritanya mereka juga telah menerapkan konsep 5W+1H serta piramida terbalik

    Chromospheric polarimetry through multi-line observations of the 850 nm spectral region

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    Future solar missions and ground-based telescopes aim to understand the magnetism of the solar chromosphere. We performed a supporting study in Quintero Noda et al. (2016) focused on the infrared Ca II 8542 A line and we concluded that is one of the best candidates because it is sensitive to a large range of atmospheric heights, from the photosphere to the middle chromosphere. However, we believe that it is worth to try improving the results produced by this line observing additional spectral lines. In that regard, we examined the neighbour solar spectrum looking for spectral lines that could increase the sensitivity to the atmospheric parameters. Interestingly, we discovered several photospheric lines that greatly improve the photospheric sensitivity to the magnetic field vector. Moreover, they are located close to a second chromospheric line that also belongs to the Ca II infrared triplet, i.e. the Ca II 8498 A line, and enhances the sensitivity to the atmospheric parameters at chromospheric layers. We conclude that the lines in the vicinity of the Ca II 8542 A line not only increase its sensitivity to the atmospheric parameters at all layers, but also they constitute an excellent spectral window for chromospheric polarimetry.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Solar polarimetry through the K I lines at 770 nm

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    We characterize the K I D1 & D2 lines in order to determine whether they could complement the 850 nm window, containing the Ca II infrared triplet lines and several Zeeman sensitive photospheric lines, that was studied previously. We investigate the effect of partial redistribution on the intensity profiles, their sensitivity to changes in different atmospheric parameters, and the spatial distribution of Zeeman polarization signals employing a realistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation. The results show that these lines form in the upper photosphere at around 500 km and that they are sensitive to the line of sight velocity and magnetic field strength at heights where neither the photospheric lines nor the Ca II infrared lines are. However, at the same time, we found that their sensitivity to the temperature essentially comes from the photosphere. Then, we conclude that the K I lines provide a complement to the lines in the 850 nm window for the determination of atmospheric parameters in the upper photosphere, especially for the line of sight velocity and the magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, main journal publicatio

    Enhancing the Stretchability of Two-Dimensional Materials through Kirigami: A Molecular Dynamics Study on Tungsten Disulfide

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    In recent years, the 'kirigami' technique has gained significant attention for creating meta-structures and meta-materials with exceptional characteristics, such as unprecedented stretchability. These properties, not typically inherent in the original materials or structures, present new opportunities for applications in stretchable electronics and photovoltaics. However, despite its scientific and practical significance, the application of kirigami patterning on a monolayer of tungsten disulfide (WS2), a van der Waals material with exceptional mechanical, electronic, and optical properties, has remained unexplored. This study utilizes molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the mechanical properties of monolayer WS2 with rectangular kirigami cuts. We find that, under tensile loading, the WS2 based kirigami structure exhibits a notable increase in tensile strain and a decrease in strength, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the kirigami cutting technique in enhancing the stretchability of monolayer WS2. Additionally, increasing the overlap ratio enhances the stretchability of the structure, allowing for tailored high strength or high strain requirements. Furthermore, our observations reveal that increasing the density of cuts and reducing the length-to-width ratio of the kirigami nanosheet further improve the fracture strain, thereby enhancing the overall stretchability of the proposed kirigami patterned structure of WS2.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure