185 research outputs found

    The Accuracy of the Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape for Weight Estimation in an Omani Paediatric Population

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    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape (BT) for estimating weight in an Omani paediatric population at a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted during July 2015. The electronic medical records of Omani outpatients <14 years old attending the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, between July 2009 and June 2013 were reviewed for recorded height and weight data. The BT Version 2002A was used to predict weight based on actual height measurements. Predicted weight measurements were then compared with actual weight to determine the accuracy of the estimation. Results: A total of 3,339 children were included in the study, of which 43.5% were female and 56.5% were male. The mean age was 6.4 ± 3.1 years and the mean height was 93.2 ± 23.5 cm. The mean actual weight was 13.9 ± 6.7 kg while the mean BT-predicted weight was 14.4 ± 6.9 kg. The BT-predicted weight estimations correlated significantly with actual weight measurements (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.97; P <0.001). A Bland-Altman analysis indicated that the BT performed well when estimating weight among Omani children, with an overestimation of only 0.5 kg for the entire cohort. Conclusion: The BT was found to be an effective tool for estimating weight according to body length in an Omani paediatric population. It should therefore be considered for use in emergency situations when actual weight cannot be determined

    Nodular Pulmonary Amyloidosis Mimicking Metastatic Pulmonary Nodules: A case report and review of the literature

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    Amyloidosis is a disorder characterised by the extracellular deposition of amyloid, a fibrillary protein, in various organs such as the lungs. Pulmonary nodular amyloidosis can mimic other lung conditions that present with pulmonary nodules, such as metastasis, sarcoidosis and hyalinising granuloma. We report a 60-year-old man who presented to the Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman, in 2017 with a history of shortness of breath upon exertion, orthopnoea and bilateral lower limb swelling. A chest X-ray showed bilateral nodular opacities. Enhanced chest computed tomography revealed bilateral pulmonary nodules with a predominantly perilymphatic and subpleural distribution, giving the impression of a neoplastic nodule. A histopathological examination of biopsied lung tissue confirmed a diagnosis of nodular pulmonary amyloidosis. Keywords: Multiple Pulmonary Nodules; Amyloidosis; Computed Tomography; Case Report; Oman

    Health professionals’ perceptions about physical activity promotion in diabetes care within primary health care settings in Oman

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    Background: As part of formative work to inform an interventional design to increase physical activity (PA) in patients with type 2 diabetes in Oman, this qualitative study aimed to determine health professionals’ perception of barriers and opportunities, personnel responsibilities and plausible PA promotional approaches. Methods: Four focus group discussions were carried out with groups of health care professionals (family physicians, dieticians and health educators, managers and general practitioners). All discussions were audio recorded and transcribed. Responses were analysed using a thematic analysis. Results: Barriers to PA reported by participants (n = 29) were identified at three levels: health care system (e.g. deficient PA guidelines); individual (e.g. obstructive social norms) and community (e.g. lack of facilities). Participants felt that a multilevel approach is needed to address perceived barriers and to widen current opportunities. In the presence of various diabetes primary care providers, the potential for dieticians to include individualised PA consultations as part of their role was highlighted. Participants felt that consultations should be augmented by approaches within the community (volunteer support and/or appropriate facilities). However, despite lack of experience with technology supported approaches and motivational tools, the telephone application “WhatsApp” and use of pedometers were considered potentially suitable. The need for training in behaviour change techniques and clearly communicated intervention guidelines was emphasised. Conclusions: A multi-component approach including PA consultations, possibly led by trained dieticians, technological routes for providing support along with community mapping for resources appear to offer promising approaches for further PA intervention studies within diabetes primary health care

    Decision-to-Delivery Time Intervals in Emergency Caesarean Section Cases : Repeated cross-sectional study from Oman

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    Objectives: In cases of fetal intolerance to labour, meeting the standard decision-to-delivery time interval (DDI) of ≤30 minutes is challenging. This study aimed to assess DDIs in emergency Caesarean section (CS) cases to identify factors causing DDI delays and the impact of a delayed DDI on perinatal outcomes. Methods: This repeated cross-sectional study included all emergency CS procedures performed due to acute fetal distress, antepartum haemorrhage or umbilical cord prolapse at the Nizwa Hospital, Nizwa, Oman. Three audit cycles of three months each were conducted between April 2011 and June 2013, including an initial retrospective cycle and two prospective cycles following the implementation of improvement strategies to address factors causing DDI delays. Poor perinatal outcomes were defined as Apgar scores of <7 at five minutes, admission to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) or a stillbirth. Results: In the initial cycle, a DDI of ≤30 minutes was achieved in 23.8% of 84 cases in comparison to 44.6% of 83 cases in the second cycle. In the third cycle, 60.8% of 79 women had a DDI of ≤30 minutes (P <0.001). No significant differences in perinatal outcomes for cases with a DDI of ≤30 minutes versus 31–60 minutes were observed; however, a DDI of >60 minutes was significantly associated with poor neonatal outcomes in terms of increased SCBU admissions and low Apgar scores (P <0.001 each). Factors causing DDI delays included obtaining consent for the CS procedure, a lack of operating theatre availability and moving patients to the operating theatre. Conclusion: The identification of factors causing DDI delays may provide opportunities to improve perinatal outcomes

    First record of Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (family Lethrinidae) from southern Oman, Western Indian Ocean

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    Primer registre de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (família Lethrinidae) del sud d’Oman, oest de l’oceà Índic Es va recol·lectar un únic espècimen (285 mm longitud estàndard) de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) a la ciutat de Salalah (Oman), a la costa del mar d’Aràbia. És el primer registre d’aquesta espècie a les aigües d’Oman. Presenta característiques específiques: cos alt (2,17 vegades la longitud estàndard); els perfils dorsal i ventral del cap són uniformement convexos; el perfil de la part ventral del cos és recte; la vora inferior de l’ull se situa lleugerament per sota de la línia que uneix la part anterior de la boca amb el centre de l’aleta caudal lobulada; l’ull és relativament ample, de diàmetre pràcticament igual o lleugerament superior a les distàncies preorbitària i interorbitària; la boca és relativament petita i la part posterior dels maxil·lars arriba pràcticament al nivell dels orificis nasals anteriors; presenta tres parells de fines canines a la part anterior del maxil·lar superior i un parell a la part anterior de l’inferior, com també altres dents vil·liformes que adquireixen forma cònica a les parts laterals. L’espècimen va ser identificat com un G. griseus atès que les seves característiques corresponen a la descripció diagnòstica de Carpenter & Allen (1989). Palabras clave: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Mar de Arabia, Primer registro.A single specimen (285 mm SL) of Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) was collected from Salalah, Arabian Sea coast of Oman. It is the first record of this species from the Omani waters. It shows specific characters: deep body (2.17 times SL); evenly convex dorsal and ventral profile of head; ventral part of body profile straight; lower edge of eye slightly above a line from tip of snout to middle of caudal fin fork; eye relatively large, its diameter about equal to or slightly larger than preorbital and interorbital widths; mouth relatively small, posterior part of jaws reaching to about level of anterior nostrils; three pair and one pair of slender canines at front of upper and lower jaw, respectively, other teeth villiform, becoming conical on lateral sections. The specimen was identified as G. griseus as these characters fit the diagnostic description of Carpenter & Allen (1989). Key words: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Arabian Sea, First record.Primer registre de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (família Lethrinidae) del sud d’Oman, oest de l’oceà Índic Es va recol·lectar un únic espècimen (285 mm longitud estàndard) de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) a la ciutat de Salalah (Oman), a la costa del mar d’Aràbia. És el primer registre d’aquesta espècie a les aigües d’Oman. Presenta característiques específiques: cos alt (2,17 vegades la longitud estàndard); els perfils dorsal i ventral del cap són uniformement convexos; el perfil de la part ventral del cos és recte; la vora inferior de l’ull se situa lleugerament per sota de la línia que uneix la part anterior de la boca amb el centre de l’aleta caudal lobulada; l’ull és relativament ample, de diàmetre pràcticament igual o lleugerament superior a les distàncies preorbitària i interorbitària; la boca és relativament petita i la part posterior dels maxil·lars arriba pràcticament al nivell dels orificis nasals anteriors; presenta tres parells de fines canines a la part anterior del maxil·lar superior i un parell a la part anterior de l’inferior, com també altres dents vil·liformes que adquireixen forma cònica a les parts laterals. L’espècimen va ser identificat com un G. griseus atès que les seves característiques corresponen a la descripció diagnòstica de Carpenter & Allen (1989). Palabras clave: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Mar de Arabia, Primer registro

    The Effectiveness of Teaching and Evaluating A written Expression Using A package of Modern Digital Applications in Developing the Written Expression Skills of Tenth-Grade Students

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    ملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقق من فاعلية تدريس التعبير الكتابي وتقويمه باستخدام حزمة من التطبيقات الرقمية الحديثة الداعمة لمنصة جوجل كلاس روم (Google Classroom) في تنمية مهارات التعبير الكتابي لدى طلبة الصف العاشر، وقد شمل مجتمع الدراسة جميع طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في المدارس الحكومية بسلطنة عمان خلال العام الدراسي 2020/2021، البالغ عددهم (49042) طالبًا وطالبةً موزعين على مدارس السلطنة؛ حيث تكونت العينة من (124) طالبًا وطالبةً ( 62 من الذكور و62 من الإناث)، اختيروا من  أربع (4) مدارس بطريقة قصدية (مدرستين للذكور ومدرستين للإناث)، واعتمدت الدراسة الحالية على المنهج التجريبي ذي التصميم شبه التجريبي ذي المجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة؛ إذ اتُّبعت في المجموعة التجريبية الاستراتيجية المقترحة لتدريس التعبير وتقويمه، وأما المجموعة الضابطة فقد سار تدريس وتقويم التعبير الكتابي فيها وفق الطريقة التقليدية. وتوصلت نتائج الدراسة إلى ارتفاع متوسط درجات المجموعة التجريبية مقارنة بمتوسط المجموعة الضابطة في التطبيق للاختبار البعدي لمهارات التعبير الكتابي في المهارات الرئيسة الثلاث (المضمون، واللغة والأسلوب، والشكل والتنظيم)، وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى(0.05≥α) بين متوسطي درجات المجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة في التطبيق للاختبار البعدي لمهارات التعبير الكتابي يعزى إلى طريقة التدريس. كما أوضحت نتائج الدراسة عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في مستوى كل من مهارتي المضمون واللغة والأسلوب تعزى إلى الجنس، كذلك أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في مستوى مهارة الشكل والتنظيم تعزى إلى الجنس ولصالح الإناث. وكشفت النتائج عن عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في مستوى مهارات التعبير الكتابي مجتمعة معا يعزى إلى التفاعل بين طريقة التدريس والجنس. وأوضحت نتائج تحليل التباين الثنائي وجود فرق ذي دلالة إحصائية بين طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في مستوى مهارات التعبير الكتابي مجتمعة يعزى إلى طريقة التدريس والجنس.Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of teaching and evaluating written expression using a package of modern digital applications that support the Google Classroom platform to develop the writing skills of students in tenth grade.The study included all tenth-grade students in government schools in the Sultanate of Oman during the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 49,042 male and female students distributed among schools in the country. The sample consisted of 124 male and female students, 62 males and 62 females selected purposively from four schools (two schools for males and two for females). The current study followed the experimental method with a quasi-experimental design consisting of two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught and evaluated using the proposed strategy for teaching and evaluating written expression, while the control group was taught and evaluated using the traditional method. The results of the study showed a statistically significant increase in the average scores of the experimental group compared to the control group in the post-application test of the written expression skills in the three primary skills (content, language and style, and form and organization), and the results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05≥α) between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the application of the post-test of written expression skills attributed to the teaching method. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between tenth grade students in the level of "content and language & style" skills attributed to gender, while the results showed that there were statistically significant differences among tenth grade students in the level of "form and organization" skill attributed to gender and in favor of females. Furthermore, the results revealed no statistically significant differences among tenth-grade students in the overall level of writing expression skills, attributed to the interaction between the teaching method and gender. However, the results of the Two-way analysis of variance indicated statistically significant differences in the performance of tenth-grade students in overall skills, attributed to both gender and teaching method

    Extended use of grey water for irrigating home gardens in an arid environment

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    The use of treated grey water (GW) for home gardens, peri-urban agriculture and landscaping is becoming popular in many water stressed countries such as Oman. This study aims to investigate the treatment efficacy, health and chemical concerns, cost-benefits and maintenance protocol of a GW treatment system as well as the effect of irrigation with GW on crop yield. Therefore, a decentralized homemade GW treatment system was installed in a newly constructed house in Muscat, Oman and studied over a 2-year period. The treated GW was found to be suitable for irrigation as per Omani standards. GW when mixed with kitchen effluent substituted the use of nutrient supplements for plants and did not show any harmful chemical or biological contamination. The capital cost of the system was around US 980,andtheannualoperatingcostwasUS980, and the annual operating cost was US 78 with annual income and savings from the system being around US $572 indicating a payback period of nearly 2 years. It was found that the system required simple but regular maintenance particularly cleaning of the top layer of the filter. It can be concluded from this study that such a GW system should be technically, economically and environmentally feasible in Oman. Also, wider acceptance by the general public to the idea of GW reuse will help in mitigating the water shortage problem of the country to some extent

    Analysis of Blood Cultures in Major Burns in Tertiary Care Burn Unit in Oman

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    Objectives: In this study we review blood stream infections of major burns in a tertiary care burn unit to determine the most prevalent organisms in order to have a better empirical therapy protocol. Methods: This is a retrospective study where blood stream infection of major burns (>20% Total Body Surface Area) were analysed. Results:155 patients fulfilled the criteria. Median age was 33 years.  Median TBSA was 38%. 57.42% were males and 42.58% were females. Mortality was 25.16%. 50.9% of patients had positive blood culture. Expired patients had higher TBSA, Abbreviated Burns Severity Index score and earlier first positive blood culture. The most prevalent organisms grown from all blood cultures were Acinetobacter, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Enterococcus and pseudomonas. Candida is also commonly grown in blood cultures. All Acinetobacter species are always multidrug resistant. 8 of 14 patients had multidrug resistant Klebsiella.  There were only 4 patients who had Methicilin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) grown. The number of blood cultures samples taken ranged from 1 to 28 (median 6). First positive blood culture showed that Staphylococcus epidermidis   and Acinetobacter are the most common organisms. Conclusion: In conclusion multidrug resistant Acinetobcater has become the most predominant microorganism grown in blood cultures of major burns in our unit. Empirical therapy should include antibiotics that are effective against it to reduce the mortality. Keywords: Infection; Blood; Burn; Resistance; Antibiotics; Culture

    Wavelet-based encoding scheme for controlling size of compressed ECG segments in telecardiology systems

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    One of the major issues in time-critical medical applications using wireless technology is the size of the payload packet, which is generally designed to be very small to improve the transmission process. Using small packets to transmit continuous ECG data is still costly. Thus, data compression is commonly used to reduce the huge amount of ECG data transmitted through telecardiology devices. In this paper, a new ECG compression scheme is introduced to ensure that the compressed ECG segments fit into the available limited payload packets, while maintaining a fixed CR to preserve the diagnostic information. The scheme automatically divides the ECG block into segments, while maintaining other compression parameters fixed. This scheme adopts discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method to decompose the ECG data, bit-field preserving (BFP) method to preserve the quality of the DWT coefficients, and a modified running-length encoding (RLE) scheme to encode the coefficients. The proposed dynamic compression scheme showed promising results with a percentage packet reduction (PR) of about 85.39% at low percentage root-mean square difference (PRD) values, less than 1%. ECG records from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database were used to test the proposed method. The simulation results showed promising performance that satisfies the needs of portable telecardiology systems, like the limited payload size and low power consumption

    Synthesis, characterization, and optoelectronic properties of phenothiazine-based organic co-poly-ynes

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    We present the synthesis and characterization of seven new organic co-poly-ynes P1-P7 incorporating the phenothiazine (PTZ) motif and evaluate their optoelectronic properties and performance in polymer light-emitting diodes and polymer solar cells (PLEDs/PSCs). The co-poly-ynes were obtained in moderate to high yields via Sonogashira coupling reactions and characterized using analytical, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques and complementary quantum-chemical modelling. The materials show strong optical absorption in the visible region of the spectrum and most also show strong emission with quantum yields in the range of 13-41% relative to rhodamine 6G (R6G). PLED devices based on the co-poly-ynes were prepared and the most promising was measured to have a brightness of up to 1.10 × 104 cd m-2. PSCs based on donor materials incorporating some of the polymers were prepared and demonstrated power conversion efficiencies of up to 0.24%. This journal is </p