52 research outputs found

    Tongue lesions in psoriasis: a controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: Our objective was to study tongue lesions and their significance in psoriatic patients. METHODS: The oral mucosa was examined in 200 psoriatic patients presenting to Razi Hospital in Tehran, Iran, and 200 matched controls. RESULTS: Fissured tongue (FT) and benign migratory glossitis (BMG) were the two most frequent findings. FT was seen more frequently in psoriatic patients (n = 66, 33%) than the control group (n = 19, 9.5%) [odds ratio (OR): 4.69; 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.61–8.52] (p-value < 0.0001). BMG, too, was significantly more frequent in psoriatic patients (28 cases, 14%) than the control group (12 cases, 6%) (OR: 2.55; 95% CI: 1.20–5.50) (p-value < 0.012). In 11 patients (5.5%), FT and BMG coexisted. FT was more frequent in pustular psoriasis (7 cases, 53.8%) than erythemato-squamous types (56 cases, 30.4%). On the other hand, the frequency of BMG increased with the severity of psoriasis in plaque-type psoriasis assessed by psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score. CONCLUSIONS: Nonspecific tongue lesions are frequently observed in psoriasis. Further studies are recommended to substantiate the clinical significance of these seemingly nonspecific findings in suspected psoriatic cases

    Central pathways causing fatigue in neuro-inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses

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    Sistem Pengolahan Data Analisa Kredit Berbasis Web Pada PT. Bank Sinar Mas Cirebon

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    PT Bank Sinar Mas Cirebon adalah salah satu Perusahaan perbankan yang ada di Cirebon. Perusahaan ini memiliki track record baik. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari penyebarannya yang hampir di seluruh Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengolahan data analisa kredit berbasis web. Objek penelitian ini adalah sistem yang digunakan pada analisa data kredit di PT Bank Sinar Mas Cirebon. Subjek penelitian ini lebih pada perseorangan dan/atau pegawai yang bertindak sebagai pengelola sistem. Metode penelitian lebih bermuara pada penelitian deskriptif. Hasil daripada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengolahan data analisa kredit yang digunakan PT Bank Sinar Mas Cirebon masih cenderung konvensional. Penggunaan sistem tersebut berakibat pada lamanya proses pengolahan data dan menurunnya kepuasaan custumer akibat hal tersebut. Peneliti mendapati sistem pengolahan data baru dengan basis web. Pengolahan data ini cenderung lebih cepat dan tidak menguras waktu serta tenaga pegawai. Dengan kata lain, PT Bank Sinar Mas memiliki opsi untuk menggunakan sistem baru yang lebih efektif dan tidak menguras waktu juga tenaga

    PMU Placement Methods in Power Systems based on Evolutionary Algorithms and GPS Receiver

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    In this paper, optimal placement of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) using Global Positioning System (GPS) is discussed. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Simulated Annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are used for this problem. Pheromone evaporation coefficient and the probability of moving from state x to state y by ant are introduced into the ACO. The modified algorithm overcomes the ACO in obtaining global optimal solution and convergence speed, when applied to optimizing the PMU placement problem. We also compare this simulink with SA, PSO and GA that to find capability of ACO in the search of optimal solution. The fitness function includes observability, redundancy and number of PMU. Logarithmic Least Square Method (LLSM) is used to calculate the weights of fitness function. The suggested optimization method is applied in 30-bus IEEE system and the simulation results show modified ACO find results better than PSO and SA, but same result with GA


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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer of the skin. Definite diagnosis usually requires histological examination but recently it has been suggested that cytological examination of skin smear can be used as an alternative. To evaluate sensitivity and specificity of cytological examination, a total of 125 skin lesions, clinically suspected to be BCC were studied. Cytological samples were taken by scraping a scalpel blade over the lesion and smearing the cells on to a glass slide. The specimens were air- dried and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa. An incision biopsy was performed for histopathological study. The cytological results were compared with the histopathological results of the lesions. Histopathology revealed BCC in 102 lesions (81.6%), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in 11 lesions (8.8%), seborrheic keratosis in 6 lesions (4.8%), actinic keratosis in 5 lesions (4%) and keratoacanthoma in 1 lesion (0.8%). Cytological examination reported BCC in 90(72%), SCC in 13 ( 10.4%) and seborrheic keratosis in 6 lesions (4.8%) and was non-diagnostic in 16 lesions (12.8%). The sensitivity and specificity of the cytology in identifying all of the BCC types were 87.3% and 95.3%, respectively. In conclusion, cytological examination is easy to perform, saves time, requires a minimum of equipments and can be considered a reliable method in the diagnosis of suspected cutaneous BCC

    Opracowanie nowej klasyfikacji dla oceny mechanizacji w kopalniach węgla

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    The coal mine mechanization is important to achieve optimum quality and maximum efficiency of coal production. Mechanization is an objective that can result in significant cost reductions and higher levels of profitability for underground mines. The potential of coal mine mechanization depends on some important factors Such as seam inclination and thickness, geological disturbances, seam floor conditions and roof conditions. These factors should be considered in coal mine mechanization analysis. In this study, the new classification was developed with the respect to the mentioned factors. Using this system the coal seam mechanization index (CSMi) of several types of coal seams was evaluated and classified into five categories; very good, good, medium, low and very low. As a case study, the mechanization of the Takht coal seams in Golestan area of Iran was investigated using this new classification system. The results show a low potential for mechanization in most of the Takht coal seams.Mechanizacja prac w kopalniach węgla jest konieczna dla osiągnięcia maksymalnej wydajności produkcji i uzyskania węgla najwyższej jakości. Mechanizacja jest celem, który skutkować będzie znacznym obniżeniem kosztów oraz zwiększeniem poziomu rentowności produkcji w kopalniach podziemnych. Możliwości mechanizacji w kopalniach uzależnione są od szeregu ważnych czynników, takich jak nachylenie i miąższość złoża, obecność zaburzeń struktury geologicznej a także warunki stropowe i spągowe. Czynniki te koniecznie uwzględnić należy w analizach możliwości mechanizacji pracy kopalni. W pracy tej przedstawiono nową klasyfikację opartą o wyżej wymienione czynniki. W oparciu o przyjęte podejście, obliczony został wskaźnik mechanizacji dla złoża węgla i następnie zastosowany został do analiz. Na jego podstawie wyodrębniono pięć kategorii złóż węglowych w kontekście możliwości mechanicznego urabiania: bardzo dobre, dobre, średnie, niskie i bardzo niskie. Jako studium przypadku przedstawiono analizę złoża węglowego Takht w regionie Golestan w Iranie, w oparciu o zaproponowany nowy system klasyfikacji. Wyniki analizy wskazują, że większość złóż w regionie Takht stwarza niewielkie możliwości dla zastosowania mechanizacji

    Evaluation of Perioperative Blood Glucose Changes During Elective Eye Surgeries Under General Anesthesia, With Two Methods: Glucometer and Lab Assay

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    Background: Hyperglycemia is a metabolic response to surgical stress. In this study, patients’ blood glucose changes were measured before, during and after elective eye surgeries under general anesthesia, with two methods: glucometer and glucose oxidase enzyme lab assay. Probable influencing factors and the correlation rate of these two methods were evaluated. Methods: This analytic cross – sectional original study was performed on 230 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Class 1or 2 non–diabetic patients. All the patients underwent a similar general anesthesia and their blood glucose levels were measured simultaneously with two cited methods on three occasions. Results: In all cases, post-surgery blood glucose in comparison to pre-surgery levels increased significantly in both methods irrespective of independent variables of the study. Considering these independent variables, increase in blood glucose levels was significant in most of the patients. The mean increase in blood glucose post-surgery in comparison to pre–surgery, measured with lab assay, had significant statistical correlation with the type of eye surgery but not with other variables like age, gender and duration of surgery. Correlation of the two methods were also partially significant statistically. Conclusion: Considering the results of this study and the fact that blood glucose changes under general anesthesia is usually unrecognized clinically, we recommend blood glucose measurement in non–diabetic patients during long surgeries. It is advantageous to use Accu–chek (Sensor model) glucometer for this purpose