272 research outputs found

    Dust Fallout Characteristics within Baghdad City during 2013

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    The frequency and severity of dust storms have been significantly increased especially in the last decade as a result of regional and local reasons like climate changes and mismanagement of water resources. Within this framework, this study was conducted to analysis the dust fallout characteristics within Baghdad city during February to July 2013. The results of particle size analyses indicate the texture most of samples are ranging from clayey (Mean=14.1%) and silt (Mean=74.35%) with less quantities of sand (Mean=11.99%). Abo-Graib region recorded the highest level of heavy metals concentration among other studied region (Mean=9.9 mg/kg), while Adamiyah gave less concentration (Mean=1.62 mg/kg). The results of dost loading refer to  that station B (Kadumyah Mean=0.82kg/m2)  recorded high dust loading from station A (Al-Sena?a street Mean=0.57 kg/m2), it is worth mentioning that dust loading depending on speed of winds, duration of blowing and altitude of sample collection. From microbial analyses we can observed that Aspergillus nigerr recorded high frequency (F= 41.12%) and high occurrence percent (27.6%) at dilution 10-3, from the results Bacillus spp the only bacteria have been isolated as spore forming bacteria. Key words: Dust storm, Dust loading, heavy metals, Baghdad, Ira

    A Novel Water Quality Index for Iraqi Surface Water

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى بناء موديل لنوعية المياه يكون مناسب للنظم المائية العراقي ويعكس الواقع البيئي للمياه العراقية. دليل نوعية المياه العراقية المطور يتضمن عوامل فيزيائية وكيميائية. من اجل بناء دليل نوعية المياه العراقي IQWQI  تم استخدام طريقة دلفي للتواصل مع الخبراء المحلين والعالميين المختصين بنوعية المياه لغرض الحصول على اراءهم بخصوص اهم العوامل المهمة التي يمكن استخدامها لبناء الدليل وحسب طبيعية النظام البيئي العراقي وتحديد وزن لكل عامل. 70% من البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من هذه الدراسة قد استخدمت لبناء الدليل و 30% استخدمت لاختبار الدليل. تم تطبيق عدة سيناريوهات لمدخلات الموديل لغرض دراسة تأثير زيادة العوامل. تم بناء الموديل من 4 عوامل لأربع مرات جمع عينات حتى وصل الى 17 عامل لعشرة مرات جمع عينات. ومن الواضح انه عند زيادة عدد العوامل فان قيمة الدليل سوف تتغير. لغرض تقليل التأثير المخفي للعوامل التي تتجاوز المحددات المسموحة والذي يظهر عند استخدام WQI  ولحل هذا التداخل بين النوعية والتلوث فقد اوجدت هذه الدراسة دليل اخر يكون مرتبط بـ IQWQI والذي يضم كلا من درجة النوعية والتلوث. سمي الدليل الثاني دليل المخاطر البيئية ERI ويضم فقط العوامل التي تجاوزت الحدود البيئية المسموح بها. أجري تحليل الحساسية لغرض التنبؤ بقيم IQWQI وتحديد اهم العوامل المؤثرة في قيم IQWQI، تم اختيار موديلين  لأجراء تحليل الحساسية وهما انحدار الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية والمعتمد على التعلم الالي ((ANNRThe study aims to build a water quality index that fits the Iraqi aquatic systems and reflects the environmental reality of Iraqi water. The developed Iraqi Water Quality Index (IQWQI) includes physical and chemical components. To build the IQWQI, Delphi method was used to communicate with local and global experts in water quality indices for their opinion regarding the best and most important parameter we can use in building the index and the established weight of each parameter. From the data obtained in this study, 70% were used for building the model and 30% for evaluating the model. Multiple scenarios were applied to the model inputs to study the effects of increasing parameters. The model was built 4 by 4 until it reached 17 parameters for 10 sampling times. Obviously, with the increasing number of parameters, the value of the index will change. To minimize the effect of eclipse that arises in WQI and to solve the problem of overlapping quality and pollution, this study has created another index linked with IQWQI, which included both the quality and the degree of pollution. The second index is called the Environmental Risk Index (ERI), where only the variables that exceed the permissible environmental limits were included. Sensitivity Analysis was done to predicate IQWQI and to determine the most influential parameters in the IQWQI score; two types of models were chosen for the run of the sensitivity test, which are the Artificial Neural Network Regression (ANNR) and Backward Linear Regression (BLR). The results of IWOI and ERI for freshwater use during the dry season were very poor water quality with a high degree of risk. While in the wet season, both indices' values ranged from poor water quality to very poor water quality with a high degree of risk

    Primary Soft Tissue Orbital Ewing’s Sarcoma Causing Unilateral Visual Loss: A Case Report

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    A case of primary Ewing's sarcoma of right orbit causing unilateral visual loss in a 3 year old female child is reported. The child presented with 1 year history of painless unilateral proptosis and loss of vision. Loss of vision due to primary Ewing's sarcoma in orbit is extremely rare and it should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses while dealing the patient with these sorts of clinical presentation

    Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with 2,4-D Herbicide Using Bioslurry Reactor

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    Ex-situ bioremediation of 2,4-D herbicide-contaminated soil was studied using a slurry bioreactor operate at aerobic conditions. The performance of the slurry bioreactor was tested for three types of soil (sand, sandy loam and clay) contaminated with different concentration of 2,4-D, 200,300and500mg/kg soil. Sewage sludge was used as an inexpensive source of microorganisms which is available in large quantities in wastewater treatment plants. The results show that all biodegradation experiments demonstrated a significant decreases in 2,4-D concentration in the tested soils. The degradation efficiency in the slurry bioreactor decreases as the initial concentration of 2,4-D in the soils increases.A 100 % removal was achieved at initial concentration of 200mg 2,4-D/kg of sandy soil after 12 days and 92 % at 500mg 2,4-D/kg sandy soil after 14 days.Clay soil represented minimum removal efficiency among the three soils, 82 % at initial concentration of 200mg 2,4-D/kg clay soil after 12 days and 72 % for 500mg 2,4-D/kg clay soil after 14 days. Abiotic conditions were performed to investigate the desorption efficiency of the contaminant from soil to liquid phase through the three soils. In abiotic reactor the results showed that the rate of desorption for sand and sandy loam soils were nearly the same, it varied between0.102-0.135 day-1 at different initial concentration of 2,4-D. While for clay soil the desorption rate varied between 0.042- 0.031 day-1 at different initial concentration of 2,4-D. The decrease in desorption rate in clay soil refers to the characteristic of clay soil, (fine texture, high organic matter and high cation exchange capacity compared with the other soils) that may retain the 2,4-D in the organic matter and the clay minerals

    The Role of Ki-67 Immunoexpression in Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy and Differentiating its Subtypes

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    الهدف:-  لدراسة دور التعبير المناعي ل Ki-67  في تشخيص الحمل العنقودي وتمييزها عن الانواع الأخرى لأنواع اجهاض الحمل. العمليات:- ثمان وستون نموذج لنواتج الحمل المثبتة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بالفورمالين ، والتي شملت أجهاض الحمل في الأشهر الأولى (15 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي جزئي ( 24 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي كامل ( 24 نموذج)  ومشيمة الحمل الكامل  (5 نموذج). جميع النماذج تم جمعها من مختبرات فحص الأنسجة  في مستشفى الولادة في اربيل / العراق خلال الفترة من ايلول 2012- ايلول 2013. تم استخدام التصبيغ المناعي الهيستوكيمياوي ل Ki-67 وباستعمال المضاد الأحادي MIB-1 وباستخدام الطريقة المعتادة . المؤشر التعريفي لKi-67 (عدد الأنوية المصبوغة/عدد الأنوية الكلي) لكل من الزغابات المشيمة  والجذعة الغذائية الخلوية والجذعة الغذائية المخلاوية والخلايا السدوية تم حسابها بصورة منفصلة. الحسابات الأحصائية تم اجراءها بأستخدام مؤشر Fisher  واذا كانت قيمة الp أقل من 0.05 تم اعتباره ذو قيمة أحصائية. النتائج:-  أظهرت الدراسة أن مؤشر ال Ki-67 في كل امراض الزغابات المشيمية كان عالي وبصورة خاصة في الزغابات المشيمية للحمل العنقودي الكامل  (>50%  ) ثم في الحمل العنقودي الجزئي (>20%). كذلك تم ايجاد علاقة ذو قيمة احصائية  للتعبير المناعي لل Ki-67  والتي كانت مفيدة في التمييز بين الأجهاض والحمل العنقودي الكامل ( p<0.01) والحمل العنقودي الجزئي ( p<0.05). الأستنتاج:- المؤشر التعريفي ل Ki-67  في الزغابات المشيمية كان ذو قيمة في تشخيص وتمييز الحمل العنقودي من الأجهاض في الأشهر الأولى للحمل وكذلك في تمييز الحمل العنقودي الكامل من الحمل العنقودي الجزئي .Objectives: The study is intended to evaluate the role of Ki-67 immunoexpression in the diagnosis of molar pregnancy & differential diagnosis of its subgroups from miscarriage. Methods: Sixty eight formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded specimens of products of conception , including 1st trimester miscarriage (n=15), partial hydatidiform mole PHM (n=24), complete hydatidiform CHM (n=24) and full term placenta (n=5), all were examined at Histopathology Department of Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil, Iraq during the period Sep.2012-Sep.2013. Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining was performed by using the monoclonal antibody MIB-1 and the standard streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. The labeling index (number of positive nuclei/total number of nuclei) for villous, cytotrophoblasts , syncytiotrophoblasts and stromal cells were evaluated separately. Statistical analysis was carried out by Fisher’s exact test & statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05. Results: The study shows that all villous trophoblastic lesions showed high Ki-67 in all villous components especially cytotrophoblasts, being the highest in CHM mole(>50%) followed by PHM (>20%). Also found a statistically significant differences in immunoexpressins of Ki-67 that was useful in separating miscarriage from CHM, p<0.01 (highly significant), and partial hydatidiform mole p<0.05, (significant). Conclusion: Ki-67 labeling index of villous cells ,especially cytotrophoblasts, is valuable in diagnosis and differentiation of hydatidiform mole from 1st trimester miscarriage as well as between different subgroups of hydatidiformmoles (CHM & PHM)


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    Abstract Intercropping trial in coconut (Cocos nucifera L), was carried out for generating more income/yield. The experiment was conducted at Coastal Agricultural Research Station (CARS) Farm, PARC, Karachi. The Tori varieties planted ridge gourd (Luffa acutangulla Roxb.) and sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica L.) under the trail staked and unstaked Tori were grown satisfactory under coconut plot. The results showed that the staked method compared to unstaked had 30-35% increase in yield and also insect pest protection. The yield data recorded showed that staked gave maximum yield. It was also found that the intercropping did not affect the agronomic trails and yield of the coconut, but increase the yield compared to palms alone

    Removal of Lead Ions from Wastewater by using a Local Adsorbent from Charring Tea Wastes

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       Adsorption of lead ions from wastewater by native agricultural waste, precisely tea waste. After the activation and carbonization of tea waste, there was a substantial improvement in surface area and other physical characteristics which include density, bulk density, and porosity. FTIR analysis indicates that the functional groups in tea waste adsorbent are aromatic and carboxylic. It can be concluded that the tea waste could be a good sorbent for the removal of Lead ions from wastewater. Different dosages of the adsorbents were used in the batch studies. A random series of experiments indicated a removal degree efficiency of lead reaching (95 %) at 5 ppm optimum concentration, with adsorbents R2 =97.75% for tea. Three models (Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin) have been used to show which is the best operation. It was found that tea waste has an adsorption capacity (qmax) equal to 2.7972 (mg/g). Equilibrium data fitted well with the Freundlich isotherm because Freundlich assumptions are more suitable to represent the relationship between adsorbent and adsorbate. Two Kinetic Models were applied (first order, and second order) for this study. The adsorption kinetics was investigated and the best fit was achieved by a first-order equation with R2= 95.91%

    The Challenges of Water Sustainability in Iraq

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    The sustainable development in Iraq is being hindered by several obstacles. Water, being related to the food security, is a main concern that could duplicate the already present socio-economic dilemmas. Unless practical measures are immediately initiated, the consequences are expected to demolish the development achievements, though so modest, and become a real threat to the lives of the Iraqis within the near future. This paper aims to present a holistic view at the current development challenges and to concentrate on the socio-economic challenges to water sustainability in Iraq. Also, stresses on the need for a comprehensive national plan for the conservation of water and other natural resources and how to reverse the environmental challenges into practical opportunities for sustainable development

    Prognostic Indicators in Patients with Severe Head Injury: A 2 Year Retrospective Experience at Mayo Hospital, Lahore

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    Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important public health care problem in the western world and equally being pandemic in the developing world. It is one of the most common causes of death in young adults and it can affect people’s lives enormously. Since many years the prognostic indicators of severe head injury had been field of research. Knowing the factors responsible for poor prognosis and preventing them outcome of severe head injury can be improved.Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted analyzing past records of the patients in department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Hospital from Nov 2011 to Nov 2013 with diagnosis of severe head injury (Glasgow Come Scale < 9). All patients except the patients with brain death, associated poly trauma, spinal injuries were excluded from the study. Total sample of 236 either managed conservatively or surgical and observed in Intensive care unit were study population. Prognosis was assessed with Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) on or before (if patient expired before 30 days) 30 post admission day. Age, GCS, CT findings, Pupils were compared with GOS to find probable predictors of prognosis. GOS of less than 4 was regarded as poor prognosis. Categorical variables like GCS, pupils, CT findings were presented in the form of frequency (percentage) whereas continuous variables like age were presented in the form of mean ± SD and median (range). Association between GOS and probable prognostic indictors was seen by chi square test.Results: Out of 236 patients, 188 were male and 48 were female. Mean ± SD age of patient was 32.8 ± 14.6 years. Age group 15 – 45 years had maximum number of patients. Road traffic accident was major cause of severe head injury and majority had GCS 3 after resuscitation. More than half of the patient had bilaterally reactive pupils, 10% patient had post traumatic fits and half of the patients had features of base of skull fracture. 208 (8%) patient had abnormal CT findings. 30% patient on CT scan had closed cisterns and half of the patients has midline shift of 1.5 – 3 mm. More than 35% cases had surgical lesions over CT scan. Patients with age group < 15 years, GCS < 4, with closed cisterns, with surgical lesions and with midline shift of more than 3 mm had 30 day GOS < 4, which is regarded as poor prognostic marker.Conclusion: Prognosis in patient with severe head injury is determined by age, presenting post resuscitation GCS, mode of injury, CT findings and surgical lesions

    Spinal Tumours: - Experience at Mayo Hospital

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    Objective: Spinal tumours are mostly benign, having devastating effects on patients in terms of patient’s dis-ability, morbidity and mortality. Depending upon their site, size and growth potential, they have different clinical effects on the patients. We are presenting a case series of 138 patients managed in neurosurgery department Mayo hospital from Nov 2011 to Sept 2014.metastatic bony spinal lesions were not included in this study . The objectives of my study are to determine: Types of spinal tumours treated in this setting. Common and differenti-ating clinical features among subjects, different locations of the same types and the role of microsurgery. Materials and Methods: It is a retrospective study. 55 Schawanomas, 34 Menengiomas, 15 Ependimomas, 06 Dermoids, 17 Astrocytomas, 07 Plasmacytomas, 02 Aneurysm bone cyst and 02 Teratomas were managed surgi-cally. Schwanoma and meningioma’s prevalence was more in cervical and dorsal areas. plasmacytomas mainly affected dorsal spine, astrocytomas and ependymomas hade different locations. Teratomas occupied conus medu-llaris. Multiple laminectomies and laminotomies were performed according to situation. Radical resections for intradural extramedullary and gross total debulking for intramedullary lesions, under high resolution Microscope was done. Post operative improvements and complications were noted. Results: A radical resection of these tumors results in a good long-term outcome, since the majority is histolo-gically benign. For intradural intramedullary tumours gross total debulking is more appropriate. Adjuvant radi-ation therapy should only be administered for the high grade or malignant tumor. Malignant tumors have a dismal outcome and surgery in these patients should be a conservative debulking. Open door laminotomies are preferable in intradural extramedulary lesions and does not cause post op spinal deformity. Conclusion: Radical surgery for spinal tumors with laminotomies gives good results in terms of patient’s func-tionality and spinal stability