45 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions and assess the factors contributing to the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises with single and small-scale production in the field of ship repair and other infrastructure activities in the coastal region. The theoretical foundations for assessing the competitiveness of market economy subjects are examined, various methods of this assessment are investigated, and their positive and negative sides are revealed. An analysis of the basic foundations of the formation of competitiveness of shipyards in the coastal region (Murmansk region) was made in the process of the study. The author's technique is developed using quality indicators for assessing the competitiveness of ship-repair enterprises. The calculation of the competitiveness of these enterprises using the rating of quality indicators was made, the directions of its increase were determined. The proposed author's method allows to evaluate the ratings of ship repair enterprises used by shipowners when placing orders. The methods of induction, deduction, comparison and synthesis were used in the article; analysis of the competitiveness of ship repair enterprises as participants in the spatial interaction of enterprises providing marine economic activities and other infrastructure coastal enterprises was carried out using the above methods. Improving the competitiveness of ship repair enterprises will create conditions for increasing the spatial interaction of business entities of the fisheries complex, primarily, increasing the number of visits of fishing vessels to the Murmansk Sea Port. Returning the fishing fleet to service in the city of Murmansk will create additional jobs in all infrastructure enterprises (transshipment facilities, refrigeration facilities, ship repair, bunkering and supply), receive additional financial resources in budgets of all levels, and increase the participation of the fishing industry in the implementation of the country's Food Security Doctrine.El propósito del artículo es determinar las condiciones y evaluar los factores que contribuyen a la competitividad de las empresas de construcción de maquinaria con producción en pequeña y pequeña escala en el campo de la reparación de buques y otras actividades de infraestructura en la región costera. Se examinan los fundamentos teóricos para evaluar la competitividad de los sujetos de economía de mercado, se investigan varios métodos de esta evaluación y se revelan sus aspectos positivos y negativos. En el proceso del estudio se realizó un análisis de los fundamentos básicos de la formación de la competitividad de los astilleros en la región costera (región de Murmansk). La técnica del autor se desarrolla utilizando indicadores de calidad para evaluar la competitividad de las empresas de reparación de buques. Se realizó el cálculo de la competitividad de estas empresas utilizando la calificación de indicadores de calidad, se determinaron las direcciones de su aumento. El método del autor propuesto permite evaluar las calificaciones de las empresas de reparación de buques utilizadas por los armadores al realizar pedidos. Los métodos de inducción, deducción, comparación y síntesis fueron utilizados en el artículo; El análisis de la competitividad de las empresas de reparación de buques como participantes en la interacción espacial de las empresas que realizan actividades económicas marinas y otras empresas costeras de infraestructura se llevó a cabo utilizando los métodos anteriores. La mejora de la competitividad de las empresas de reparación de buques creará las condiciones para aumentar la interacción espacial de las entidades comerciales del complejo pesquero, principalmente, aumentando el número de visitas de los buques pesqueros al puerto marítimo de Murmansk. El retorno de la flota pesquera a la ciudad de Murmansk creará empleos adicionales en todas las empresas de infraestructura (instalaciones de transbordo, instalaciones de refrigeración, reparación de buques, abastecimiento de combustible y suministro), recibirá recursos financieros adicionales en presupuestos de todos los niveles y aumentará la participación de industria pesquera en la implementación de la Doctrina de Seguridad Alimentaria del país.Целью статьи является определение условий и оценка факторов, способствующих повышению конкурентоспособности машиностроительных предприятий с единичным и мелкосерийным производством в сфере судоремонта и другой инфраструктурной деятельности приморского региона. Выявление направлений повышения конкурентоспособности судоремонтных предприятий и её рост способствуют расширению пространственного взаимодействия субъектов бизнеса основной и вспомогательной деятельности со всеми положительными последствиями для предприятий береговой инфраструктуры и для региона в целом. Рассматриваются теоретические основы оценки конкурентоспособности субъектов рыночной экономики, исследуются различные методики этой оценки, раскрывают их положительные и отрицательные стороны. В процессе исследования выполнен анализ базовых основ формирования конкурентоспособности судоремонтных предприятий приморского региона (Мурманская область). Разработана авторская методика, использующая качественные показатели оценки конкурентоспособности судоремонтных предприятий. Произведен расчет конкурентоспособности этих предприятий с использованием рейтинга качественных показателей, определены направления ее повышения. Предлагаемая авторская методика позволяет оценить рейтинги судоремонтных предприятий, используемых судовладельцами при размещении заказов. В работе использовались методы индукции, дедукции, сравнения и синтеза, с помощью которых осуществлен анализ конкурентоспособности судоремонтных предприятий как участников пространственного взаимодействия предприятий, обеспечивающих морехозяйственную деятельность и иных инфраструктурных береговых предприятий. Повышение конкурентоспособности судоремонтных предприятий создаст условия повышения пространственного взаимодействия субъектов бизнеса рыбохозяйственного комплекса, прежде всего, увеличения заходов в Морской порт Мурманск промысловых судов. Возврат на обслуживание в город Мурманск промыслового флота позволит создать дополнительные рабочие места во всех инфраструктурных предприятиях (перегрузочные комплексы, холодильные мощности, судоремонт, бункеровка и снабжение), получить дополнительные финансовые средства в бюджеты всех уровней, повысить участие рыбной отрасли в выполнении Доктрины продовольственной безопасности страны

    Comparative Analysis of B-Cell Receptor Repertoires Induced by Live Yellow Fever Vaccine in Young and Middle-Age Donors

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    Age-related changes can significantly alter the state of adaptive immune system and often lead to attenuated response to novel pathogens and vaccination. In present study we employed 5′RACE UMI-based full length and nearly error-free immunoglobulin profiling to compare plasma cell antibody repertoires in young (19–26 years) and middle-age (45–58 years) individuals vaccinated with a live yellow fever vaccine, modeling a newly encountered pathogen. Our analysis has revealed age-related differences in the responding antibody repertoire ranging from distinct IGH CDR3 repertoire properties to differences in somatic hypermutation intensity and efficiency and antibody lineage tree structure. Overall, our findings suggest that younger individuals respond with a more diverse antibody repertoire and employ a more efficient somatic hypermutation process than elder individuals in response to a newly encountered pathogen

    Different classes of genomic inserts contribute to human antibody diversity

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    Recombination of antibody genes in B cells can involve distant genomic loci and contribute a foreign antigen-binding element to form hybrid antibodies with broad reactivity for Plasmodium falciparum. So far, antibodies containing the extracellular domain of the LAIR1 and LILRB1 receptors represent unique examples of cross-chromosomal antibody diversification. Here, we devise a technique to profile non-VDJ elements from distant genes in antibody transcripts. Independent of the preexposure of donors to malaria parasites, non-VDJ inserts were detected in 80% of individuals at frequencies of 1 in 10(4) to 10(5) B cells. We detected insertions in heavy, but not in light chain or T cell receptor transcripts. We classify the insertions into four types depending on the insert origin and destination: 1) mitochondrial and 2) nuclear DNA inserts integrated at VDJ junctions; 3) inserts originating from telomere proximal genes; and 4) fragile sites incorporated between J-to-constant junctions. The latter class of inserts was exclusively found in memory and in in vitro activated B cells, while all other classes were already detected in naïve B cells. More than 10% of inserts preserved the reading frame, including transcripts with signs of antigen-driven affinity maturation. Collectively, our study unravels a mechanism of antibody diversification that is layered on the classical V(D)J and switch recombination

    Методика учёта лавинной опасности при территориальном планировании в России

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    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the need to take into account hazardous natural processes and their parameters in territorial planning, as well as presentation of them in the relevant documentation in the form of maps. In a number of countries, there is a long-standing practice of mapping the avalanche zones basing on the definition of different levels of danger, which are used to limit or ban the construction in avalanche zones, as well as to project the anti-avalanche activities. Russia has experience in assessing risk and mapping the avalanche danger, but the practice of making such plans in our country is still not developed. The purpose of this work is to determine and plot on map avalanche zones on the example of one of the actively developed mountain regions of Russia. The all-season mountain resort «Gorky Gorod», located on Krasnaya Polyana in the Krasnodar region, was chosen as the object of study. Two approaches to the accounting and mapping of avalanche hazard in territorial planning were tested. In the first case, occurrence and pressure of avalanches were the determining factors. In the second case, critical avalanche pressure values were used to determine their destructive impact effect. To determine indexes (indicators) of the avalanche hazard, the simulation of snow avalanches in the RAMMS program was performed. According to the results of modeling for area of the «Gorky Gorod» resort schemes of the avalanche zones were constructed on the basis of two different approaches, having no account for the anti-avalanche measures used there. A more detailed plan based on a combination of these two approaches had also been drawn up and analyzed. The required criteria for determining the boundaries of zones with different levels of the danger are the subject for discussion. However, the proposed division of avalanchedangerous territory into zones with different levels of the hazard at the stage of territorial planning meets the requirements of the legislation and contributes to improving human security, reducing the avalanche risk, and mitigating the consequences of emergencies caused by avalanches.Исследование, направленное на совершенствование учёта лавинной опасности при территориальном планировании, выполнено для горного курорта «Горки Город» на Красной Поляне в Краснодарском крае. Апробированы два подхода к учёту лавинной опасности и их комбинации. Значения показателей лавинной опасности определены путём моделирования лавин в программе RAMMS. По результатам моделирования для территории курорта «Горки Город» составлены планы лавиноопасных зон. 

    PiggyBac transposon tools for recessive screening identify B-cell lymphoma drivers in mice.

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    B-cell lymphoma (BCL) is the most common hematologic malignancy. While sequencing studies gave insights into BCL genetics, identification of non-mutated cancer genes remains challenging. Here, we describe PiggyBac transposon tools and mouse models for recessive screening and show their application to study clonal B-cell lymphomagenesis. In a genome-wide screen, we discover BCL genes related to diverse molecular processes, including signaling, transcriptional regulation, chromatin regulation, or RNA metabolism. Cross-species analyses show the efficiency of the screen to pinpoint human cancer drivers altered by non-genetic mechanisms, including clinically relevant genes dysregulated epigenetically, transcriptionally, or post-transcriptionally in human BCL. We also describe a CRISPR/Cas9-based in vivo platform for BCL functional genomics, and validate discovered genes, such as Rfx7, a transcription factor, and Phip, a chromatin regulator, which suppress lymphomagenesis in mice. Our study gives comprehensive insights into the molecular landscapes of BCL and underlines the power of genome-scale screening to inform biology

    Methods of snow avalanche nourishment assessment (on the example of three Tian Shan glaciers)

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    The contribution of snow avalanches to the seasonal snow accumulation on a glacier is among the least studied components of the glacier’s mass balance. The methods for the numerical assessment of avalanche accumulation are still under development, which is related to poor avalanche data availability and difficulties in obtaining such data on most of mountain glaciers. We propose a possible methodology for the numerical assessment of snow avalanche contribution to snow accumulation at mountain glaciers based on DEM and weather data analysis using GIS and numerical modeling of snow avalanches. The developed methodology consists of the following steps: terrain analysis; weather data analysis; snow avalanche volume assessment during an analyzed balance year; numerical simulation of snow avalanches using RAMMS; evaluation of snow avalanches contribution into a glacier accumulation. The proposed methodology was tested on three glaciers located in the Inner Tien Shan: Batysh Sook, № 354 and Karabatkak during the 2015/16 balance year. To evaluate snow avalanche contribution to the seasonal accumulation, we reconstructed avalanche release zones that were most probably active during the 2015/16 balance year and corresponding snow fracture height in each of these zones. The numerical simulations of most probable released snow avalanches during the winter period 2015/16 using avalanche dynamics software RAMMS were performed and compared with the field observations and UAV orthophoto image from July 2016. The outlines of avalanches deposits were realistically reproduced by RAMMS according to the results of field observation. The estimated share of snow avalanche contribution to the accumulation on the research glaciers during the 2015/16 balance year turned out to be: Batysh Sook – 7,4±2,5%; № 354 – 2,2±0,7%; Karabatkak – 10,8±3,6% of the total accumulation. The next step would be to test the proposed methodology based on the data and regional dependences from the Inner Tien Shan in other mountainous regions. This methodology is applicable in the regions where DEMs, regular meteorological observations as well as data on the regional avalanche formation factors are available

    Application of nonsense-mediated primer exclusion (NOPE) for preparation of unique molecular barcoded libraries

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    Abstract Background Recently we proposed efficient method to exclude undesirable primers at any stage of amplification reaction, here termed NOPE (NOnsense-mediated Primer Exclusion). According to this method, added oligonucleotide overlapping with the 3′-end of unwanted amplification primer (NOPE oligo) simultaneously provides a template for its elongation. This elongation disrupts specificity of unwanted primer, preventing its further participation in PCR. The suggested approach allows to rationally manage the course of PCR reactions in order to facilitate analysis of complex DNA mixtures as well as to perform multistage PCR bypassing intermediate purification steps. Results Here we apply NOPE method to DNA library preparation for the high-throughput sequencing (HTS) with the PCR-based introduction of unique molecular identifiers (UMI). We show that NOPE oligo efficiently neutralizes UMI-containing oligonucleotides after introduction of UMI into sample DNA molecules, thus allowing to proceed with further amplification steps without purification and associated loss of starting material. At the same time, NOPE oligo does not affect the efficiency of target PCR amplification. Conclusion We describe a simple, robust and cheap modification of UMI-labeled HTS libraries preparation procedure, that allows to bypass purification step and thus to preserve starting material which may be limited, e.g. circulating tumor DNA, circulating fetal DNA, or small amounts of isolated cells of interest. Furthermore, demonstrated simplicity and robustness of NOPE method should make it popular in various PCR protocols