6,378 research outputs found

    CO J = 2 - 1 Emission from Evolved Stars in the Galactic Bulge

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    We observe a sample of 8 evolved stars in the Galactic Bulge in the CO J = 2 - 1 line using the Submillimeter Array (SMA) with angular resolution of 1 - 4 arcseconds. These stars have been detected previously at infrared wavelengths, and several of them have OH maser emission. We detect CO J = 2 - 1 emission from three of the sources in the sample: OH 359.943 +0.260, [SLO2003] A12, and [SLO2003] A51. We do not detect the remaining 5 stars in the sample because of heavy contamination from the galactic foreground CO emission. Combining CO data with observations at infrared wavelengths constraining dust mass loss from these stars, we determine the gas-to-dust ratios of the Galactic Bulge stars for which CO emission is detected. For OH 359.943 +0.260, we determine a gas mass-loss rate of 7.9 (+/- 2.2) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 310 (+/- 89). For [SLO2003] A12, we find a gas mass-loss rate of 5.4 (+/- 2.8) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 220 (+/- 110). For [SLO2003] A51, we find a gas mass-loss rate of 3.4 (+/- 3.0) x 10^-5 M_Sun/year and a gas-to-dust ratio of 160 (+/- 140), reflecting the low quality of our tentative detection of the CO J = 2 - 1 emission from A51. We find the CO J = 2 - 1 detections of OH/IR stars in the Galactic Bulge require lower average CO J = 2 - 1 backgrounds.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figures, appeared in the 1 March 2013 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    Interferometric Evidence for Resolved Warm Dust in the DQ Tau System

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    We report on near-infrared (IR) interferometric observations of the double-lined pre-main sequence (PMS) binary system DQ Tau. We model these data with a visual orbit for DQ Tau supported by the spectroscopic orbit & analysis of \citet{Mathieu1997}. Further, DQ Tau exhibits significant near-IR excess; modeling our data requires inclusion of near-IR light from an 'excess' source. Remarkably the excess source is resolved in our data, similar in scale to the binary itself (∌\sim 0.2 AU at apastron), rather than the larger circumbinary disk (∌\sim 0.4 AU radius). Our observations support the \citet{Mathieu1997} and \citet{Carr2001} inference of significant warm material near the DQ Tau binary.Comment: 14 pgs, 3 figures, ApJL in pres

    Effects of spatial non-uniformity on laser dynamics

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    Semiclassical equations of lasing dynamics are re-derived for a lasing medium in a cavity with a spatially non-uniform dielectric constant. It is shown that the non-uniformity causes a radiative coupling between modes of the empty cavity. This coupling results in a renormalization of self- and cross-saturation coefficients, which acquire a non-trivial dependence on the pumping intensity. Possible manifestations of these effects in random lasers are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, LaTex. Introduction is significantly rewritten, and the results is placed in the context of random lasin

    Pump-induced Exceptional Points in Lasers

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    We demonstrate that the above-threshold behavior of a laser can be strongly affected by exceptional points which are induced by pumping the laser nonuniformly. At these singularities, the eigenstates of the non-Hermitian operator which describes the lasing modes coalesce. In their vicinity, the laser may turn off even when the overall pump power deposited in the system is increased. Such signatures of a pump- induced exceptional point can be experimentally probed with coupled ridge or microdisk lasers.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, final version including additional FDTD dat

    The circumbinary disk of HD 98800B: Evidence for disk warping

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    The quadruple young stellar system HD 98800 consists of two spectroscopic binary pairs with a circumbinary disk around the B component. Recent work by Boden and collaborators using infrared interferometry and radial velocity data resulted in a determination of the physical orbit for HD 98800B. We use the resulting inclination of the binary and the measured extinction toward the B component stars to constrain the distribution of circumbinary material. Although a standard optically and geometrically thick disk model can reproduce the spectral energy distribution, it cannot account for the observed extinction if the binary and the disk are coplanar. We next constructed a dynamical model to investigate the influence of the A component, which is not in the Ba‐Bb orbital plane, on the B disk. We find that these interactions have a substantial impact on the inclination of the B circumbinary disk with respect to the Ba‐Bb orbital plane. The resulting warp would be sufficient to place material into the line of sight and the noncoplanar disk orientation may also cause the upper layers of the disk to intersect the line of sight if the disk is geometrically thick. These simulations also support that the dynamics of the Ba‐Bb orbit clear the inner region to a radius of~3 AU. We then discuss whether the somewhat unusual properties of the HD 98800B disk are consistent with material remnant from the star formation process or with more recent creation by collisions from larger bodies

    Measurement of Circumstellar Disk Sizes in the Upper Scorpius OB Association with ALMA

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    We present detailed modeling of the spatial distributions of gas and dust in 57 circumstellar disks in the Upper Scorpius OB Association observed with ALMA at sub-millimeter wavelengths. We fit power-law models to the dust surface density and CO JJ = 3-2 surface brightness to measure the radial extent of dust and gas in these disks. We found that these disks are extremely compact: the 25 highest signal-to-noise disks have a median dust outer radius of 21 au, assuming an R−1R^{-1} dust surface density profile. Our lack of CO detections in the majority of our sample is consistent with these small disk sizes assuming the dust and CO share the same spatial distribution. Of seven disks in our sample with well-constrained dust and CO radii, four appear to be more extended in CO, although this may simply be due to higher optical depth of the CO. Comparison of the Upper Sco results with recent analyses of disks in Taurus, Ophiuchus, and Lupus suggests that the dust disks in Upper Sco may be ∌3\sim3 times smaller in size than their younger counterparts, although we caution that a more uniform analysis of the data across all regions is needed. We discuss the implications of these results for disk evolution.Comment: 15 pages of text, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted in Ap

    Galaxy pairs in the SDSS - XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers.

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We investigate the connection between star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers at low redshift (z ≀ 0.06). The study we present is based on IRAM 30-m CO(1-0) observations of 11 galaxies with a close companion selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The pairs have mass ratios ≀4, projected separations r p ≀ 30 kpc and velocity separations ΔV ≀ 300 km s -1, and have been selected to exhibit enhanced specific star formation rates (sSFRs). We calculate molecular gas (H 2) masses, assigning to each galaxy a physically motivated conversion factor αCO, and we derive molecular gas fractions and depletion times. We compare these quantities with those of isolated galaxies from the extended CO Legacy Data base for the GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey sample (xCOLDGASS; Saintonge et al.) with gas quantities computed in an identical way. Ours is the first study which directly compares the gas properties of galaxy pairs and those of a control sample of normal galaxies with rigorous control procedures and for which SFR and H 2 masses have been estimated using the same method. We find that the galaxy pairs have shorter depletion times and an average molecular gas fraction enhancement of 0.4 dex compared to the mass matched control sample drawn from xCOLDGASS. However, the gas masses (and fractions) in galaxy pairs and their depletion times are consistent with those of non-mergers whose SFRs are similarly elevated. We conclude that both external interactions and internal processes may lead to molecular gas enhancement and decreased depletion times.Peer reviewe
