67 research outputs found

    The influence of the allometric scale on the relationship between running economy and biomechanical variables in distance runners

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    Studies have demonstrated the need for the use of parameters that diminish the effect of body mass, for intra and inter group comparison, in individuals with different masses in order to provide a different analysis on the behaviour of the relation between running economy (RE) and biomechanical variables (BVs). The allometric scale is represented by a regression equation that indicates the behaviour of a physiological variable in relation to the variable mass (RE=a.xb), where x is body mass in (kg) and the dimensionless coefficient a is characteristic of the species analysed, and the dimensionless exponent b determines the percentage of mass to be associated with the physiological variable. The influence of the allometric scale (b=-1; -0.75; -0.73; -0.67) on the relationship between RE and BVs - stride length (SL), relative stride length (RSL), stride rate (SR), stride time (ST), support time (SUPT) and balance time (BALT) - at 12 km.h-1, was analysed in nine elite runners. Factorial analysis and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient test (r) with P<0.05 were used. A decrease in the explanation power of the RE was observed, with the use of the allometric exponent, due to the BVs, as well as a reduction of the correlation coefficients between SL versus RE, ST versus RE and SR versus RE. The BALT presented a higher correlation where b=-0.75. The RSL and SUPT presented non-significant correlations. The variables SL, ST, SR and BALT were the most effective predictors of the RE, Where: b=-1, the allometric scale was most efficient to predict the running performance

    Application of the allometric scale for the submaximal oxygen uptake in runners and rowers

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    Background: The aim of the current study was to determine the allometric exponents for runners and rower’s metabolic cost, while also verifying the relation of performance with and without the allometric application. Methods: Eleven runners (age: 22.3±10.4 years; height: 174±8.8 cm; body mass: 61.7±9.3 kg; maximum oxygen uptake ( •VO2max): 56.3±3.9 ml.kg[sup]-1[/sup].min[sup]-1[/sup]) and fifteen rowers (age: 24±5.4 years; height: 185.5±6.5 cm; body mass: 83.5±7.2 kg; •VO2max: 61.2±3.4 ml.kg[sup]-1[/sup].min[sup]-1[/sup]) carried out a specific progressive maximum test. The allometric exponent was determined from the logarithmic equation Log y = Log b Log x, where x is the mass, y is the VO2max (l.min[sup]-1[/sup]), a is one constant and b is the allometric exponent. The data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistics (independent T test of the Student), with p<0.05 (SPSS version 13.0). Results: The allometric exponent of the rowers was 0.70 and that of the runners was 1.00. Significant differences were found between the fat mass percentage, with higher value for rowers, suggesting that this variable may influence the behavior of the allometric exponent and consequently of the basal metabolic rate. Conclusions: Scaling may help in understanding variation in aerobic power and in defining the physiological limitations of work capacity

    The relationship of types of exploration activities with originality of visual arts designs

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    This study examinesspecificexploration activities in students’ visual arts portfolios from secondary edu-cation. Creating original visual arts products requires exploration according to Getzels and Csiksentmihalyi(The creative vision. A longitudinal study of problem finding in Art. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.,1976). Obtaining insight about the contribution ofspecificexploration activities to the originality of artsproducts is important for designing and supporting learning in arts education. The aim of this study is toexamine the contribution of activities within three types of exploration:association,combination, andab-stractionto originality of visual arts designs. Data consist of 196 portfolio events showing exploration activi-ties and art designs, from 11 Grade 11 visual arts students. Portfolio events were coded for three differenttypes of exploration:association,combination, andabstraction, on a dimension of ascendingabstractness.Wecoded activities within each of these types, on a scale ofremoteness, to determine the metaphorical distance.Visual originality of each portfolio event was assessed using the comparative judgment method. Multilevelregression analyses showed all three types of exploration significantly contributed to originality of visualdesigns. In total, 31% of the variance in originality at portfolio events level was explained by these types ofexploration. In general, the moreremoteexploration activities were, the moreoriginalthe visual design.These findings are discussed related to the literature on creative processes. Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    Chronic adaptations of lung function in breath-hold diving fishermen

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to verify and analyze the existence of chronic adaptations of lung function in freediving fishermen whose occupation is artisanal fishing. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 11 breath-hold diving fishermen and 10 non-breath-hold diving fishermen (control) from the village of Bitupitá in the municipality of Barroquinha (Ceará - Brazil). Anthropometric measurements, chest and abdominal circumferences as well as spirometric and respiratory muscle strength tests were conducted according to the specifications of the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS). In order to compare the measured values versus the predicted values, Student t test was used in the case of parametric test and Wilcoxon test in the case of nonparametric test. To compare the inter-group means Student t test was used for parametric test and Mann-Whitney test for the nonparametric one. The level of significance was set at α = 5%. Results: The forced vital capacity (FVC) (4.9±0.6 l vs. 4.3±0.4 l) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) (4.0±0.5 l vs. 3.6±0.3 l) were, respectively, higher in the group of divers compared to the control group (p ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, in the group of free divers, the measured FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratios were significantly greater than the predicted ones. No differences were found between the measured respiratory pressures. Conclusions: These results indicate that breath-hold diving seems to produce chronic adaptations of the respiratory system, resulting in elevated lung volumes with no airway obstruction

    Harmonization of human biomonitoring studies in Europe: characteristics of the HBM4EU-aligned studies participants

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    Human biomonitoring has become a pivotal tool for supporting chemicals' policies. It provides information on real-life human exposures and is increasingly used to prioritize chemicals of health concern and to evaluate the success of chemical policies. Europe has launched the ambitious REACH program in 2007 to improve the protection of human health and the environment. In October 2020 the EU commission published its new chemicals strategy for sustainability towards a toxic-free environment. The European Parliament called upon the commission to collect human biomonitoring data to support chemical's risk assessment and risk management. This manuscript describes the organization of the first HBM4EU-aligned studies that obtain comparable human biomonitoring (HBM) data of European citizens to monitor their internal exposure to environmental chemicals. The HBM4EU-aligned studies build on existing HBM capacity in Europe by aligning national or regional HBM studies. The HBM4EU-aligned studies focus on three age groups: children, teenagers, and adults. The participants are recruited between 2014 and 2021 in 11 to 12 primary sampling units that are geographically distributed across Europe. Urine samples are collected in all age groups, and blood samples are collected in children and teenagers. Auxiliary information on socio-demographics, lifestyle, health status, environment, and diet is collected using questionnaires. In total, biological samples from 3137 children aged 6-12 years are collected for the analysis of biomarkers for phthalates, HEXAMOLL((R)) DINCH, and flame retardants. Samples from 2950 teenagers aged 12-18 years are collected for the analysis of biomarkers for phthalates, Hexamoll((R)) DINCH, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), and samples from 3522 adults aged 20-39 years are collected for the analysis of cadmium, bisphenols, and metabolites of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The children's group consists of 50.4% boys and 49.5% girls, of which 44.1% live in cities, 29.0% live in towns/suburbs, and 26.8% live in rural areas. The teenagers' group includes 50.6% girls and 49.4% boys, with 37.7% of residents in cities, 31.2% in towns/suburbs, and 30.2% in rural areas. The adult group consists of 52.6% women and 47.4% men, 71.9% live in cities, 14.2% in towns/suburbs, and only 13.4% live in rural areas. The study population approaches the characteristics of the general European population based on age-matched EUROSTAT EU-28, 2017 data; however, individuals who obtained no to lower educational level (ISCED 0-2) are underrepresented. The data on internal human exposure to priority chemicals from this unique cohort will provide a baseline for Europe's strategy towards a non-toxic environment and challenges and recommendations to improve the sampling frame for future EU-wide HBM surveys are discussed

    Locomotion as a powerful model to study integrative physiology: Efficiency, economy, and power relationship

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    Locomotion is the most common form of movement in nature. Its study allows analysis of interactions between muscle functions (motor) and lever system arrangements (transmission), thereby facilitating performance analysis of various body organs and systems. Thus, it is a powerful model to study various aspects of integrative physiology. The results of this model can be applied in understanding body functions and design principles as performance outputs of interest for medical and biological sciences. The overall efficiency (effoverall) during locomotion is an example of an integrative parameter, which results from the ratio between mechanical output and metabolic input. Although the concepts of cost (i.e., metabolic expenditure relative to distance) and power (i.e., metabolic expenditure relative to time) are included in its calculation, the effoverall establishes peculiar relations with these variables. For a better approach to these aspects, in this study, we presented the physical-mathematical formulation of efficiency, as well as its conceptual definitions and applications. Furthermore, the concepts of efficiency, cost, and power are discussed from the biological and medical perspectives. Terrestrial locomotion is a powerful model to study integrative physiology in humans, because by analyzing the mechanical and metabolic determinants, we may verify the efficiency and economy relationship through locomotion type, and its characteristics and restrictions. Thus, it is possible to elaborate further on various improved intervention strategies, such as physical training, competition strategies, and ergogenic supplementation