9 research outputs found

    Fiziologia şi metabolismul oaselor maxilare (vezi reabilitarea implanto-protetică)

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    Implanturile endoosoase reprezintă un tratament de elecţie, pentru rezolvarea unei largi varietăţi de probleme clinice. Deşi s-au făcut progrese privind studiul calitativ şi cantitativ al diferitelor sisteme implantare de pe piaţă, precum şi al aplicaţiilor clinice ale acestora, ele rămân totuşi limitate. Este esenţial pentru fiecare clinician să cunoască conceptele moderne, privind fiziologia, metabolismul şi biomecanica osoasă. Acest aspect este de cele mai multe ori singurul obiectiv, pentru a crea şi a implementa un plan de tratament inovativ

    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: presentation and management

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    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is characterized by the presence of lipid-laden foamy macrophages with both acute and chronic phase inflammatory cells. The aim of the study is to present our experience about patients with Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. 29 patients were evaluated through a complete anamnesis and the preoperative management included routine blood and biochemical tests, urine culture and renal ultrasound, intravenous urography and computed tomography (CT). All patients underwent open nephrectomy followed by the pathological exam. The main symptoms of these patients were fever and flank pain. Preoperative laboratory tests revealed anemia, leukocytosis and increasing levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. Kidney failure was noticed in almost half of the cases. This study succeeded to evaluate the demographic, clinical, biological, surgical and histological characteristics. A pathological diagnosis is mandatory mainly for the evaluation of its coexistence with renal carcinoma

    Fiziologia şi metabolismul oaselor maxilare (vezi reabilitarea implanto-protetică)

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    Implanturile endoosoase reprezintă un tratament de elecţie, pentru rezolvarea unei largi varietăţi de probleme clinice. Deşi s-au făcut progrese privind studiul calitativ şi cantitativ al diferitelor sisteme implantare de pe piaţă, precum şi al aplicaţiilor clinice ale acestora, ele rămân totuşi limitate. Este esenţial pentru fiecare clinician să cunoască conceptele moderne, privind fiziologia, metabolismul şi biomecanica osoasă. Acest aspect este de cele mai multe ori singurul obiectiv, pentru a crea şi a implementa un plan de tratament inovativ

    Noţiuni anatomice privind procesele alveolare şi structurile vecine din perspectiva reabilitării implanto-protetice

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    Reabilitarea implanto-protetică reprezintă o metodă de tratament extrem de complexă şi în acelaşi timp extrem de completă. Totuşi, pentru abordarea unei soluţii de tratament de reabilitare implanto-protetică este nevoie de o profundă cunoaştere a anatomiei regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale, fără de care această soluţie de tratament poate fi sortită eşecului, încă din faza de debut. De aceea, în continuare, vom încerca o explicitare a noţiunilor de anatomie, care intervin în abordarea acestei soluţii de tratament

    Honey and Other Beekeeping Products Intake among the Romanian Population and Their Therapeutic Use

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    Honey and other bee products have been used for food and therapeutic purposes since ancient times. There are many varieties of honey with time-proven therapeutic properties, used in both traditional and modern medicine, along with various beekeeping products. In this study, conducted based on the dissemination of a questionnaire with 43 questions, an evaluation of the consumption of different types of honey for both food and therapeutic purposes was carried out. Hence, the frequency of the consumption of honey for food purposes was evaluated, as well as the pharmaceutical forms of honey and bee products utilized for therapeutic purposes, the population’s trust in their therapeutic potential, and their trust in the quality of bee products among the Romanian population. After processing the data, 917 responses were recorded, and it was found that the preferred types of honey were black locust (83.5%), multi-floral (81.9%), and linden (74.9%), and among the other bee products, the most consumed were propolis (44.2%) and bee pollen (29.2%). Regarding the use of honey as a sweetener, the majority of the respondents considered honey to be the healthiest option (81.7%), and regarding the use of honey for therapeutic purposes, most of the respondents stated that they used honey to strengthen the immune system (65.4%), as well as for skin treatment, laxative action, or energizing. The centralization and processing of the collected responses indicated a considerable level of readiness related to the increase in honey consumption in particular, but there is a need for the dissemination of effective information related to the nutritional and therapeutic value of beekeeping products to the population

    Honey and Other Beekeeping Products Intake among the Romanian Population and Their Therapeutic Use

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    Honey and other bee products have been used for food and therapeutic purposes since ancient times. There are many varieties of honey with time-proven therapeutic properties, used in both traditional and modern medicine, along with various beekeeping products. In this study, conducted based on the dissemination of a questionnaire with 43 questions, an evaluation of the consumption of different types of honey for both food and therapeutic purposes was carried out. Hence, the frequency of the consumption of honey for food purposes was evaluated, as well as the pharmaceutical forms of honey and bee products utilized for therapeutic purposes, the population’s trust in their therapeutic potential, and their trust in the quality of bee products among the Romanian population. After processing the data, 917 responses were recorded, and it was found that the preferred types of honey were black locust (83.5%), multi-floral (81.9%), and linden (74.9%), and among the other bee products, the most consumed were propolis (44.2%) and bee pollen (29.2%). Regarding the use of honey as a sweetener, the majority of the respondents considered honey to be the healthiest option (81.7%), and regarding the use of honey for therapeutic purposes, most of the respondents stated that they used honey to strengthen the immune system (65.4%), as well as for skin treatment, laxative action, or energizing. The centralization and processing of the collected responses indicated a considerable level of readiness related to the increase in honey consumption in particular, but there is a need for the dissemination of effective information related to the nutritional and therapeutic value of beekeeping products to the population

    Using Pinus halepensis trees as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution

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    Se estudia la viabilidad de utilizar el pino carrasco como bioindicador de la presencia de metales pesados en el suelo