4,246 research outputs found

    The Dughwede in NE-Nigeria : montagnards interacting with the seasons

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    We can conclude that the Dughwede calendar lasts for two seasonal years, marked by the bull festival as a culminating and turning point. All ritual and agricultural activities are interlinked and need to be seen comprehensively together with the social and cosmological order to understand the underlying cultural pattern. The year is dramatized throughout the seasons to keep the communication between the natural and spiritual forces, both creatively reflected in the individual person. The traditional world was kept in balance as a functional equilibrium over a period of time not known to us, but is now moving towards a process of transformation initiated by structural historical change. The first step towards change is the change of moral values which affects possibly first individuals and then groups. This encourages them to give up the traditional way of interacting with their environment. This process can be described as secularisation and leads to another quality of relationship between man and his natural environment. The same process can also be described as socio-economic change

    K-shell ionization by antiprotons

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    We present calculations for the impact-parameter dependence of K-shell ionization rates in p¯-Cu and in p¯-Ag collisions at various projectile energies. We show that the effect of the attractive Coulomb potential on the Rutherford trajectory and the antibinding effect caused by the negative charge of the antiproton result in a considerable increase of the ionization probability. Total ionization cross sections for proton and antiproton projectiles are compared with each other and with experimental ionization cross sections for protons

    Spectroscopy of electronic states in superheavy quasimolecules

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    We show that information about quasimolecular electronic binding energies in transient atomic systems of Z=Z1+Z2 up to 184 can be obtained from three sources: (1) the impact-parameter dependence of the ionization probability; (2) the ionization probability in head-on collisions as a function of total nuclear charge Z; (3) the delta-electron spectrum in coincidence with K-vacancy formation in asymmetric collisions. Experiments are proposed and discussed

    Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein from Yeast Mitochondria

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    We have identified and characterized a cyclic AMP receptor protein in mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The binding is specific for cyclic nucleotides, particularly for cyclic AMP which is bound with high affinity (Kd of 10(-9) M) at 1 to 5 pmol/mg of mitochondrial protein. The mitochondrial cyclic AMP receptor is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes and has an apparent molecular weight of 45,000 as determined by photoaffinity labeling. It is localized in the inner mitochondrial membrane and faces the intermembrane space. Cross-contamination of mitochondrial inner membranes by plasma membranes or soluble cytoplasmic proteins is excluded

    Gaussian, exponential, and power-law decay of time-dependent correlation functions in quantum spin chains

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    Dynamic spin correlation functions for the 1D S=1/2S=1/2 XXXX model H=JΣi{SixSi+1x+SiySi+1y}H = -J\Sigma_i \{S_i^x S_{i+1}^x + S_i^y S_{i+1}^y \} are calculated exactly for finite open chains with up to N=10000 spins. Over a certain time range the results are free of finite-size effects and thus represent correlation functions of an infinite chain (bulk regime) or a semi-infinite chain (boundary regime). In the bulk regime, the long-time asymptotic decay as inferred by extrapolation is Gaussian at T=T=\infty, exponential at 0<T<0 < T < \infty, and power-law (t1/2)(\sim t^{-1/2}) at T=0, in agreement with exact results. In the boundary regime, a power-law decay obtains at all temperatures; the characteristic exponent is universal at T=0 (t1)(\sim t^{-1}) and at 0<T<0 < T < \infty (t3/2)(\sim t^{-3/2}), but is site-dependent at T=T=\infty. In the high-temperature regime (T/J1)(T/J \gg 1) and in the low-temperature regime (T/J1)(T/J \ll 1), crossovers between different decay laws can be observed in <Six(t)Sjx><S_i^x (t)S_j^x>. Additional crossovers are found between bulk-type and boundary-type decay for i=ji=j near the boundary, and between space-like and time-like behavior for iji \neq j.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures appended as uuencoded compressed postscript fil

    Interacting hard rods on a lattice: Distribution of microstates and density functionals

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    We derive exact density functionals for systems of hard rods with first-neighbor interactions of arbitrary shape but limited range on a one-dimensional lattice. The size of all rods is the same integer unit of the lattice constant. The derivation, constructed from conditional probabilities in a Markov chain approach, yields the exact joint probability distribution for the positions of the rods as a functional of their density profile. For contact interaction ("sticky core model") between rods we give a lattice fundamental measure form of the density functional and present explicit results for contact correlators, entropy, free energy, and chemical potential. Our treatment includes inhomogeneous couplings and external potentials.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Swiss Mathematics

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    Goethe und Carl August : Freundschaft und Politik

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    Die Freundschaft von Goethe und Schiller, versinnbildlicht im Denkmal vor dem Weimarer Nationaltheater, symbolisiert den Höhepunkt der klassischen deutschen Literatur. Für das politische Weimar dieser Zeit steht ein anderer Freundschaftsbund, der zwischen Goethe und Herzog Carl August. Obwohl Carl August als Regent weit über dem Durchschnitt seiner Standesgenossen gestanden habe, beruhe sein Ruf in der Nachwelt, so meinte sein Biograph Hans Tümmler noch 1979, nicht auf seiner politischen Leistung, sondern »vielmehr fast ausschließlich « auf seiner Freundschaft mit Goethe. Von dieser Beziehung ist lange Zeit alles abgeleitet worden, was Weimar über seine Rolle als Musensitz hinaus historisch bedeutsam werden ließ. Die endlose Debatte um Goethe, Carl August und die weimarische Politik illustriert das Dilemma der Versuche, den Dichter-Staatsmann Goethe für politisch determinierte Geschichtsbilder zu instrumentalisieren oder nach jeweils eigenen Politik- und Moralvorstellungen zu bewerten. Die folgenden Ausführungen wollen daher jenseits derartiger Deutungsmuster der Frage nachgehen, in welchem Maße die Beziehung zwischen Goethe und Carl August für das Regierungshandeln überhaupt relevant gewesen ist und wie sich ihr politisches Gewicht in den sich wandelnden historischen Szenarien von mehr als fünf Jahrzehnten weimarischer Geschichte darstellt

    06. Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions II

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    Part six of course materials for Statistical Physics I: PHY525, taught by Gerhard Müller at the University of Rhode Island. Documents will be updated periodically as more entries become presentable

    02. Newtonian Gravitation

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    Part two of course materials for Classical Dynamics (Physics 520), taught by Gerhard Müller at the University of Rhode Island. Documents will be updated periodically as more entries become presentable