340 research outputs found

    Archimedean local height differences on elliptic curves

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    To compute generators for the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve over a number field, one needs to bound the difference between the naive and the canonical height from above. We give an elementary and fast method to compute an upper bound for the local contribution to this difference at an archimedean place, which sometimes gives better results than previous algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, comments welcom

    Loads of Work for Communication Scholars: Gender, Parenthood and Burden during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Die Studie nimmt die Arbeitsbedingungen von Kommunikationswissenschaftler:innen in den Blick und untersucht, inwieweit Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich Geschlecht und Elternschaft während der COVID-19-Pandemie zugenommen haben. Dabei wird im Besonderen die Verbindung zwischen der beruflichen Tätigkeit von sich als weiblich identifizierenden Kommunikationswissenschaftlerinnen, der Verteilung häuslicher Betreuungsaufgaben und dem Belastungsempfinden in beruflichen und privaten Bezügen fokussiert. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, welche Belastungen Kommunikationswissenschaftler:innen während der ersten anderthalb Jahre der Pandemie wahrgenommen haben und wie diese sich aus beruflichen Zusammenhängen und den Lebensverhältnissen erklären lassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Eltern, insbesondere von jüngeren Kindern, eine erhöhte berufliche Stressbelastung verspürten. Überraschenderweise sind die geschlechtsgebundenen Unterschiede nicht so ausgeprägt wie erwartet: Kommunikationswissenschaftlerinnen, die sich als Frauen identifizieren, fühlen sich nicht stärker belastet als ihre sich als Männer identifizierenden Kollegen.The paper focuses on academic work in communication studies. It discusses whether inequalities related to gender and parenthood have widened during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially concerning the interrelation of women's paid work and the division of caring responsibilities. It discusses how communication scholars perceived the burden during the first year and a half of the pandemic. The results show that parents, especially those of younger children, report feeling the highest level of stress concerning their working life. Surprisingly, gender differences are not as distinct as expected: Communication scholars identifying as female do not perceive themselves as more burdened than their colleagues who identify as male

    Is There a Contribution of Structural Brain Phenotypes to the Variance in Resting Energy Expenditure before and after Weight Loss in Overweight Females?

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    Brain gray (GM) and white matter (WM) are associated with resting energy expenditure (REE). The impact of weight loss on GM and WM masses, as well as on their associations with REE and the ratio between body and brain metabolism, i.e., encephalic measure (EM)), are unknown. Longitudinal data of 69 female Caucasian subjects (age range 19-69 years) with detailed information on fat mass (FM), fat free mas (FFM), GM, WM and REE. Mean weight loss was 14.5 ± 11.9 kg with changes in FM (-12.9 ± 9.8 kg), FFM (-1.7 ± 4.8 kg) and REE (-159 ± 191 kcal/24 h) (all p < 0.05). With weight loss, there were no changes in GM and WM. Before and after weight loss, FFM was the main determinant of REE (r2 = 0.483 and 0.413; p < 0.05). After weight loss, GM added to the variances in REE (3.6%), REEadjFFM (6.1%) and the REE on FFM residuals (6.6%). In addition, before and after weight loss GM explained 25.0% and 10.0% of the variances in EM (p < 0.05). Weight loss had no effect on volumes of GM and WM. After weight loss, both, GM added to the variances of REE, REE on FFM residuals and EM

    The German Survey on Volunteering - Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey: User manual for SUF FWS 2014, Version 1.3

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    The German Survey on Volunteering (Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey, FWS) is a representative survey on volunteering in Germany, focused on persons aged 14 and above, funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (German: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ). The Survey on Volunteering is the largest study on volunteering and holding honorary office in Germany. It offers a central basis upon which to provide social reporting on volunteering. Extent and context of volunteering, donations, the willingness to volunteer and their motives have been surveyed in telephone interviews. Data can be differentiated by social and regional characteristics. Data of the Survey on Volunteering (FWS) have been surveyed every five years since 1999. The fourth wave took place in 2014. For every wave a separate random sample was drawn, therefore the data is cross-sectional. Until 2009, the survey was managed and conducted by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung (1999 Infratest Burke). Since December 2011 it has been scientifically managed and supervised by the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA). The inter-views of the fourth wave were conducted by infas - Institute for Applied Social Sciences in 2014. Data sets of all waves have been edited by the DZA as Scientific Use Files and are available at the Research Data Centre of the DZA (Forschungsdatenzentrum - FDZ-DZA). This user manual intends to facilitate working with the SUF German Survey on Volunteering 2014 and could be useful to consult for all issues of data management. For usage of the first three waves we recommend the user manual 2009-2004-1999 (Hameister et al. 2017)

    Coercion and Wage Labour: Exploring work relations through history and art

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    Coercion and Wage Labour presents novel histories of people who experienced physical, social, political or cultural compulsion in the course of paid work. Broad in scope, the chapters examine diverse areas of work including textile production, war industries, civil service and domestic labour, in contexts from the Middle Ages to the present day. They demonstrate that wages have consistently shaped working people’s experiences, and failed to protect workers from coercion. Instead, wages emerge as versatile tools to bind, control, and exploit workers. Remuneration mirrors the distribution of power in labour relations, often separating employers physically and emotionally from their employees, and disguising coercion. The book makes historical narratives accessible for interdisciplinary audiences. Most chapters are preceded by illustrations by artists invited to visually conceptualise the book’s key messages and to emphasise the presence of the body and landscape in the realm of work. In turn, the chapter texts reflect back on the artworks, creating an intense intermedial dialogue that offers mutually relational ‘translations’ and narrations of labour coercion. Other contributions written by art scholars discuss how coercion in remunerated labour is constructed and reflected in artistic practice. The collection serves as an innovative and creative tool for teaching, and raises awareness that narrating history is always contingent on the medium chosen and its inherent constraints and possibilities

    Sammelrezension G. W. Pabst

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    Wolfgang Jacobsen (Hg.): G.W. PabstHelga Belach und Hans-Michael Bock (Hg.):Kameradschaft / La tragédie de la mine. Drehbuch vonLadislaus Vajda, Karl Otten, Peter Martin Lampel nach einerIdee von Karl Otten zu G.W. Pabsts Film von 1931

    Career, Covid-19, and Care: (Gendered) Impacts of the Pandemic on the Work of Communication Scholars

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    The study at hand analyzes the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and related restrictions on scholars in the area of media and communication studies. It aims to highlight inequalities in the negative effects of the pandemic on academic output by examining the working conditions of scholars, taking into account gender, parenthood, and the partnership-based division of professional and care work. The quantitative survey was directed at communication scholars in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The findings show that there are no significant gender differences in terms of changes in academic output during the first 15 months of the pandemic; instead, disadvantages were observed in terms of parenting, regardless of the gender of the parents. Gender-specific effects could be detected concerning family situations and partnerships. Here, male participants are more often found in relationships in which the partner only works half-time, than women who mostly live with a partner who works full-time. The data suggest that gender differences related to changes in the time allotted for professional and care work and academic output are leveled out by the characteristics of the academic career model in which German-speaking scholars work. Nevertheless, gendered structures in academia and partnerships shape how the impact of the pandemic on professional work is experienced

    The semisolid bolus swallow test for clinical diagnosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia: a prospective randomised study

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    Contrary to clinical experience, clinical swallow tests are predominantly performed using water (water swallow tests, WST). In this study, we examine whether swallow tests performed using a bolus of semisolid food (bolus swallow test, BST) offer benefits. In a prospective, randomised, blind study, the results of a standardised saliva swallow test (SST), WST, BST, combinations of these tests and an endoscopic swallow test (FEES) in patients with oropharyngeal swallowing disorders of neurological (NEU) and non-neurological (NNEU) origin were compared. Sensitivity, specificity, test accuracy and inter-rater reliability were analysed. 62 patients (mean age = 64.68; range = 22–84) were included in the study (NEU = 40; NNEU = 22). A sensitivity of 70.7% (NEU = 70.3%, NNEU = 71.4%) and specificity of 82.5% (NEU = 92.3%; NNEU = 100%) were determined for the WST. The BST + SST was found to have a sensitivity of 89.6% (NEU = 66.7%; NNEU = 90.9%) and a specificity of 72.7% (NEU = 87.5%; NNEU = 90.9%). Analysis of test accuracy showed a statistically significant correlation between FEES and BST + SST. Only BST + SST exhibited statistically significant inter-rater reliability. BST in combination with SST was the sensitive clinical instrument for detecting aspiration both over the patient population as a whole and over the two sub-populations. Inter-rater reliability was found to be statistically significant. The results presented here demonstrate the benefit of semisolid food in investigating clinical dysphagia
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