1,359 research outputs found

    Inefficiency of equilibria in digital mechanisms with continuous valuations.

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    A digital mechanism is defined as an iterative procedure in which bidders select an action, from a finite set, in each iteration. When bidders have continuous valuations and make strategic reports, we show that any ex post implementation of the vickrey choice rule via such a mechanism needs infinitely many iterations for almost all realizations of the bidders’ valuations. Thus, when valuations are drawn from a continuous probability distribution, the vickrey choice rule can only be used at the expense of a running time that is infinite with probability one. This infeasibility result even holds in the case of two bidders and the vickrey choice rule only being required to be established with probability one. Establishing the efficient allocation when the nn bidders’ report truthfully contrasts starkly to the previous setting: a bisection procedure has a finite running time almost always, and an expected number of reports are equal to 2n2n. Using a groves payment scheme rather than vickrey’s second price payment scheme somewhat mitigates the problem. We provide an example mechanism with a groves payment scheme, in which the running time of the mechanism in equilibrium is finite with probability 1212

    Fraction auctions : the tradeoff between efficiency and running time

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    This paper studies the sales of a single indivisible object where bidders have continuous valuations. In grigorieva et al. [14] it was shown that, in this setting, query auctions necessarily allocate inefficiently in equilibrium. In this paper we propose a new sequential auction, called the c-fraction auction. We show the existence of an ex-post equilibrium, called bluff equilibrium, in which bidders behave truthfully except for particular constellations of observed bids at which it is optimal to pretend a slightly higher valuation. We show c-fraction auctions guarantee approximate efficiency at any desired level of accuracy, independent of the number of bidders, when bidders choose to play the bluff equilibrium. We discuss the running time and the efficiency in the bluff equilibrium. We show that by changing the parameter c of the auction we can trade off efficiency against running time

    Assessing 20th century climate-vegetation feedbacks of land-use change and natural vegetation dynamics in a fully coupled vegetation-climate model

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    This study describes the coupling of the dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), Lund–Potsdam–Jena Model for managed land (LPJmL), with the general circulation model (GCM), Simplified Parameterizations primitivE Equation DYnamics model (SPEEDY), to study the feedbacks between land-use change and natural vegetation dynamics and climate during the 20th century. We show that anthropogenic land-use change had a stronger effect on climate than the natural vegetation's response to climate change (e.g. boreal greening). Changes in surface albedo are an important driver of the climate's response; but, especially in the (sub)tropics, changes in evapotranspiration and the corresponding changes in latent heat flux and cloud formation can be of equal importance in the opposite direction. Our study emphasizes that implementing dynamic vegetation into climate models is essential, especially at regional scales: the dynamic response of natural vegetation significantly alters the climate change that is driven by increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and anthropogenic land-use chang

    Observation of two relaxation mechanisms in transport between spin split edge states at high imbalance

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    Using a quasi-Corbino geometry to directly study electron transport between spin-split edge states, we find a pronounced hysteresis in the I-V curves, originating from slow relaxation processes. We attribute this long-time relaxation to the formation of a dynamic nuclear polarization near the sample edge. The determined characteristic relaxation times are 25 s and 200 s which points to the presence of two different relaxation mechanisms. The two time constants are ascribed to the formation of a local nuclear polarization due to flip-flop processes and the diffusion of nuclear spins.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Optimization in Electronic Markets: Examples in Combinational Auctions

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    Combinatorial auctions provide an important tool for mechanism design in multi-agent systems. When implemented they require to solve combinatorial optimization problems such as set packing and partitioning problems. We present in this paper an analysis of the complexity of the problem to assign bids to bidders in combinatorial auctions. We show that the case of identical assets can be solved in polynomial time. The case of non-identical assets is in its general version np-hard. Extra structure, like a complete ordering of assets, or mild side conditions make the problem solvable. Finally, we present an algorithm to solve small and medium sized instances in a limited time using standard software

    A New Phase of Matter: Quark-Gluon Plasma Beyond the Hagedorn Critical Temperature

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    I retrace the developments from Hagedorn's concept of a limiting temperature for hadronic matter to the discovery and characterization of the quark-gluon plasma as a new state of matter. My recollections begin with the transformation more than 30 years ago of Hagedorn's original concept into its modern interpretation as the "critical" temperature separating the hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma phases of strongly interacting matter. This was followed by the realization that the QCD phase transformation could be studied experimentally in high-energy nuclear collisions. I describe here my personal effort to help develop the strangeness experimental signatures of quark and gluon deconfinement and recall how the experimental program proceeded soon to investigate this idea, at first at the SPS, then at RHIC, and finally at LHC. As it is often the case, the experiment finds more than theory predicts, and I highlight the discovery of the "perfectly" liquid quark-gluon plasma at RHIC. I conclude with an outline of future opportunities, especially the search for a critical point in the QCD phase diagram.Comment: To appear in {\em Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks} by Rolf Hagedorn and Johan Rafelski (editor), Springer Publishers, 2015 (open access

    Role of Tyk-2 in Th9 and Th17 cells in allergic asthma.

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    In a murine model of allergic asthma, we found that Tyk-2((-/-)) asthmatic mice have induced peribronchial collagen deposition, mucosal type mast cells in the lung, IRF4 and hyperproliferative lung Th2 CD4(+) effector T cells over-expressing IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13. We also observed increased Th9 cells expressing IL-9 and IL-10 as well as T helper cells expressing IL-6, IL-10 and IL-21 with a defect in IL-17A and IL-17F production. This T helper phenotype was accompanied by increased SOCS3 in the lung of Tyk-2 deficient asthmatic mice. Finally, in vivo treatment with rIL-17A inhibited local CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells as well as Th2 cytokines without affecting IL-9 in the lung. These results suggest a role of Tyk-2 in different subsets of T helper cells mediated by SOCS3 regulation that is relevant for the treatment of asthma, cancer and autoimmune diseases

    Mechanisms for decentralized online scheduling

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    Path-monotonicity and incentive compatibility

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