15 research outputs found

    Cancer Sample Biobanking at the Next Level: Combining Tissue With Living Cell Repositories to Promote Precision Medicine

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    Biorespositories of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) or fresh frozen human tissues from malignant diseases generated as integral part of the diagnostic workup in many pathology departments have been pivotal resources for translational cancer studies. However, such tissue biobanks have traditionally contained only non-viable specimens and thus cannot enable functional assays for the discovery and validation of therapeutic targets or the assessment of drug responses and resistance to treatment. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a next-generation comprehensive biobanking platform that includes the generation of patient-derived in vitro cell models from colorectal, pancreatic and kidney cancers among others. As such patient-derived cell (PDC) models retain important features of the original human tumors, they have emerged as relevant tools for more dynamic clinical and experimental analyses of cancer. Here, we describe details of the complex processes of acquisition and processing of patient-derived samples, propagation, annotation, characterization and distribution of resulting cell models and emphasize the requirements of quality assurance, organizational considerations and investment into resources. Taken together, we show how clinical tissue collections can be taken to the next level thus promising major new opportunities for understanding and treating cancer in the context of precision medicine

    Chloroplast ion homeostasis – what do we know and where should we go?

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    Plant yields heavily depend on proper macro- and micronutrient supply from the soil. In the leaf cells, nutrient ions fulfill specific roles in biochemical reactions, especially photosynthesis housed in the chloroplast. Here, a well-balanced ion homeostasis is maintained by a number of ion transport proteins embedded in the envelope and thylakoid membranes. Ten years ago, the first alkali metal transporters from the K+ EFFLUX ANTIPORTER family were discovered in the model plant Arabidopsis. Since then, our knowledge about the physiological importance of these carriers and their substrates has greatly expanded. New insights into the role of alkali ions in plastid gene expression and photoprotective mechanisms, both prerequisites for plant productivity in natural environments, were gained. The discovery of a Cl− channel in the thylakoid and several additional plastid alkali and alkali metal transport proteins have advanced the field further. Nevertheless, scientists still have long ways to go before a complete systemic understanding of the chloroplast's ion transportome will emerge. In this Tansley review, we highlight and discuss the achievements of the last decade. More importantly, we make recommendations on what areas to prioritize, so the field can reach the next milestones. One area, laid bare by our similarity-based comparisons among phototrophs is our lack of knowledge what ion transporters are used by cyanobacteria to buffer photosynthesis fluctuations

    Rbfox1 Is Expressed in the Mouse Brain in the Form of Multiple Transcript Variants and Contains Functional E Boxes in Its Alternative Promoters

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    The RNA-binding protein RBFOX1 is an important regulator of neuron development and neuronal excitability. Rbfox1 is a dosage-sensitive gene and in both mice and humans, decreased expression of Rbfox1 has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. Alternative promoters drive expression of Rbfox1 transcript isoforms that encode an identical protein. The tissue- and developmental stage-specific expression of these isoforms, as well as the underlying regulatory mechanisms, are, however, unclear. Here, we set out to capture all of the Rbfox1 transcript isoforms and identify transcriptional mechanisms that regulate brain-specific Rbfox1 expression. Isoform sequencing identified multiple alternative Rbfox1 transcript variants in the mouse cerebral cortex, including transcripts with novel first exons, alternatively spliced exons and 3′-truncations. Quantitative RT-PCR determined the expression of the alternative first exons in the developing cerebral cortex and different subregions of the juvenile brain. Alternative first exons were found to be highly stage- and subregion specific in their expression patterns suggesting that they fulfill specific functions during cortex development and in different brain regions. Using reporter assays we found that the promoter regions of the two first exons E1B and E1C/E1C.1 contain several functional E-boxes. Together, we provide an extensive picture of Rbfox1 isoform expression. We further identified important regulatory mechanisms that drive neuron-specific Rbfox1 expression. Thus, our study forms the basis for further research into the mechanisms that ensure physiological Rbfox1 expression in the brain. It also helps to understand why, in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders deletion of individual RBFOX1 transcript isoforms could affect brain function

    Promoter-hypermethylation is causing functional relevant downregulation of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) expression in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) gene is localized in the chromosomal region 9p21. Here, frequently homozygous deletions occur in several kinds of cancer associated with the loss of tumour suppressor genes as p16 and p15. The aim of this study was to analyse MTAP expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and to get an insight into the regulation and functional role of MTAP in hepatocancerogenesis. Compared with primary human hepatocytes MTAP expression was markedly downregulated in three different HCC cell lines as determined by real-time PCR and western blotting. This was not due to genomic losses or mutations but to promoter-hypermethylation. Reduced MTAP-expression was confirmed in vivo in HCC compared with non-cancerous liver tissue on both mRNA and protein levels. To study the functional relevance of the downregulated MTAP expression in HCC, MTAP expression was re-induced in HCC cell lines by stable transfection. In these MTAP re-expressing cell clones the invasive potential was strongly reduced, whereas no effects on cell proliferation were observed in comparison with mock transfected cell clones. Furthermore, in MTAP re-expressing cells interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-gamma induced a significantly stronger inhibition of cell proliferation than in mock transfected cells. In conclusion, our results suggest a functional role of MTAP inactivation in HCC development and invasiveness. Furthermore, in the light of a recent report revealing an association between MTAP activity and IFN sensitivity, our findings may have clinical significance for therapeutic strategies

    Palmitate and insulin counteract glucose-induced thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) expression in insulin secreting cells via distinct mechanisms.

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    Glucose and palmitate synergistically stimulate insulin secretion, but chronically elevated they induce apoptotic β-cell death. The glucotoxic effect has been attributed, at least partly, to the upregulation of the oxidative stress marker thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP). Palmitate downregulates TXNIP expression, the functional significance of which is still under debate. This study examines the mechanism and consequence of palmitate-mediated TXNIP regulation in insulin secreting cells. Palmitate (600 μM) reduced TXNIP mRNA levels in isolated human and mouse islets independently of FFAR1/GPR40. Similar effects of palmitate were observed in INS-1E cells and mimicked by other long chain fatty acids. The lowering of TXNIP mRNA was significant already 1 h after addition of palmitate, persisted for 24 h and was directly translated to changes in TXNIP protein. The pharmacological inhibition of palmitate-induced phosphorylation of AMPK, ERK1/2, JNK and PKCα/β by BML-275, PD98059, SP600125 and Gö6976, respectively, did not abolish palmitate-mediated TXNIP downregulation. The effect of palmitate was superimposed by a time-dependent (8 h and 24 h) decline of TXNIP mRNA and protein. This decline correlated with accumulation of secreted insulin into the medium. Accordingly, exogenously added insulin reduced TXNIP mRNA and protein levels, an effect counteracted by the insulin/IGF-1 receptor antagonist linsitinib. The inhibition of PI3K and Akt/PKB increased TXNIP mRNA levels. The histone deacetylase (HDAC1/2/3) inhibitor MS-275 completely abrogated the time-dependent, insulin-mediated reduction of TXNIP, leaving the effect of palmitate unaltered. Acute stimulation of insulin secretion and chronic accentuation of cell death by palmitate occurred independently of TXNIP regulation. On the contrary, palmitate antagonized glucose-augmented ROS production. In conclusion, glucose-induced TXNIP expression is efficiently antagonized by two independent mechanisms, namely via an autocrine activation of insulin/IGF-1 receptors involving HDAC and by palmitate attenuating oxidative stress of β-cells

    Palmitate- and time-dependent reduction of TXNIP expression despite stimulatory concentrations of glucose.

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    <p>INS-1E cells were cultured in the presence of test substances as indicated and described under Materials and methods. (A, E) Relative T<i>xnip</i> mRNA levels (ΔCt) to the house keeping gene (<i>Rps13</i>); (B, F) representative western blots; (C, G) quantitative analysis of western blots of three independent experiments presented as mean ± SEM; (D) Representative pictures of immunostained INS-1E cells for TXNIP (green) and nuclei (red). **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs 2.8 mM Glc, 1h; <sup>#</sup>p<0.05, <sup>##</sup>p<0.01, <sup>###</sup> p<0.001 significant effect of palmitate to the respective Glc concentration at the same time point; <sup></sup>p<0.01 significant vs 11 mM Glc, 1h; Abbreviations: Glc, glucose; Pal, palmitate.</p

    FFAR1/GPR40-independent effect of palmitate on TXNIP mRNA levels in human and mouse islets and INS-1E cells.

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    <p>(A and D) Isolated human islets, (B and E) mouse islets and (C) INS-1E cells were cultured for 24 h in the presence of test substances as indicated and described under Materials and methods. Changes in TXNIP mRNA levels (ΔΔCt) vs respective control (set to 100%, first column of each graph) are presented as mean ± SEM of n = 3–4 independent experiments; *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 significant vs respective control. Abbreviations: Glc, glucose; Pal, palmitate; Ole, oleate; Stea, stearate; TUG, TUG-469 (FFAR1 agonist).</p

    Regulation of TXNIP mRNA levels in β-cells.

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    <p>Transcription of TXNIP is under the control of a protein complex consisting of ChREBP (carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein) and MondoA as well as the histone acetyltransferase P300. ChREBP is negatively regulated by AMPK. Consequently, stimulation of AMPK by AICAR inhibits ChREBP and TXNIP expression, while inhibition of AMPK by glucose and BML-275 activates ChREBP and increases TXNIP mRNA levels. Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1), counteracts P300-mediated histone acetylation, and is involved in insulin-mediated downregulation of TXNIP expression. Thus, inhibition of PI3K, AKT or HDAC1/3 increases TXNIP mRNA levels. Fatty acids-mediated stimulation of insulin secretion occurs via FFAR1/GPR40, a signalling pathway not involved in regulation of TXNIP expression. Fatty acids activate AMPK and have an additional effect on TXNIP mRNA levels. Fatty acids counteract glucose-induced TXNIP expression and ROS elevation, events which do not impede the ER strees-associated lipotoxic effect.</p