8 research outputs found

    Comparison of the marginal adaptation of direct and indirect composite inlay restorations with optical coherence tomography

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    Objective The purpose of the study was to use the photonic imaging modality of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to compare the marginal adaptation of composite inlays fabricated by direct and indirect techniques. Material and Methods Class II cavities were prepared on 34 extracted human molar teeth. The cavities were randomly divided into two groups according to the inlay fabrication technique. The first group was directly restored on cavities with a composite (Esthet X HD, Dentsply, Germany) after isolating. The second group was indirectly restored with the same composite material. Marginal adaptations were scanned before cementation with an invisible infrared light beam of OCT (Thorlabs), allowing measurement in 200 µm intervals. Restorations were cemented with a self-adhesive cement resin (SmartCem2, Dentsply), and then marginal adaptations were again measured with OCT. Mean values were statistically compared by using independent-samples t-test and paired samples t-test (

    Comparison of the marginal adaptation of direct and indirect composite inlay restorations with optical coherence tomography

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to use the photonic imaging modality of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to compare the marginal adaptation of composite inlays fabricated by direct and indirect techniques. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Class II cavities were prepared on 34 extracted human molar teeth. The cavities were randomly divided into two groups according to the inlay fabrication technique. The first group was directly restored on cavities with a composite (Esthet X HD, Dentsply, Germany) after isolating. The second group was indirectly restored with the same composite material. Marginal adaptations were scanned before cementation with an invisible infrared light beam of OCT (Thorlabs), allowing measurement in 200 µm intervals. Restorations were cemented with a self-adhesive cement resin (SmartCem2, Dentsply), and then marginal adaptations were again measured with OCT. Mean values were statistically compared by using independent-samples t-test and paired samples t-test (p<0.05), before and after cementation. RESULTS: Direct inlays presented statistically smaller marginal discrepancy values than indirect inlays, before (p=0.00001442) and after (p=0.00001466) cementation. Marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations after cementation (p=0.00008839, p=0.000000952 for direct and indirect inlays, respectively). The mean marginal discrepancy value of the direct group increased from 56.88±20.04 µm to 91.88±31.7 µm, whereas the indirect group increased from 107.54±35.63 µm to 170.29±54.83 µm. Different techniques are available to detect marginal adaptation of restorations, but the OCT system can give quantitative information about resin cement thickness and its interaction between tooth and restoration in a nondestructive manner. CONCLUSIONS: Direct inlays presented smaller marginal discrepancy than indirect inlays. The marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations that refer to cement thickness after cementation

    Seramo-metal restorasyonlarda renk uyumunun klinik olarak araştırılması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.SONUÇ Bir porselen kron veya köprünün renk uyumunun iyi olması için dikkat edilmesi gereken faktörler aşa ğıda sıralanmıştır. 1. Dişin rengi preparasyondan önce tesbit edil melidir. Gerekirse simetrik dişten yararlanılmalıdır. 2. Renk tespiti, kuzey gökyüzüne bakan bir yer de öğle saatlerine yakın yapılmalıdır. Seçilen renk fark lı ışık' kaynakları altında tekrar kontrol edilmelidir. 3. Yeterli porselen kalınlığı elde edilebilecek kadar diş redüksiyonu yapılmalıdır. 4. Diş hekimleri ve teknisyenler renk konusunda eğitilmelidirler. Renk tespit işlemine gereken önem ve rilmelidir. Dişhekimi, hasta ve teknisyen bir araya ge lerek renk tespitinde beraberce karar vermeleri daha ye rinde olur. 5. Renk anahtarları, kullanılan porselen setin deki porselen tozları ile yapılacak kronların tabaka larının kalınlıklarına benzer bir şekilde özel olarak yapılmalıdır. 6. Porselen kron endikasyonu koyarken bütün ça balara karşın yapılacak kronun renginin her zaman has tayı tatmin etmesinin mümkün olmadığına da hesaba kata rak iyi karar vermemiz gerekir. Diğer bir deyişle sade ce estetik amaçla yapılacak bir kronun estetiğinin eski sinden daha iyi olmayabileceğini de göz ardı etmemeliyiz

    Effect of different impression materials on the marginal fit of frameworks: An in-vitro study

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    Objectives: the objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of three different impression materials with evaluating the marginal fits of metal frameworks using replica technique. Materials and Methods: A phantom premolar tooth was prepared with a 1 mm circumferential chamfer preparation. Four impression materials: two vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) (Affinis Precious, (Group A); Elite HD, (Group E)), one polyether (Impregum Penta Soft, (Group P)) and one vinyl siloxanether (Identium, (Group I)) were used for producing stone casts of this master model. Twelve measurements per replica were carried out using a light microscope X40 magnification by Leica software, to assess the vertical marginal gap (VMG). Data were analyzed using the analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test (p=0.05). Results: Specimens of the Group A and Group I showed significantly lower VMG values than those of Group E and Group P (p0.05). Conclusions: All impression materials were clinically acceptable. As well as composition of the impression materials, size of filler particles and fluid mechanics of flow into very small spaces can be effective on accuracy of the material

    Total ve Kısmi Diş Eksikliği Olgularının, Konvansiyonel ve Implant Üstü Protezler Ile Tedavisinde Artex Artikülatör Kullanımının Klinik Etkinliğinin Araştırılması

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    Objectives: in this study, the clinical efficacy of a fully adjustable articulator and its outcome on patient comfort have been aimed to be studied on conventional and implant supported denture fabrication of patients with complete and partial edentulism. Methods: Totally 40 patients with an age range 35-65 having required clinical criteria have been included and divided into 2 subgroups of 20 patients. in the first group, conventional clinical and laboratory procedures including interocclusal registration, transfer and denture fabrication have been used for rehabilitation of patients with conventional and/or implant supported dentures, while an articulator system was used for the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients requiring conventional and/or implant supported dentures in the second group. Results: in the study group patients that articulator system was used both chewing activity and phonation as well as the aesthetic satisfaction, avoid joint problems or in terms of the decline of existing joint problems have been achieved statistically significant positive results. Conclusion: the results of the study indicated that the patients using dentures fabricated with the aid of the articulator system had higher chewing ability, adequate bite force, no masticatory muscle and/or temporomandibular joint problems,and their speech was not deterioriated and esthetic outcome of the rehabilitation was sufficientAmaç: Dişhekimliğinde kullanılan ve eklem hareketlerini taklit edebilen yardımcı cihazlar mevcuttur. Bu cihazlara artikulatör adı verilir. Artikülatörler; eklem hareketleri ile uyum içinde olan sabit yada hareketli protetik restorasyonların, klinik ve laboratuar aşamaların da kullanılır. Bu çalışmada; total ve kısmi diş eksikliği olan bireylerin konvansiyonel ve implant üstü protezler ile tedavisinde, tam ayarlanabilir (artex marka) artikülatör kullanımının klinik etkinliğinin araştırılması ve hastaların yaşam kalitesine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya 35 - 65 yaş aralığında, belirlenen kriterlere uygun 40 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilerek 20' şer kişilik 2 alt gruba ayrılmıştır. 1. Grup'da yer alan hastaların konvansiyonel veya implant üstü protezlerinin yapımı sırasında, kapanış kayıtlarının alınması, transferi ve protezlerinin laboratuar aşamaları için konvasiyonel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. 2. Grup'da yer alan hastaların konvansiyonel veya implant üstü protezlerinin yapımı sırasında ise kapanış kayıtlarının alınması, transferi ve protezlerinin laboratuar aşamalarında artikülatör sistemi kullanılarak protezleri üretilmiştir. Bulgular: Artikülatör sisteminin kullanıldığı çalışma grubu hastalarında gerek çiğneme etkinliği ve fonasyon açısından, gerekse estetik memnuniyet ve eklem problemlerinin oluşmaması veya mevcut eklem problemlerinin gerilemesi açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç: Artikülatör sistemi kullanıldığı çalışma grubu hastalarında; çiğneme etkinliğinin yüksek, yeterli ısırma kuvveti uygulanabildiği, çiğneme kaslarında ağrı veya eklem problemlerinin olmadığı, konuşmanın etkilenmediği ve estetik görünümü açısından daha tatminkar olduğu sonucuna varılmıştı

    Comparison of the marginal adaptation of direct and indirect composite inlay restorations with optical coherence tomography

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    ABSTRACT Objective The purpose of the study was to use the photonic imaging modality of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to compare the marginal adaptation of composite inlays fabricated by direct and indirect techniques. Material and Methods Class II cavities were prepared on 34 extracted human molar teeth. The cavities were randomly divided into two groups according to the inlay fabrication technique. The first group was directly restored on cavities with a composite (Esthet X HD, Dentsply, Germany) after isolating. The second group was indirectly restored with the same composite material. Marginal adaptations were scanned before cementation with an invisible infrared light beam of OCT (Thorlabs), allowing measurement in 200 µm intervals. Restorations were cemented with a self-adhesive cement resin (SmartCem2, Dentsply), and then marginal adaptations were again measured with OCT. Mean values were statistically compared by using independent-samples t-test and paired samples t-test (p<0.05), before and after cementation. Results Direct inlays presented statistically smaller marginal discrepancy values than indirect inlays, before (p=0.00001442) and after (p=0.00001466) cementation. Marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations after cementation (p=0.00008839, p=0.000000952 for direct and indirect inlays, respectively). The mean marginal discrepancy value of the direct group increased from 56.88±20.04 µm to 91.88±31.7 µm, whereas the indirect group increased from 107.54±35.63 µm to 170.29±54.83 µm. Different techniques are available to detect marginal adaptation of restorations, but the OCT system can give quantitative information about resin cement thickness and its interaction between tooth and restoration in a nondestructive manner. Conclusions Direct inlays presented smaller marginal discrepancy than indirect inlays. The marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations that refer to cement thickness after cementation