374 research outputs found

    Characterization of the pneumatic behavior of a novel spouted bed apparatus

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    Recently the importance of spouted bed technology has significantly increased in the context of drying processes as well as granulation, agglomeration or coating processes. Particulate systems concerning very fine or non spherical particles that are difficult to fluidize, often cannot be treated in conventional fluidized beds. In contrast to those fluidized beds, the spouted bed technology with its specific flow structure offers the opportunity of stable fluidization under controlled conditions. Within this work the fluid dynamics of a novel spouted bed with two adjustable gas inlets is investigated. By analysis of gas fluctuation spectra by means of a fast Fourier transformation algorithm, different operation regimes are identified and depicted graphically. Furthermore, continuum CFD-modeling of the granular solid phase motion by means of an Euler/Euler approach and comparisons with experimental obtained velocity vector fields by means of particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements will be presented in this work

    Discrete element modeling and fibre optical measurements for fluidized bed spray granulation

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    Spout fluidized beds are frequently used for the production of granules or\ud particles through granulation. The products find application in a large variety of\ud applications, for example detergents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and food. Spout fluidized\ud beds have a number of advantageous properties, such as a high mobility of the particles,\ud which prevents undesired agglomeration and yields excellent heat transfer properties. The\ud particle growth mechanism in a spout fluidized bed as function of particle-droplet\ud interaction has a profound influence on the particle morphology and thus on the product\ud quality. Nevertheless, little is known about the details of the granulation process. This is\ud mainly due to the fact that the granulation process is not visually accessible. In this work\ud we use fundamental, deterministic models to enable the detailed investigation of\ud granulation behaviour in a spout fluidized bed. A discrete element model is used\ud describing the dynamics of the continuous gas-phase and the discrete droplets and\ud particles. For each element momentum balances are solved. The momentum transfer\ud among each of the three phases is described in detail at the level of individual elements.\ud The results from the discrete element model simulations are compared with local\ud measurements of particle volume fractions as well as particle velocities by using a novel\ud fibre optical probe in a fluidized bed of 400 mm I.D. Simulations and experiments were\ud carried out for two different cases using Geldart B type aluminium oxide particles: a\ud freely bubbling fluidized bed and a spout fluidized bed with the presence of droplets. It is\ud demonstrated how the discrete element model can be used to obtain information about the\ud interaction of the discrete phases, i.e. the growth zone in a spout fluidized bed. Eventually\ud this kind of information can be used to obtain closure information required in more coarse\ud grained model

    3-D-Bewegungsorganisation der lumbalen Wirbelsäure beim Heben

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    Wirbelsäulenbewegungen bei alltäglichen Bewegungen sind nicht hinreichend untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wurden mittels einer Hautmarkermethode unter Verwendung infrarotlicht-basierendem Motion-Capturing Bewegungen der Lendenwirbelsäule von 11 Versuchs-personen gemessen. Die Hautmarkermethode wurde mittels offenem MRT validiert. Die erhaltenen Koordinaten wurden zu 3-D-Winkeln (Cardan-Winkel) transformiert. Es konnten innerhalb der Probandengruppe unterschiedliche Bewegungsmuster der Lendenwirbelsäule bei Benutzung unterschiedlicher Hebetechniken festgestellt werden (Knieheber vs. Rücken-heber). Schlussfolgernd kann ausgesagt werden, dass das lumbale Bewegungsmuster der hier klassifizierten Knieheber eine Möglichkeit zur Belastungsreduktion der Lendenwirbelsäule ist

    Comparison of fibre optical measurements and discrete element simulations for the study of granulation in a spout fluidized bed

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    Spout fluidized beds are frequently used for the production of granules or particles through granulation. The products find application in a large variety of applications, for example detergents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and food. Spout fluidized beds have a number of advantageous properties, such as a high mobility of the particles, which prevents undesired agglomeration and yields excellent heat transfer properties. The particle growth mechanism in a spout fluidized bed as function of particle-droplet interaction has a profound influence on the particle morphology and thus on the product quality. Nevertheless, little is known about the details of the granulation process. This is mainly due to the fact that the granulation process is not visually accessible. In this work we use fundamental, deterministic models to enable the detailed investigation of granulation behaviour in a spout fluidized bed. A discrete element model is used describing the dynamics of the continuous gas-phase and the discrete droplets and particles. For each element momentum balances are solved. The momentum transfer among each of the three phases is described in detail at the level of individual elements. The results from the discrete element model simulations are compared with local measurements of particle volume fractions as well as particle velocities by using a novel fibre optical probe in a fluidized bed of 400 mm I.D. Simulations and experiments were carried out for three different cases using Geldart B type aluminium oxide particles: a freely bubbling fluidized bed; a spout fluidized bed without the presence of droplets and a spout fluidized bed with the presence of droplets. It is demonstrated how the discrete element model can be used to obtain information about the interaction of the discrete phases, i.e. the growth zone in a spout fluidized bed. Eventually this kind of information can be used to obtain closure information required in more coarse grained models

    The identity of the discriminator base has an impact on CCA addition

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    CCA-adding enzymes synthesize and maintain the C-C-A sequence at the tRNA 3''-end, generating the attachment site for amino acids. While tRNAs are the most prominent substrates for this polymerase, CCA additions on non-tRNA transcripts are described as well. To identify general features for substrate requirement, a pool of randomized transcripts was incubated with the human CCA-adding enzyme. Most of the RNAs accepted for CCA addition carry an acceptor stem-like terminal structure, consistent with tRNA as the main substrate group for this enzyme. While these RNAs show no sequence conservation, the position upstream of the CCA end was in most cases represented by an adenosine residue. In tRNA, this position is described as discriminator base, an important identity element for correct aminoacylation. Mutational analysis of the impact of the discriminator identity on CCA addition revealed that purine bases (with a preference for adenosine) are strongly favoured over pyrimidines. Furthermore, depending on the tRNA context, a cytosine discriminator can cause a dramatic number of misincorporations during CCA addition. The data correlate with a high frequency of adenosine residues at the discriminator position observed in vivo. Originally identified as a prominent identity element for aminoacylation, this position represents a likewise important element for efficient and accurate CCA addition

    Divergent Evolution of Eukaryotic CC- and A-Adding Enzymes

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    Synthesis of the CCA end of essential tRNAs is performed either by CCA-adding enzymes or as a collaboration between enzymes restricted to CC- and A-incorporation. While the occurrence of such tRNA nucleotidyltransferases with partial activities seemed to be restricted to Bacteria, the first example of such split CCA-adding activities was reported in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, we demonstrate that the choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta also carries CC- and A-adding enzymes. However, these enzymes have distinct evolutionary origins. Furthermore, the restricted activity of the eukaryotic CC-adding enzymes has evolved in a different way compared to their bacterial counterparts. Yet, the molecular basis is very similar, as highly conserved positions within a catalytically important flexible loop region are missing in the CC-adding enzymes. For both the CC-adding enzymes from S. rosetta as well as S. pombe, introduction of the loop elements from closely related enzymes with full activity was able to restore CCA-addition, corroborating the significance of this loop in the evolution of bacterial as well as eukaryotic tRNA nucleotidyltransferases. Our data demonstrate that partial CC- and A-adding activities in Bacteria and Eukaryotes are based on the same mechanistic principles but, surprisingly, originate from different evolutionary events
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