18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Madurahydroxylactone as a Slow Release Antibacterial Implant Coating

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    Madurahydroxylactone (MHL), a secondary metabolite with antibacterial activity was evaluated for its suitability to generate controlled drug release coatings on medical implant materials. A smooth and firmly attached layer could be produced from a precursor solution on various metallic implant materials. In physiological salt solutions these coatings dissolved within a time period up to one week. A combination of MHL with a broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic was used to create a coating that was active against all bacterial strains tested. The time period during which the coating remained active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. The results indicated a delayed drug release from single layer coatings in the course of seven days. MHL was biocompatible in cell culture assays and could after a delay even serve as a cell adhesion substrate for human or murine cells. The findings indicate a potential for MHL for the generation of delayed release antimicrobial implant coatings

    Novel insight into the reaction of nitro, nitroso and hydroxylamino benzothiazinones and of benzoxacinones with Mycobacterium tuberculosis DprE1

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    Abstract Nitro-substituted 1,3-benzothiazinones (nitro-BTZs) are mechanism-based covalent inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose-2′-oxidase (DprE1) with strong antimycobacterial properties. We prepared a number of oxidized and reduced forms of nitro-BTZs to probe the mechanism of inactivation of the enzyme and to identify opportunities for further chemistry. The kinetics of inactivation of DprE1 was examined using an enzymatic assay that monitored reaction progress up to 100 min, permitting compound ranking according to k inact/K i values. The side-chain at the 2-position and heteroatom identity at the 1-position of the BTZs were found to be important for inhibitory activity. We obtained crystal structures with several compounds covalently bound. The data suggest that steps upstream from the covalent end-points are likely the key determinants of potency and reactivity. The results of protein mass spectrometry using a 7-chloro-nitro-BTZ suggest that nucleophilic reactions at the 7-position do not operate and support a previously proposed mechanism in which BTZ activation by a reduced flavin intermediate is required. Unexpectedly, a hydroxylamino-BTZ showed time-dependent inhibition and mass spectrometry corroborated that this hydroxylamino-BTZ is a mechanism-based suicide inhibitor of DprE1. With this BTZ derivative, we propose a new covalent mechanism of inhibition of DprE1 that takes advantage of the oxidation cycle of the enzyme

    Siderophores as drug delivery agents: application of the "Trojan Horse" strategy

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    The outer membrane permeability barrier is an important resistance factor of bacterial pathogens. In combination with drug inactivating enzymes, target alteration and efflux, it can increase resistance dramatically. A strategy to overcome this membrane-mediated resistance is the misuse of bacterial transport systems. Most promising are those for iron transport. They are vital for virulence and survival of bacteria in the infected host, where iron depletion is a defense mechanism against invading pathogens. We synthesized biomimetic siderophores as shuttle vectors for active transport of antibiotics through the bacterial membrane. Structure activity relationship studies resulted in siderophore aminopenicillin conjugates that were highly active against Gram-negative pathogens which play a crucial role in destructive lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients and in severe nosocomial infections. The mechanism of action and the uptake of the compounds via specific iron siderophore transport routes were demonstrated. The novel conjugates were active against systemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in mice with ED(50) values comparable to the quinolone ofloxacin and show low toxicity

    A protein linkage map of the ESAT-6 secretion system 1 (ESX-1) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. One of the major contributors to virulence and intercellular spread of M. tuberculosis is the ESAT-6 secretion system 1 (ESX-1) that has been lost by the live vaccines Mycobacterium bovis BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin) and Mycobacterium microti as a result of independent deletions. ESX-1 consists of at least 10 genes (Rv3868-Rv3877) encoding the T-cell antigens ESAT-6 and CFP-10 as well as AAA-ATPases, chaperones, and membrane proteins which probably form a novel export system. To better understand the mode of action of the ESX-1 proteins, as a prelude to drug development, we examined systematically the interactions between the various proteins using the two-hybrid system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interestingly, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 formed both hetero- and homodimers. Moreover, Rv3866, Rv3868, and CFP-10 interacted with Rv3873 which also homodimerized. The data were summarized in a protein linkage map that is consistent with the model for the secretion apparatus and can be used as a basis to identify inhibitors of specific interactions

    Effects of Synthetic Siderophores on Proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum in Infected Human Erythrocytes

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    Because iron is essential for Plasmodium falciparum, we investigated the in vitro potential of various synthetic siderophores to kill P. falciparum in infected human erythrocytes. The substances with the most promising profile, i.e., low 50% lethal doses for plasmodia and minimum toxicity towards mammalian cells, were siderophores with an acylated monocatecholate or a triscatecholate as substituent

    2-Amino-3-(Oxirane-2,3-Dicarboxamido)-Propanoyl-Valine, an Effective Peptide Antibiotic from the Epiphyte Pantoea agglomerans 48b/90 â–ż

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    The epiphyte Pantoea agglomerans 48b/90, which has been isolated from soybean leaves, belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae, as does the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora, which causes fire blight on rosaceous plants such as apples and leads to severe economic losses. Since P. agglomerans efficiently antagonizes phytopathogenic bacteria, the P. agglomerans strain C9-1 is used as a biocontrol agent (BlightBan C9-1). Here we describe the bioassay-guided isolation of a peptide antibiotic that is highly active against the plant pathogen E. amylovora and pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae, and we elucidate its structure. Bioassay-guided fractionation using anion-exchange chromatography followed by hydrophobic interaction liquid chromatography yielded the bioactive, highly polar antibiotic. The compound was identified as 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine by using high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. This peptide was found to be produced by three of the nine P. agglomerans strains analyzed. Notably, the biocontrol strain P. agglomerans C9-1 also produces 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine. Previously, 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine has been characterized only from Serratia plymuthica. 2-Amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine has been shown to inhibit the growth of the human pathogen Candida albicans efficiently, but its involvement in the defense of epiphytes against phytopathogenic bacteria has not been investigated so far