102 research outputs found

    ProduktivitÀtswirkung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen (Productivity effect of employee participation in asset formation)

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    "Various intentions are pursued with the introduction of models of profit-sharing and capital participation for employees. In this paper the effect of employee participation in asset formation as an incentive to increase performance is examined as a way of raising the productivity within an individual firm. Linking employees' pay with the success of the firm can lead to an improvement in the overall success of the firm via an increase in the employees' performance, and thus to higher individual remuneration. Using the data from the 1998 IAB establishment panel this paper first ascertains that firms not using employee participation in asset formation have poorer average productivity values. The median for western German firms not using employee participation is 64% of the value for the firms that do use it (eastern German firms: 72%). In addition to this there are also clear productivity deficits. The results of the econometric estimation model confirm the mainly positive effect of employee participation in asset formation which was determined both in the literature analysis carried out by the OECD (1995) and in our own." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Kapitalbeteiligung, ProduktivitÀtseffekte, Leistungsanreiz, IAB-Betriebspanel

    Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Sewage Precipitation Products

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    The application of sewage sludge to agricultural land is currently prohibited in organic farming due to the risk of soil contamination from harmful compounds. Incineration or disposal to landfill of sludge is costly, leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions, and neglects the possibility of nutrient recovery. There are various technologies to recover P by crystallization or precipitation from waste water and sewage sludge. Depending on the input material, nutrient concentrations and concentration of contaminants can vary widely. Regarding the content of potentially toxic elements, the trade-offs between (potentially) toxic element concentrations and potential benefits may be more favorable for treated sewage products than for several natural phosphate rocks or even animal manures or bio waste compost. This fact sheet describes the most important aspects to assess the suitability of sewage sludge precipitation products for use in organic farming

    Weiterbildungsbeteiligung ausgewÀhlter Personengruppen

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die unterschiedliche Beteiligung von MĂ€nnern und Frauen, Älteren und JĂŒngeren sowie In- und AuslĂ€ndern an Maßnahmen der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Empirische Untersuchungen auf Basis der Daten des Mikrozensus 2004 zeigen, dass die Teilnahmequote der Deutschen die der AuslĂ€nder deutlich ĂŒbersteigt, und dass jĂŒngere ErwerbstĂ€tige hĂ€ufiger an Weiterbildung partizipieren als Ă€ltere. Zwischen der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung von Frauen und MĂ€nnern dagegen sind die Unterschiede gering, wobei die Frauen leichte Vorteile gegenĂŒber den MĂ€nnern haben. Die bekannten Befunde aus der empirischen Bildungsforschung werden damit bestĂ€tigt, auch wenn die vorliegenden Befunde zur geschlechtsspezifischen Weiterbildungsbeteiligung nicht ganz eindeutig sind.Weiterbildung

    Applying Uncertain Science to Nature-Based Coastal Protection: Lessons From Shallow Wetland-Dominated Shores

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    Climate change and associated sea-level rise alongside the potential for alterations in the magnitude and frequency of extreme storm events, rapidly rising coastal populations, and a legacy of coastal land reclamation are forcing the need for sustainable coastal protection on shallow, wetland-dominated coasts. In this context, practitioners, and academics in the field of coastal flood and erosion risk reduction have been highlighting the flood protection value of natural coastal features for some time. Examples of the implementation of nature-based coastal flood and erosion risk reduction schemes, however, are few and far between and can certainly not (yet) be considered mainstream. One key problem around the implementation of these types of approaches has arguably been the relative lack of perceived scientific certainty around the efficiency with which natural landforms, such as coastal wetlands, reduce wave action on landward lying structures and the persistence of such landforms in an uncertain future. This makes nature-inclusive approaches less attractive to more traditional engineering-only approaches that rely solely on one “hard” structure with a well-defined impact on waves and a specified design life. Using the example of wave dissipation over coastal wetland surfaces, this paper provides a way forward for an easily applicable scientifically informed assessment of the minimum difference any given wetland makes to wave heights at landward locations. Such a “minimum function” approach could be rolled out to other ecosystem services provided by natural features and thus allow decision makers and coastal planners to consider nature-inclusive approaches to coastal management with greater confidence

    Applying Uncertain Science to Nature-Based Coastal Protection: Lessons From Shallow Wetland-Dominated Shores

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    Climate change and associated sea-level rise alongside the potential for alterations in the magnitude and frequency of extreme storm events, rapidly rising coastal populations, and a legacy of coastal land reclamation are forcing the need for sustainable coastal protection on shallow, wetland-dominated coasts. In this context, practitioners, and academics in the field of coastal flood and erosion risk reduction have been highlighting the flood protection value of natural coastal features for some time. Examples of the implementation of nature-based coastal flood and erosion risk reduction schemes, however, are few and far between and can certainly not (yet) be considered mainstream. One key problem around the implementation of these types of approaches has arguably been the relative lack of perceived scientific certainty around the efficiency with which natural landforms, such as coastal wetlands, reduce wave action on landward lying structures and the persistence of such landforms in an uncertain future. This makes nature-inclusive approaches less attractive to more traditional engineering-only approaches that rely solely on one “hard” structure with a well-defined impact on waves and a specified design life. Using the example of wave dissipation over coastal wetland surfaces, this paper provides a way forward for an easily applicable scientifically informed assessment of the minimum difference any given wetland makes to wave heights at landward locations. Such a “minimum function” approach could be rolled out to other ecosystem services provided by natural features and thus allow decision makers and coastal planners to consider nature-inclusive approaches to coastal management with greater confidence

    Reconstructing and understanding the impacts of storms and surges, southern North Sea

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    Coastal barriers are ubiquitous globally and provide a vital protective role to valuable landforms, habitats and communities located to landward. They are, however, vulnerable to extreme water levels and storm wave impacts. A detailed record of sub-annual to annual; decadal; and centennial rates of shoreline retreat in frontages characterized by both high (> 3 m) and low (< 1 m) dunes is established for a barrier island on the UK east coast. For four storms (2006–2013) we match still water levels and peak significant wave heights against shoreline change at high levels of spatial densification. The results suggest that, at least in the short-term, shoreline retreat, of typically 5–8 m, is primarily driven by individual events, separated by varying periods of barrier stasis. Over decadal timescales, significant inter-decadal changes can be seen in both barrier onshore retreat rates and in barrier extension rates alongshore. Whilst the alongshore variability in barrier migration seen in the short-term remains at the decadal scale, shoreline change at the centennial stage shows little alongshore variability between a region of barrier retreat (at 1.15 m a−1^{−1}) and one of barrier extension. A data-mining approach, synchronizing all the variables that drive shoreline change (still water level, timing of high spring tides and peak significant wave heights), is an essential requirement for validating models that predict future shoreline responses under changing sea level and storminess.This paper was completed while the first author (SB) was a recipient of a Leverhulme Research Fellowship (RF-2015-045) for a project entitled Development and Application of a shoreline response model. This paper is a contribution to NERC BESS Consortium grant A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem service flows across coastal margins (grant reference NE/J015423/1). Table 1 reports information gathered as part of an EU FP7 Collaborative Project (grant agreement no: 603458) Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolkit (http://www.risckit.eu).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.390

    Weiterbildungsbeteiligung ausgewÀhlter Personengruppen

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die unterschiedliche Beteiligung von MĂ€nnern und Frauen, Älteren und JĂŒngeren sowie In- und AuslĂ€ndern an Maßnahmen der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Empirische Untersuchungen auf Basis der Daten des Mikrozensus 2004 zeigen, dass die Teilnahmequote der Deutschen die der AuslĂ€nder deutlich ĂŒbersteigt, und dass jĂŒngere ErwerbstĂ€tige hĂ€ufiger an Weiterbildung partizipieren als Ă€ltere. Zwischen der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung von Frauen und MĂ€nnern dagegen sind die Unterschiede gering, wobei die Frauen leichte Vorteile gegenĂŒber den MĂ€nnern haben. Die bekannten Befunde aus der empirischen Bildungsforschung werden damit bestĂ€tigt, auch wenn die vorliegenden Befunde zur geschlechtsspezifischen Weiterbildungsbeteiligung nicht ganz eindeutig sind

    Attenuation of high water levels over restored saltmarshes can be limited. Insights from Freiston Shore, Lincolnshire, UK

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    The managed realignment (MR) of flood protection on low-lying coasts, and the creation, or re-creation, of intertidal saltmarsh habitat between old and new, more landward sea defence lines is an intervention designed to help protect coastal infrastructure and communities against the impact of storm waves and surges. However, the effectiveness of such schemes has rarely been proven in the field. Environmental monitoring has generally been limited to the first few years after implementation and has focussed on sediment accretion and surface elevation change, vegetation establishment and habitat utilization, to the neglect of the study of biophysical processes, such as wave energy dissipation and High Water Level (HWL) attenuation. We address this knowledge gap by analysing HWL attenuation rates in saltmarshes from within, and in front of, the open coast MR site of Freiston Shore (Lincolnshire, UK). For this purpose, a suite of 16 pressure transducers was deployed along four sections (two within and two outside the MR) of identical setup to measure water level variations during the highest spring tides of the year 2017. Our results show that for the conditions encountered during the field monitoring period, the capacity of the Freiston Shore MR site to provide HWL attenuation was limited. HWL attenuation rates were significantly higher over the natural saltmarsh (in front of the MR), where HWL attenuation ranged between 0 and 101 cm km−1 (mean 46 cm km−1). Within the MR site, rates varied between −102 and 160 cm km−1 (mean −3 cm km−1), with even negative attenuation (i.e. amplification) for about half of the measured tides. We argue that the weak performance of the MR site in terms of HWL attenuation was a result of internal hydrodynamics caused by scheme design and meteorological conditions. The latter may have counteracted the HWL attenuating effect caused by the additional shallow water area provided by the restored saltmarsh

    Wo schaffen es Frauen an die Spitze? Eine empirische Analyse mit Betriebsdaten

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    Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche betrieblichen Faktoren die PrĂ€senz von Frauen in FĂŒhrungspositionen beeinflussen. Hierbei interessiert uns auch die Rolle des Betriebsrats. FĂŒr unsere multivariate Analyse nutzen wir das IAB-Betriebspanel 2014 und verwenden ZĂ€hldatenmodelle mit der Anzahl Frauen im FĂŒhrungsteam als abhĂ€ngiger Variablen. Wir schĂ€tzen sowohl Modelle fĂŒr die erste als auch fĂŒr die zweite FĂŒhrungsebene. FĂŒr die erste FĂŒhrungsebene lassen sich Hinweise auf die in der Literatur beschriebenen Barrieren finden, die als glĂ€serne Klippen und Böden bzw. Etagen, auf denen Frauen kleben bleiben, umschrieben werden. Insgesamt vermitteln die Ergebnisse aber vor allem den Eindruck, dass Frauen in "unattraktiven" Betrieben eher in FĂŒhrungspositionen zu finden sind.This study investigates the determinants of women in top management positions, especially the role of works councils. For our multivariate analysis we use data of the IAB Establishment Panel 2014 and apply count data models as the dependent variable is the number of women in top positions. We provide separate estimations for the first and the second management level. Our findings confirm for the top executive level factors described in the literature as "glass cliffs" and "sticky floors". All in all the results indicate that women reach leading positions especially in establishments, which are "less attractive"

    Langfristig handeln, Mangel vermeiden: Betriebliche Strategien zur Deckung des FachkrÀftebedarfs : Ergebnisse des IAB-Betriebspanels 2007

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    "Mit der gĂŒnstigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung hat auch die Diskussion um den FachkrĂ€ftebedarf wieder an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dieser wird in dem Bericht aus betrieblicher Perspektive genauer untersucht. Grundlage dafĂŒr bilden die Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt bei der Analyse auf den Unterschieden zwischen den Branchen und hier vor allem der Wissenswirtschaft. Die Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels zeigen, dass sowohl die Nachfrage nach FachkrĂ€ften als auch die Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Stellen fĂŒr FachkrĂ€fte zugenommen haben. Dies gilt insbesondere fĂŒr die Wissenswirtschaft. Die Ergebnisse einer LĂ€ngsschnittanalyse deuten darauf hin, dass es sich bei dem nicht gedeckten FachkrĂ€ftebedarf um ein strukturelles Problem handeln könnte. So sind insbesondere kleine Betriebe, Betriebe der Wissenswirtschaft oder Betriebe in Westdeutschland im Zeitverlauf ĂŒberdurchschnittlich mit Stellenbesetzungsproblemen konfrontiert. Auch perspektivisch wird der FachkrĂ€ftebedarf ein Thema in den Betrieben bleiben. Ob Betriebe alle Stellen fĂŒr FachkrĂ€fte besetzen können, ist auch von dem Engagement der Betriebe selbst abhĂ€ngig. Diejenigen Betriebe, die gezielt personalpolitische Maßnahmen nutzen, erwarten seltener Probleme bei der Besetzung von Stellen fĂŒr FachkrĂ€fte. Es hat sich auch gezeigt, dass die Betriebe, die Probleme bei der Stellenbesetzung antizipieren, darauf vorausschauend mit innerbetrieblichen Maßnahmen reagieren. Einen hohen Stellenwert fĂŒr die Deckung des FachkrĂ€ftebedarfs stellen die Aus- und Weiterbildungsbeteiligung dar. In den Branchen des Produzierenden Gewerbes hat die betriebliche Ausbildung nach wie vor eine große Bedeutung. In Branchen mit einem hohen Anteil von hochqualifizierten BeschĂ€ftigten - hier handelt es sich ĂŒberwiegend um Dienstleistungsbranchen - spielt demgegenĂŒber Weiterbildung eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Rolle. Den Betrieben der Wissenswirtschaft, die sich hier aus den Bereichen der Unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen und der FuE-intensiven Branchen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes zusammensetzen, galt besonderes Augenmerk. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass sich die Betriebe der Wissenswirtschaft in vielen Aspekten von denen anderer Branchen unterscheiden. Gleichzeitig ließen sich aber auch deutliche Unterschiede innerhalb der beiden Bereiche der Wissenswirtschaft erkennen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)FachkrĂ€fte, ArbeitskrĂ€ftemangel, Personalpolitik, Personalbeschaffung, IAB-Betriebspanel, Personalentwicklung, betriebliche Weiterbildung, offene Stellen, Personalbedarf, betriebliche Berufsausbildung, Ausbildungsbereitschaft, Ausbildungsabsolventen, Personaleinstellung
