22 research outputs found

    Doorway States and Billiards

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    Whenever a distinct state is immersed in a sea of complicated and dense states, the strength of the distinct state, which we refer to as a doorway, is distributed in their neighboring states. We analyze this mechanism for 2-D billiards with different geometries. One of them is symmetric and integrable, another is symmetric but chaotic, and the third has a capricious form. The fact that the doorway-state mechanism is valid for such highly diverse cases, proves that it is robust.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in Proceedings of "Symmetries in Nature", Symposium in Memoriam Marcos Moshinsk

    Corporate valuation and social capital: A cross-country analysis

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    This paper analyses the influence of social capital on corporate valuation for a sample of 55 countries over the period 1995-2012. The results suggest that social capital is an important determinant of corporate valuation. Interpersonal trust and civic cooperation enhance corporate valuation, even though other institutional and legal characteristics are considered. Furthermore, our results reveal that corporate valuation increases with the GDP annual growth rate, legal enforcement and the protection of shareholders' rights, but that it is negatively affected by corruption and protection of creditors' rights. We also obtain some evidence suggesting that civic cooperation has a greater influence over corporate valuation in poorer countries

    Estudio de la anisotropía de una fuente de Am-Be de 111 GBq

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    Se ha estudiado la anisotropía de una fuente de Am-Be de 111 GBq (3Ci) mediante el uso de un pequeño motor que permite girar paso a paso la fuente situada en su posición de irradiación habitual. Las medidas se han realizado con un contador proporcional de 3He alojado en el interior de una esfera moderadora de 8” correspondiente a un sistema de espectrometría de esferas Bonner. Se reportan los resultados obtenidos y el factor de anisotropía determinado para esta fuente

    Caracterización y empleo de "conos de sombra" en un laboratorio para calibración neutrónica

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    En laboratorios de calibración neutrónica, si las diferencias entre los espectros neutrónicos “en el lugar de trabajo” y los utilizados en la instalación de calibración son muy acusadas, resulta muy complicado obtener factores de normalización adecuados, siendo conveniente tratar de producir campos neutrónicos “realistas”, es decir, cuyo espectro energético sea similar al existente en el lugar de trabajo, lo que permitiría la calibración directa de los instrumentos dosimétricos. Uno de los métodos utilizados, es el método de los “conos de sombra”. En este trabajo se presentan el diseño, caracterización y empleo de los conos de sombra del Laboratorio de medidas neutrónicas del Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear de la ETSII-UPM LMN-UPM), empleándose una fuente de 241Am-Be

    Characterization of an 241AmBe neutron irradiation facility by different spectrometric techniques

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    An automated panoramic irradiator with a 3 Ci 241Am-Be neutron source is installed in a bunker-type large room at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It was recently modified and a neutron spectrometry campaign was organized to characterize the neutron fields in different measurement points along the irradiation bench. Four research groups working with different Bonner Sphere Spectrometers (BSS) and using different spectral unfolding codes took part to this exercise. INFN-LNF used a BSS formed by 9 spheres plus bare detector, with cylindrical, almost point like, 6LiI(Eu) scintillator (4 mm x 4 mm, from Ludlum); UAZ-UPM employed a similar system but with only 6 spheres plus bare detector; UAB worked with a 3He filled proportional counter at 8kPa filling pressure, cylindrical 9 mm x 10 mm (05NH1 from Eurisys) with 11 spheres configuration; and CIEMAT used 12 spheres with an spherical 3He SP9 counter (Centronic Ltd., UK) with very high sensitivity due to the large diameter (3.2 cm) and the filling pressure of the order of 228 kPa. Each group applied a different spectral unfolding method: INFN and UAB worked with FRUIT ver. 3.0 with their own response matrixes; UAZ-UPM used the BUNKIUT unfolding code with the response matrix UTA4 and CIEMAT employed the GRAVEL-MAXED-IQU package with their own response matrix. The paper shows the main results obtained in terms of neutron spectra at fixed distances from the source as well as total neutron fluence rate and ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10) determined from the spectra. The latter are compared with the readings of a common active survey-meter (LB 6411). The small differences in the results of the various groups are discussed

    Performance of artificial neural networks and genetical evolved artificial neural networks unfolding techniques

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    With the Bonner spheres spectrometer neutron spectrum is obtained through an unfolding procedure. Monte Carlo methods, Regularization, Parametrization, Least-squares, and Maximum Entropy are some of the techniques utilized for unfolding. In the last decade methods based on Artificial Intelligence Technology have been used. Approaches based on Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks have been developed in order to overcome the drawbacks of previous techniques. Nevertheless the advantages of Artificial Neural Networks still it has some drawbacks mainly in the design process of the network, vg the optimum selection of the architectural and learning ANN parameters. In recent years the use of hybrid technologies, combining Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, has been utilized to. In this work, several ANN topologies were trained and tested using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetically Evolved Artificial Neural Networks in the aim to unfold neutron spectra using the count rates of a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Here, a comparative study of both procedures has been carried out

    Neutron spectrometry using artificial neural networks for a bonner sphere spectrometer with 3He detector

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    Neutron spectra unfolding and dose equivalent calculation are complicated tasks in radiation protection, are highly dependent of the neutron energy, and a precise knowledge on neutron spectrometry is essential for all dosimetry-related studies as well as many nuclear physics experiments. In previous works have been reported neutron spectrometry and dosimetry results, by using the ANN technology as alternative solution, starting from the count rates of a Bonner spheres system with a LiI(Eu) thermal neutrons detector, 7 polyethylene spheres and the UTA4 response matrix with 31 energy bins. In this work, an ANN was designed and optimized by using the RDANN methodology for the Bonner spheres system used at CIEMAT Spain, which is composed of a He neutron detector, 12 moderator spheres and a response matrix for 72 energy bins. For the ANN design process a neutrons spectra catalogue compiled by the IAEA was used. From this compilation, the neutrons spectra were converted from lethargy to energy spectra. Then, the resulting energy ?uence spectra were re-binned by using the MCNP code to the corresponding energy bins of the He response matrix before mentioned. With the response matrix and the re-binned spectra the counts rate of the Bonner spheres system were calculated and the resulting re-binned neutrons spectra and calculated counts rate were used as the ANN training data set