3 research outputs found

    Influence of grain processing in regard to serum metabolites and enzymes for finishing bull calves

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    This study compared two grain processing methods that are widely used for beef cattle, grinding and steam pelleting, with respect to serum metabolic parameters: glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), serum urea nitrogen (SUN), total serum protein (TSP), albumin, L-lactate, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and amylase. Ten Belgian Blue bull calves were allotted randomly to each of two experimental groups: PF, fed pelleted concentrate, and GF, fed ground concentrate. During the 77-day study most parameters underwent significant variation in time, increasing only numerically serum values of total protein, albumin, AST and amylase, while serum glucose, NEFA and GGT decreased numerically. Statistically significant differences were found only between groups PF and GF for creatinine (higher in group PF, in relation with its greater average body weight) and urea nitrogen, which for unknown causes fluctuated in opposite directions in the two groups throughout most of the study and attributable to changes in ruminal protein digestion. Neither serum glucose nor L-lactate were affected by treatment of grainsSupported by the Xunta de Galicia (Spain), Grant XUGA 2002/CG320S

    Estudios, incidencia y recomendaciones sobre la licencia ambiental en asuntos de hidrocarburos

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    Cuando se habla de “asuntos de hidrocarburos”, es pertinente mencionar que la industria del petróleo, a la luz de la legislación ambiental, se clasifica en cinco grandes áreas: Exploración (sísmica), perforación, explotación (producción), transporte (oleoductos) y refinación, ya que la normatividad hace requerimientos explícitos para las diferentes actividades del sector.When talking about "hydrocarbon issues", it is pertinent to mention that the oil industry, in light of environmental legislation, is classified into five large areas: Exploration (seismic), drilling, exploitation (production), transportation (oil pipelines) and refining, since the regulations make explicit requirements for the different activities of the sector

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 18 No. 39 Diciembre 2000

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    En la presente edición, la número 39 de la Revista Temas Socio-Jurídicos, colocamos a disposición de nuestros lectores los ensayos elaborados por los profesores y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, durante el segundo semestre del presente año 2000. La crisis institucional de la nación inquieta de especial manera a la comunidad académica que se expresa en propuestas, análisis o a veces con simples manifestaciones de perplejidad, que son las que se postulan por los distintos voceros de esta, nuestra escuela jurídica, que este medio escrito las acoge, recopila y divulga para incentivar el debate. Reiteramos la convocatoria a los profesores, estudiantes y egresados a vincularse con sus escritos al desarrollo y proyección de este instrumento de comunicación entre la academia y la comunidad, que sin reticencias ni reparos censurantes deja al criterio del lector el lacerante estímulo de la crítica, en procura de generar a través de la controversia dialéctica un ámbito propicio para el desarrollo intelectual de quienes despliegan el placer de escribir.In this edition, number 39 of the Socio-Legal Issues Magazine, we place at the disposal of our readers the essays prepared by the professors and students of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, during the second semester of the current year 2000 The institutional crisis of the nation is particularly worrying way to the academic community that expresses itself in proposals, analyzes or sometimes with simple expressions of perplexity, which are the ones that are postulated by the different spokesmen of this, our legal school, that this written medium welcomes, compiles and disseminates to encourage the debate. We reiterate the call to professors, students and graduates to link with their writings to the development and projection of this instrument of communication between the academy and the community, which without reluctance or censorious objections leaves to the reader's discretion the lacerating stimulus of criticism, in seeks to generate through dialectical controversy a favorable environment for the intellectual development of those who display the pleasure of writing