134 research outputs found

    Field trials to evaluate the efficacy of mash feed to reduce Salmonella shedding in swine

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    The objective of this study owas to evaluate the effect of corn based mash feed as a preharvest intervetion strategy to reduce shedding in pigs herds contaminated by Salmonella spp. In this study, three nurseries previously found contaminated by Salmonella in successive production cycles were selected to evaluate the effect of mash feed

    Régionalisation des habitats humides du Québec forestier méridional

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    MalgrĂ© l'accroissement des pressions rĂ©sultant de l'exploitation forestiĂšre, miniĂšre et hydroĂ©lectrique, et malgrĂ© une volontĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale de protĂ©ger et de conserver les milieux humides, peu d'efforts de recherche leur ont Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©s, notamment en milieu forestier. MĂȘme si nous avons une bonne connaissance de l'Ă©cologie de ces milieux, aucune Ă©tude concernant la quantification et la rĂ©gionalisation des milieux humides n'a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©chelle de la province de QuĂ©bec. Une revue de littĂ©rature a dĂ©montrĂ© que les systĂšmes de classification eux-mĂȘmes pouvaient ĂȘtre une des causes de l'absence d'une base de donnĂ©es provinciale. Bien que les diffĂ©rentes classifications soient scientifiquement irrĂ©prochables, elles sont difficilement utilisables avec des mĂ©thodes de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection puisqu'elles nĂ©cessitent une validation terrain. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude sur la distribution Ă  petite Ă©chelle des milieux humides du QuĂ©bec forestier (540 000 km2). Les objectifs poursuivis Ă©taient la quantification de diffĂ©rents types de milieux humides, le dĂ©coupage de l'aire d'Ă©tude en paysages-types, l'Ă©tude de la relation entre la distribution des milieux humides et certaines variables environnementales, et l'Ă©valuation de la capacitĂ© des classifications Ă©cologiques terrestres Ă  intĂ©grer la diversitĂ© des milieux humides. Nous avons classifiĂ© les milieux humides sur 456 feuillets cartographiques Ă©coforestiers rĂ©partis systĂ©matiquement selon un systĂšme reconnaissant 17 types de milieux humides et aquatiques et en avons quantifiĂ© la couverture par feuillet. Les 17 types se distinguent par le rĂ©gime trophique, le sol, la vĂ©gĂ©tation et leur connexion au systĂšme hydrographique. Ils se regroupent en trois classes, soit les milieux aquatiques, les dĂ©nudĂ©s humides et les marĂ©cages. Par des analyses en composantes principales et de groupement, les paysages-types ont Ă©tĂ© reconnus et caractĂ©risĂ©s en groupant les feuillets selon leur similaritĂ© en termes de milieux humides. L'analyse de redondance partielle a permis d'Ă©tudier le pouvoir explicatif des variables environnementales quant Ă  la distribution des milieux humides, puis l'analyse discriminante a Ă©tĂ© employĂ©e pour l'Ă©tude de la relation entre les classifications terrestres et la distribution des milieux humides. Les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale des milieux aquatiques et humides, qui reprĂ©sentent respectivement 10,3% et 11,7% de la superficie classifiĂ©e. La variabilitĂ© spatiale a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e par l'identification de six paysages-types se regroupant en trois catĂ©gories (paysages-types humides, secs et anthropiques). La prĂ©sence de ce dernier Ă©voque l'ampleur de l'empreinte humaine sur les habitats aquatiques. La variabilitĂ© dans la couverture de milieux humides est fortement liĂ©e aux variables environnementales. La gĂ©omorphologie et la gĂ©ologie ont un pouvoir explicatif significativement plus grand que le climat, ce qui explique que le cadre Ă©cologique de rĂ©fĂ©rence, basĂ© sur la gĂ©ologie, intĂšgre davantage la diversitĂ© des milieux humides que le systĂšme de classification Ă©cologique basĂ© sur le climat. Bien que les projets de conservation des milieux humides devraient ĂȘtre basĂ©s sur un cadre Ă©cologique qui leur est propre, il demeure que l'utilisation de cadres Ă©cologiques basĂ©s sur la gĂ©ologie et la gĂ©omorphologie est une alternative intĂ©ressante pour la planification de la conservation des milieux humides dans les endroits oĂč une rĂ©gionalisation des milieux humides est inexistante

    Finite element study of hyperstructure systems with modular light‐frame construction in high‐rise buildings

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    To answer both the growth of the world's urban population and the climate changes, new structural systems with high prefabrication levels and renewable materials need to be developed. A novel structural system that could enable the use of modular light‐frame construction in high‐rise buildings was modeled and analyzed. This system was achieved by having a hyperstructure carrying the loads of four‐story light‐frame superposed substructures. Two 20‐story hyperstructures, one using glulam and another one using reinforced concrete, were designed according to the 2015 National Building Code of Canada and compared. A simplified model for the light‐frame modules according to the CSA O86‐19 was proposed. The interaction between both systems and the impact on the substructures were analyzed. The results of the response spectrum analysis and dynamic wind analysis show that, with a glulam hyperstructure, modules could be connected to the columns and the floors or only to the floors. With a concrete hyperstructure, the modules must be connected to the columns and the cores. For both systems, the design of shearwalls on the short side of the modules is governed by the lateral deformation imposed by seismic forces, while the design of shearwalls on the long side of the modules is governed by the vertical deformation of the primary beams under gravity loads. Standard shearwall assemblies are sufficient to resist the shear induced by gravitational, wind and seismic loads. The analysis indicates that the system could be viable, but more research should be especially performed on the connections between the substructures and the hyperstructure

    Effect of mash feed on swine intestinal microflora and non-specific immune response.

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    Pelleting of feed was recommended in the past to reduce the risk of introduction of Salmonella in swine herds. However it was shown more recently that consumption of pelleted feed was associated with an increased probability of seropositivity Furthermore, several studies showed that the prevalence of Salmonella is decreased when mash feed is used. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of mash feed as a pre-harvest intervention strategy to prevent Salmonella colonization, to mod1fy of intestinal microflora and to stimulate of the immune system in swine

    Impact of a reinforcement treatment with acrylate impregnation on the mechanical behavior of black spruce as connector member.

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    As a previous study has shown, it is possible to increase by 50% the dowel bearing strength of black spruce with an acrylate formulation applied by impregnation. Three diameters of bolts and two orientations of loading were included in this study. The effect of treatment on the dowel-bearing strength appeared to increase while the diameter of bolt decreased. The orientation of loading was significant as the treatment had a major impact in the parallel to grain direction and no impact in the perpendicular direction. With the digital image correlation analysis, an expanded strain field perpendicular to the load direction was observed. The superior embedding capacity would help to reduce the dimensions of the timbers as well as the number of connections required in the building design. With an increase of ductility, wood connections show a safer yielding behavior

    Heat transfer behavior of green roof systems under fire condition : a numerical study

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    Currently, green roof fire risks are not clearly defined. This is because the problem is still not well understood, which raises concerns. The possibility of plants catching fire, especially during drought periods, is one of the reasons for necessary protection measures. The potential fire hazard for roof decks covered with vegetation has not yet been fully explored. The present study analyzes the performance of green roofs in extreme heat conditions by simulating a heat transfer process through the assembly. The main objective of this study was to determine the conditions and time required for the roof deck to reach a critical temperature. The effects of growing medium layer thickness (between 3 and 10 cm), porosity (0.5 to 0.7), and heating intensity (50, 100, 150, and 200 kW/m2 ) were examined. It was found that a green roof can protect a wooden roof deck from igniting with only 3 cm of soil coverage when exposed to severe heat fluxes for at least 25 minutes. The dependency of failure time on substrate thickness decreases with increasing heating load. It was also found that substrate porosity has a low impact on time to failure, and only at high heating loads

    Flammability characteristics of green roofs

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    Assessing the fire risk of vegetated roofs includes the determination of their possible contribution to fire. Green roof components such as plants and growing media are organic materials and present a fuel that can catch and support the spread of fire. The flammability characteristics of these components were analyzed and compared to a typical roof covering. Growing media with 15% of organic matter were tested using cone calorimeter apparatus. The fuel load and heat release rate of the growing media were measured in both moist (30%) and dry conditions. It was observed that growing media in a moist condition do not present a fire risk, reaching a maximum heat release rate of 33 kW/m2. For dry substrates, a peak heat release rate of 95 kW/m2 was recorded in the first minute, which then rapidly decreased to 29 kW/m2 in the second minute. Compared to a typical bitumen roof membrane, the green roof showed a better fire performance. The literature data report more severe results for plant behavior, reaching peak heat release rates (HRRs) of 397 kW/m2 for dried and 176 kW/m2 for a green material. However, a rapid decrease in HRR to much lower values occurs in less than 2 min. The results also show that extensive and intensive types of green roofs present 22% and 95% of the additional fire load density when installed on a modified bitumen membrane, 19.7 and 85.8 MJ/m2, respectively

    Impact of Information Technology Multitasking on Hedonic Experience

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    This study investigates the impact of information technology (IT) multitasking on multisensory hedonic experience. Existing literature extensively studies the impact of IT multitasking on user experience in a professional context but still lacks insight regarding this influence in a hedonic context. This study contributes to the literature by examining how technology can alter pleasure induced by hedonic activities. In a context of engaged IT interaction along with multisensory music listening, we hypothesize that the multisensory factor positively influences emotional reaction. We also hypothesize that IT interaction will degrade the hedonic experience. We conducted a multi-method experiment using both explicit (questionnaires) and implicit (automatic facial analysis, and electrodermal activity) measures of emotional reactions. Results support our hypotheses and highlight the importance of avoiding multitasking with technology during passive hedonic activities for better experience. Future research may examine IT multitasking’s influence on active hedonic activities

    Strength and Behavior of Spruce Pine Glulam Timber Moment Connections Using Glued-In Steel Rods

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    This paper presents experimental testing on glulam beam–column moment-resisting connections using glued-in rods (GiRod) and compares the results with model predictions. Three connection geometries and varying numbers of rods and member size were tested and compared. This experiment will be helpful in grounding research by bringing in new experimental results and proposing an innovative experimentation method. Experimental results showed the high efficiency of glued-in rod connections to transfer loads and bending moment between spruce pine glulam timber members. The observed limit states of the connections were failed steel rods in ductile tensile yielding or wood splitting around the anchorage installed perpendicularly to the grain in the column. It was found that the tested connections behaved as a semirigid moment-resisting connection and exhibited a ductile failure mode when wood splitting was avoided by design. Comparison of experimental results with model predictions showed good agreement, with a deviation under 15% for the moment capacity of the connection

    Pull-out strength of glued-in steel rod perpendicular to the grain in spruce-pine glulam timber

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    This study presents pull-out tests of glued-in steel rod installed perpendicularly to the grain in Spruce-Pine glulam timber. The tested specimens indicate that the embedded length and the steel grade influence the anchorage behaviour and capacity. Results showed that a well design anchor can exhibit a ductile failure mode. Experimental results are also compared to theoretical models and to pull-out strength of glued-in steel rod parallel to the grain to investigate the relation between these pull-out strength capacities
