2 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a nursing intervention in decreasing the anxiety levels of family members of patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomized clinical trial

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the effectiveness of nursing orientation provided to families of patients in the immediate post-operative following cardiac surgery before the first visit to the post-anesthesia care unit, in decreasing anxiety levels, compared to the unit's routine orientation. Method: open randomized clinical trial addressing family members in the waiting room before the first visit in the immediate post-operative period. The family members assigned to the intervention group received audiovisual orientation concerning the patients' conditions at the time and the control group received the unit's routine orientation. Outcome anxiety was assessed using the STAI-State. Results: 210 individuals were included, 105 in each group, aged 46.4 years old on average (±14.5); 69% were female and 41% were the patients' children. The mean score obtained on the anxiety assessment in the intervention group was 41.3±8.6, while the control group scored 50.6±9.4 (p<0.001). Conclusion: a nursing intervention focused on providing guidance to families before their first visit to patients in the immediate post-operative period of cardiac surgery helps to decrease the levels of anxiety of companions, making them feel better prepared for the moment. ReBEC (Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry) and The Universal Trial Number (UTN), No. U1111-1145-6172

    Homens e violĂȘncia conjugal: uma anĂĄlise de estudos brasileiros Men and conjugal violence: an analysis of Brazilian studies

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    O estudo analisou qualitativamente 54 textos brasileiros sobre homens e violĂȘncia conjugal, relacionados a atividades de pesquisa ou de intervenção. Primeiramente caracterizou-se o material quanto aos temas abordados, ao foco principal e ao tipo de texto. A seguir fizeram-se sĂ­nteses e anĂĄlises das principais consideraçÔes dos textos a partir dos eixos temĂĄticos encontrados: diferentes inteligibilidades da problemĂĄtica, magnitude da violĂȘncia conjugal, sentidos de homens relacionados Ă  violĂȘncia e intervençÔes e/ou polĂ­ticas junto a homens agressores. A anĂĄlise teve como parĂąmetro o ramo de discussĂ”es nacionais e internacionais que se esforça por ultrapassar a polĂȘmica em torno da definição do problema como "violĂȘncia de gĂȘnero" ou "violĂȘncia conjugal", cunhando sobretudo o pressuposto de que existem diversos estilos de conjugalidade violenta. Concluiu-se que a maior unanimidade dos estudos Ă© pensar a problemĂĄtica como questĂŁo relacional de gĂȘnero. Defendeu-se, por fim, a ideia de que a escolha da melhor abordagem articuladora entre os polos da polĂȘmica ainda demanda mais investigaçÔes, com metodologias qualitativas junto a atores de diferentes camadas e grupos sociais. Quanto Ă s intervençÔes, propĂ”em-se investimentos no maior nĂșmero possĂ­vel de alternativas, valorizando a singularidade dos casos.<br>This study consisted of a qualitative analysis of 54 Brazilian texts about men and conjugal violence related to research or intervention activities. Initially, the material was divided up according to the topics under scrutiny, the main focus and the type of text. Analysis and synthesis of the main considerations of the texts, based on the thematic points revealed, was then carried out. This included the different approaches to the problem, the magnitude of conjugal violence, the attitudes of men vis-Ă -vis violence and interventions and/or policies towards male aggressors. The parameter for the analysis was the national and international debate seeking to overcome the controversy surrounding the definition of the problem as "gender violence" or conjugal violence," essentially fostering the hypothesis of various types of violent conjugal relationships. It was concluded that the unanimous outcome of the study was to view the problem as a gender relationship issue. Lastly, it was argued that the choice of the best approach between the poles of the controversy requires further investigation using qualitative methodologies together with players from different classes and social backgrounds. With respect to further intervention, it was considered necessary to examine a broad gamut of alternatives emphasizing the singular nature of the cases