225 research outputs found

    Tiny Codes for Guaranteeable Delay

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    Future 5G systems will need to support ultra-reliable low-latency communications scenarios. From a latency-reliability viewpoint, it is inefficient to rely on average utility-based system design. Therefore, we introduce the notion of guaranteeable delay which is the average delay plus three standard deviations of the mean. We investigate the trade-off between guaranteeable delay and throughput for point-to-point wireless erasure links with unreliable and delayed feedback, by bringing together signal flow techniques to the area of coding. We use tiny codes, i.e. sliding window by coding with just 2 packets, and design three variations of selective-repeat ARQ protocols, by building on the baseline scheme, i.e. uncoded ARQ, developed by Ausavapattanakun and Nosratinia: (i) Hybrid ARQ with soft combining at the receiver; (ii) cumulative feedback-based ARQ without rate adaptation; and (iii) Coded ARQ with rate adaptation based on the cumulative feedback. Contrasting the performance of these protocols with uncoded ARQ, we demonstrate that HARQ performs only slightly better, cumulative feedback-based ARQ does not provide significant throughput while it has better average delay, and Coded ARQ can provide gains up to about 40% in terms of throughput. Coded ARQ also provides delay guarantees, and is robust to various challenges such as imperfect and delayed feedback, burst erasures, and round-trip time fluctuations. This feature may be preferable for meeting the strict end-to-end latency and reliability requirements of future use cases of ultra-reliable low-latency communications in 5G, such as mission-critical communications and industrial control for critical control messaging.Comment: to appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on URLLC in Wireless Network

    Lists that are smaller than their parts: A coding approach to tunable secrecy

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    We present a new information-theoretic definition and associated results, based on list decoding in a source coding setting. We begin by presenting list-source codes, which naturally map a key length (entropy) to list size. We then show that such codes can be analyzed in the context of a novel information-theoretic metric, \epsilon-symbol secrecy, that encompasses both the one-time pad and traditional rate-based asymptotic metrics, but, like most cryptographic constructs, can be applied in non-asymptotic settings. We derive fundamental bounds for \epsilon-symbol secrecy and demonstrate how these bounds can be achieved with MDS codes when the source is uniformly distributed. We discuss applications and implementation issues of our codes.Comment: Allerton 2012, 8 page

    Hiding Symbols and Functions: New Metrics and Constructions for Information-Theoretic Security

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    We present information-theoretic definitions and results for analyzing symmetric-key encryption schemes beyond the perfect secrecy regime, i.e. when perfect secrecy is not attained. We adopt two lines of analysis, one based on lossless source coding, and another akin to rate-distortion theory. We start by presenting a new information-theoretic metric for security, called symbol secrecy, and derive associated fundamental bounds. We then introduce list-source codes (LSCs), which are a general framework for mapping a key length (entropy) to a list size that an eavesdropper has to resolve in order to recover a secret message. We provide explicit constructions of LSCs, and demonstrate that, when the source is uniformly distributed, the highest level of symbol secrecy for a fixed key length can be achieved through a construction based on minimum-distance separable (MDS) codes. Using an analysis related to rate-distortion theory, we then show how symbol secrecy can be used to determine the probability that an eavesdropper correctly reconstructs functions of the original plaintext. We illustrate how these bounds can be applied to characterize security properties of symmetric-key encryption schemes, and, in particular, extend security claims based on symbol secrecy to a functional setting.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Bounds on inference

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    Lower bounds for the average probability of error of estimating a hidden variable X given an observation of a correlated random variable Y, and Fano's inequality in particular, play a central role in information theory. In this paper, we present a lower bound for the average estimation error based on the marginal distribution of X and the principal inertias of the joint distribution matrix of X and Y. Furthermore, we discuss an information measure based on the sum of the largest principal inertias, called k-correlation, which generalizes maximal correlation. We show that k-correlation satisfies the Data Processing Inequality and is convex in the conditional distribution of Y given X. Finally, we investigate how to answer a fundamental question in inference and privacy: given an observation Y, can we estimate a function f(X) of the hidden random variable X with an average error below a certain threshold? We provide a general method for answering this question using an approach based on rate-distortion theory.Comment: Allerton 2013 with extended proof, 10 page

    From Strong to Weak Coupling Regime in a Single GaN Microwire up to Room Temperature

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    Large bandgap semiconductor microwires constitute a very advantageous alternative to planar microcavities in the context of room temperature strong coupling regime between exciton and light. In this work we demonstrate that in a GaN microwire, the strong coupling regime is achieved up to room temperature with a large Rabi splitting of 125 meV never achieved before in a Nitride-based photonic nanostructure. The demonstration relies on a method which doesn't require any knowledge \'a priori on the photonic eigenmodes energy in the microwire, i.e. the details of the microwire cross-section shape. Moreover, using a heavily doped segment within the same microwire, we confirm experimentally that free excitons provide the oscillator strength for this strong coupling regime. The measured Rabi splitting to linewidth ratio of 15 matches state of the art planar Nitride-based microcavities, in spite of a much simpler design and a less demanding fabrication process. These results show that GaN microwires constitute a simpler and promising system to achieve electrically pumped lasing in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Fabrication and Optical Properties of a Fully Hybrid Epitaxial ZnO-Based Microcavity in the Strong Coupling Regime

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    In order to achieve polariton lasing at room temperature, a new fabrication methodology for planar microcavities is proposed: a ZnO-based microcavity in which the active region is epitaxially grown on an AlGaN/AlN/Si substrate and in which two dielectric mirrors are used. This approach allows as to simultaneously obtain a high-quality active layer together with a high photonic confinement as demonstrated through macro-, and micro-photoluminescence ({\mu}-PL) and reflectivity experiments. A quality factor of 675 and a maximum PL emission at k=0 are evidenced thanks to {\mu}-PL, revealing an efficient polaritonic relaxation even at low excitation power.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    LO-phonon assisted polariton lasing in a ZnO based microcavity

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    Polariton relaxation mechanisms are analysed experimentally and theoretically in a ZnO-based polariton laser. A minimum lasing threshold is obtained when the energy difference between the exciton reservoir and the bottom of the lower polariton branch is resonant with the LO phonon energy. Tuning off this resonance increases the threshold, and exciton-exciton scattering processes become involved in the polariton relaxation. These observations are qualitatively reproduced by simulations based on the numerical solution of the semi-classical Boltzmann equations
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