4 research outputs found

    Trophinin and integrin β3 expression in the human endometrium. A pilot study

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    The study involved ten patients with tubal factor infertility. Patients (Group I, age 28–34 years, n=5; Group II, age 35–40 years, n=5) underwent endometrial biopsy on postovulatory days 7–10 of the natural menstrual cycle. Endometrial biopsies were studied by histological methods, presence of trophinin and integrin β<sub>3</sub> in the endometrial surface epithelium and in the glandular epithelium was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Low levels of β<sub>3</sub> integrin and trophinin were estimated in the endometrial epithelial cells in most patients, particularly in Group II, which reflects reduced endometrial capacity for adhesion and points to problems with the implantation of the embryo

    Standard Surgical Technique for Applying Rod Through Plate (RTP) Internal Fixator – An Experimental Study in Sheep

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    The standard surgical technique for applying a rod through plate (RTP) internal fixator to treat long bone  fractures was carried out. The experiments were performed in 4 male Estonian Blackhead sheep. Previously,  a RTP fixator for small animal fracture repair has been tested experimentally in rabbits and also on clinical  cases in dogs. To reduce complications such as screw loosening and rod displacement, modification to the  original fixator was made: one locking screw on each rod was added to fix the rod to the plate. In this study  the healing process of tibial osteotomies using the modified RTP fixator was evaluated in sheep. Sheep were  used as experimental animals because body weight and bone structure is similar to small animals.

    Invasiivsete patogeenide struktuur ja antibiootikumitundlikkus: olukord Eestis 2004

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    2004. aastal toimus Eesti haiglates invasiivsete infektsioonitekitajate prospektiivne uuring Euroopa antimikroobse resistentsuse jälgimise süsteemi (EARSS) protokolli alusel. Grampositiivsete ja gramnegatiivsete patogeenide suhe oli kaks ühele. Invasiivsetestmikroobidest moodustasid kolmandiku koagulaasnegatiivsed stafülokokid, millele järgnesid E. coli, S. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae ja Enterococcus spp. Kõik Eesti invasiivsed patogeenid osutusid suhteliselt antibiootikumitundlikeks. ESBL (laia spektriga beetalaktamaasid) positiivseid E. coli tüvesid esines 3,6% ja Klebsiella spp. omi 23%. Peamised antibiootikumiresistentsuse probleemid olid seotud A. baumannii ja P. aeruginosa tüvedega. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (8): 520–52