9 research outputs found

    Does chemical cross-linking with NHS esters reflect the chemical equilibrium of protein-protein noncovalent interactions in solution?

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    Chemical cross-linking in combination with mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool to study noncovalent protein complexes. Nevertheless, there are still many questions to answer. Does the amount of detected cross-linked complex correlate with the amount of protein complex in solution? In which concentration and affinity range is specific cross-linking possible? To answer these questions, we performed systematic cross-linking studies with two complexes, using the N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS): (1) NCoA-1 and mutants of the interacting peptide STAT6Y, covering a KD range of 30 nM to >25 μM, and (2) α-thrombin and basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), a system that shows a buffer-dependent KD value between 100 and 320 μM. Samples were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). For NCoA-1· STAT6Y, a good correlation between the amount of cross-linked species and the calculated fraction of complex present in solution was observed. Thus, chemical cross-linking in combination with MALDI-MS can be used to rank binding affinities. For the mid-affinity range up to about KD ≈ 25 μM, experiments with a nonbinding peptide and studies of the concentration dependence showed that only specific complexes undergo cross-linking with DSS. To study in which affinity range specific cross-linking can be applied, the weak α-thrombin · BPTI complex was investigated. We found that the detected complex is a nonspecifically cross-linked species. Consequently, based on the experimental approach used in this study, chemical cross-linking is not suitable for studying low-affinity complexes with KD ≫ 25 μ

    Compelling Advantages of Negative Ion Mode Detection in High-Mass MALDI-MS for Homomeric Protein Complexes

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    Chemical cross-linking in combination with high-mass MALDI mass spectrometry allows for the rapid identification of interactions and determination of the complex stoichiometry of noncovalent protein-protein interactions. As the molecular weight of these complexes increases, the fraction of multiply charged species typically increases. In the case of homomeric complexes, signals from multiply charged multimers overlap with singly charged subunits. Remarkably, spectra recorded in negative ion mode show lower abundances of multiply charged species, lower background, higher reproducibility, and, thus, overall cleaner spectra compared with positive ion mode spectra. In this work, a dedicated high-mass detector was applied for measuring high-mass proteins (up to 200kDa) by negative ion mode MALDI-MS. The influences of sample preparation and instrumental parameters were carefully investigated. Relative signal integrals of multiply charged anions were relatively independent of any of the examined parameters and could thus be approximated easily for the spectra of cross-linked complexes. For example, the fraction of doubly charged anions signals overlapping with the signals of singly charged subunits could be more precisely estimated than in positive ion mode. Sinapinic acid was found to be an excellent matrix for the analysis of proteins and cross-linked protein complexes in both ion modes. Our results suggest that negative ion mode data of chemically cross-linked protein complexes are complementary to positive ion mode data and can in some cases represent the solution phase situation better than positive ion mod

    Highlights of the 59th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics of the ASMS in Denver, Colorado

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    Ionic Liquids as Matrices in MicrofluidicSample Deposition for High-mass Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Sample preparation for MALDI-MS via a microfluidic deposition device using ionic liquid matrices addresses several problems of standard protocols with crystalline matrices, such as the heterogeneity of sample spots due to the co-crystallization of sample and matrix, and the limited capability for high-throughput analysis. Since ionic liquid matrices do not solidify during the measurement, the resulting sample spots are homogeneous. The use of these matrices is also beneficial for automated sample preparation, since crystallization of the matrix is avoided, and thus no clogging of the spotting device can occur. The applicability of ionic liquids to the analysis of biomolecules with high molecular weights, up to ˜ 1 MDa is shown, as well as a good sensitivity (5 fmol) for recombinant human fibronectin, a protein with a molecular weight of 226 kDa. Microfluidic sample deposition of proteins with high molecular weights will in the future allow parallel sample preparation for MALDI-MS and for electron microscopy

    A New, Modular Mass Calibrant for High-Mass MALDI-MS

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    The application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDIMS) for the analysis of high-mass proteins requires suitable calibration standards at high m/z ratios. Several possible candidates were investigated, and concatenated polyproteins based on recombinantly expressed maltodextrin-binding protein (MBP) are shown here to be well suited for this purpose. Introduction of two specific recognition sites into the primary sequence of the polyprotein allows for the selective cleavage of MBP3 into MBP and MBP2. Moreover, these MBP2 and MBP3 oligomers can be dimerized specifically, such that generation of MPB4 and MBP6 is possible as well. With the set of calibrants presented here, the m/z range of 40–400 kDa is covered. Since all calibrants consist of the same species and differ only in mass, the ionization efficiency is expected to be similar. However, equimolar mixtures of these proteins did not yield equal signal intensities on a detector specifically designed for detecting high-mass molecules