222 research outputs found

    Ecological study of aquatic midges and some related insects with special reference to feeding habits

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    Die Schweiz ist ein reiches Land. Sie verfügt über viele Millionäre. Der große Reichtum konzentriert sich auf wenige Familien und Personen. In der Schweiz leben aber auch eine halbe Million der Bevölkerung (7,5 Mio.) in Haushalten von Erwerbstätigen, die weniger als das Existenzminimum verdienen. Über 200‘000 Personen sind auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen. Bei den Vermögen und den verfügbaren Einkommen hat sich in den letzten Jahren die Kluft zwischen den obersten und untersten zehn Prozent verschärft. Die Zunahme der sozialen Ungleichheit erhöht die soziale Brisanz, was mehr zu ergründen ist. Die soziale Differenzierung dokumentiert Prozesse der Globalisierung. Sie reproduziert und spezifiziert alte soziale Ungleichheiten. Wichtig ist, dass die Soziale Arbeit das thematisiert und weiter theoretisiert

    Erhöhte Trockenstresstoleranz von Kleegras nach reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung

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    Grass-clover leys are an integral part of organic rotations. We performed an experiment with reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) using mouldboard ploughing in a rotation in Frick (Switzerland) on a heavy soil and 1000 mm mean annual precipitation. The grass-clover mixture was sawn in autumn 2005 after uniform seed bed preparation with a rotary hoe in both tillage systems without ploughing. After emergence most of the clover seedlings collapsed in the CT plots due to draught, while they survived in the RT plots. This led to a much higher share of clover in the mixture under RT. Grass-clover yields were 29 and 23% higher in RT than in CT plots in the first and second year of cultivation in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Grass grown in RT plots was higher in nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) content than in CT plots; clover contained solely more P in RT plots. Over all grass-clover had better growing conditions in RT compared to CT plots in our experiment, reflecting after-effects of the differentiated tillage schemes applied for the preceding arable crops. It is suggested that reduced tillage has a high potential to improve water stress tolerance of cropping systems

    Metabolic Equivalent in Adolescents, Active Adults and Pregnant Women.

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    "Metabolic Equivalent" (MET) represents a standard amount of oxygen consumed by the body under resting conditions, and is defined as 3.5 mL O₂/kg × min or ~1 kcal/kg × h. It is used to express the energy cost of physical activity in multiples of MET. However, universal application of the 1-MET standard was questioned in previous studies, because it does not apply well to all individuals. Height, weight and resting metabolic rate (RMR, measured by indirect calorimetry) were measured in adolescent males (n = 50) and females (n = 50), women during pregnancy (gestation week 35-41, n = 46), women 24-53 weeks postpartum (n = 27), and active men (n = 30), and were compared to values predicted by the 1-MET standard. The RMR of adolescent males (1.28 kcal/kg × h) was significantly higher than that of adolescent females (1.11 kcal/kg × h), with or without the effects of puberty stage and physical activity levels. The RMR of the pregnant and post-pregnant subjects were not significantly different. The RMR of the active normal weight (0.92 kcal/kg × h) and overweight (0.89 kcal/kg × h) adult males were significantly lower than the 1-MET value. It follows that the 1-MET standard is inadequate for use not only in adult men and women, but also in adolescents and physically active men. It is therefore recommended that practitioners estimate RMR with equations taking into account individual characteristics, such as sex, age and Body Mass Index, and not rely on the 1-MET standard

    Directions of myth research in video games

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    This article is devoted to the identification of the main trends of myth research in video games. We have considered various approaches to defining the essence of myth. We suggest understanding myth as an inherent feature of the human consciousness that allows creating primary life meanings of an individual that are not questioned. There are two types of mythological reality construction that we distinguish here: mythmaking and mythodesign. We also suggest the following directions of myth research in video games: the study of mythodesign in video games; the analysis of archetypes usage, mythologems, mythological images, symbols and plots in video games; the study of mythological narrative construction features in video games; identification and analysis of mythological ideas shared by gaming communities and subcultures

    Personal and environmental factors associated with active commuting to school in Switzerland

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    Objective. To assess whether prevalence of active commuting and regular car trips to school varies across communities and language regions in Switzerland and to determine personal and environmental correlates. Methods. During the school year 2004/2005, 1345 parental questionnaires (response rate 65%) of children attending 1st, 4th and 8th grades were completed, 1031 could be linked to a GIS environmental database. A German-speaking, a French-speaking and a bilingual study area were included. Usual mode of transportation and frequency of regular car trips to school were assessed. Associations with personal and environmental factors were evaluated with multivariate regression models. Results. Seventy-eight percent of the children actively traveled to school. Twelve percent were regularly driven at least once a week by car. Major road crossings and distance were significantly related to usual mode of transportation, but not to regular car trips. Age, daycare attendance, parental safety concerns, number of cars in the household and belonging to French-speaking population were significantly associated with increased regular car trips. Conclusion. Objective predictors are main deciding factors for active commuting to school as main mode of transport whereas personal and lifestyle factors are important factors associated with frequency of car use. Not only objective but also differing cultural attitudes should be considered when promoting non-motorized travel

    Alterations in energy balance from an exercise intervention with ad libitum food intake.

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    Better understanding is needed regarding the effects of exercise alone, without any imposed dietary regimens, as a single tool for body-weight regulation. Thus, we evaluated the effects of an 8-week increase in activity energy expenditure (AEE) on ad libitum energy intake (EI), body mass and composition in healthy participants with baseline physical activity levels (PAL) in line with international recommendations. Forty-six male adults (BMI = 19·7-29·3 kg/m(2)) participated in an intervention group, and ten (BMI = 21·0-28·4 kg/m(2)) in a control group. Anthropometric measures, cardiorespiratory fitness, EI, AEE and exercise intensity were recorded at baseline and during the 1st, 5th and 8th intervention weeks, and movement was recorded throughout. Body composition was measured at the beginning and at the end of the study, and resting energy expenditure was measured after the study. The intervention group increased PAL from 1·74 (se 0·03) to 1·93 (se 0·03) (P < 0·0001) and cardiorespiratory fitness from 41·4 (se 0·9) to 45·7 (se 1·1) ml O2/kg per min (P = 0·001) while decreasing body mass (-1·36 (se 0·2) kg; P = 0·001) through adipose tissue mass loss (ATM) (-1·61 (se 0·2) kg; P = 0·0001) compared with baseline. The control group did not show any significant changes in activity, body mass or ATM. EI was unchanged in both groups. The results indicate that in normal-weight and overweight men, increasing PAL from 1·7 to 1·9 while keeping EI ad libitum over an 8-week period produces a prolonged negative energy balance. Replication using a longer period (and/or more intense increase in PAL) is needed to investigate if and at what body composition the increase in AEE is met by an equivalent increase in EI

    Gesellschaftliche Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft

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    Zusammenfassuung: In diesem Bericht werden die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Studien zu den gesellschaftlichen Leistungen des Biolandbaus zusammengefasst. Als Referenzen werden dabei sowohl die konventionelle wie auch die integrierte Landwirtschaft herangezogen. Es ist den Autoren bewusst, dass alle Landwirtschaftsmethoden in der Schweiz und im Ausland eine grosse Streubreite aufweisen, da der Einfluss der regionalen sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, der Standortfaktoren, der Betriebsleiter und der unterschiedlichen staatlichen und privaten Regulierungen gross ist. Trotzdem ergeben sich für die verschiedenen Landwirtschaftsmethoden klare Unterschiede, die bei den agrarpolitischen Massnahmen berücksichtigt werden müssen. Bezüglich der positiven Externalitäten weist der Biolandbau klare Mehrleistungen in der Biodiversität auf. Dies sowohl auf der Ebene der Genetik, der Arten und besonders auch der Habitate. Deutlich sind die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus auch im Bereich des Humusaufbaus, was eine höhere CO2-Sequestrierung zur Folge hat. Obwohl eine dauerhafte Honorierung der Vermeidung negativer Externalitäten im bisherigen Konzept der Weiterentwicklung des Direktzahlungssystems (WDZ) nicht vorgesehen ist, sind hier die Vorteile der biologischen Landwirtschaft beträchtlich. Dies betrifft die Nährstoff- und Pflanzenschutzmittelverluste in Grund- und Oberflächengewässer sowie in andere Umweltkompartimente, der Verbrauch von nicht erneuerbarer Energie, die Emissionen von Klimagasen und die Belastungen mit Tiermedikamenten. Die nationalen und internationalen Studien zeigen auf, dass der Biolandbau sich besonders durch Systemwirkungen auszeichnet: erhöhte Biodiversität, verbesserter Schutz des Bodens, wirksame Vermeidung von Umweltbelastungen, effiziente Nutzung von natürlichen Ressourcen, geringer Verbrauch nicht erneuerbarer Energie und verbessertes Tierwohl. Dies sind die Effekte von komplexen Response-Massnahmen der Betriebsleiter auf einfach zu kontrollierende Einschränkungen und Verbote. Dadurch entstehen nicht zu unterschätzende Zusatzleistungen und Synergien bei der Erreichung der vom Bund definierten Ziele. Um den Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus gerecht zu werden, schlagen die Autoren zwei neue Massnahmen vor: 1) Biodiversitätsbeitrag für Acker, Sonderkulturen und intensive Wiesen und 2) CO2-Sequestrationsbeiträge. Damit sind aber die gesellschaftlich wichtigen Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus noch nicht abgegolten. Bei der Vermeidung negativer Externalitäten werden höhere umweltschutzrelevante Effekte erzielt. Diese können i) durch die Einführung eines negativen Anreizsystems nach dem Polluter-Pays-Principle (z.B. Stickstoffsteuer, CO2 - Abgabe), ii) durch ein höheres Einstiegsniveau bei den Cross-Compliance-Massnahmen für alle Betriebe (ÖLNplus) oder iii) durch einen finanziellen Ausgleich für die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus abgegolten werden. Die „Förderung des Biolandbaus“ als systemorientierte Massnahme macht auch nach dem Grundsatz des effizienten Einsatzes von Steuermitteln Sinn und stellt eine kosteneffektive Massnahme dar. Einerseits können damit die deutlich höheren positiven Externalitäten abgegolten werden, andererseits wird die stärkere Vermeidung von negativen Externalitäten genügend berücksichtigt

    Sensitivity of labile carbon fractions to tillage and organic matter management and their potential as comprehensive soil quality indicators across pedoclimatic conditions in Europe

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    Soil quality is defined as the capacity of the soil to perform multiple functions, and can be assessed by measuring soil chemical, physical and biological parameters. Among soil parameters, labile organic carbon is considered to have a primary role in many soil functions related to productivity and environmental resilience. Our study aimed at assessing the suitability of different labile carbon fractions, namely dissolved organic carbon (DOC), hydrophilic DOC (Hy-DOC), permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC, also referred to as Active Carbon), hot water extractable carbon (HWEC) and particulate organic matter carbon (POMC) as soil quality indicators in agricultural systems. To do so, we tested their sensitivity to two agricultural management factors (tillage and organic matter input) in 10 European long-term field experiments (LTEs), and we assessed the correlation of the different labile carbon fractions with physical, chemical and biological soil quality indicators linked to soil functions. We found that reduced tillage and high organic matter input increase concentrations of labile carbon fractions in soil compared to conventional tillage and low organic matter addition, respectively. POXC and POMC were the most sensitive fractions to both tillage and fertilization across the 10 European LTEs. In addition, POXC was the labile carbon fraction most positively correlated with soil chemical (total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and cation exchange capacity), physical (water stable aggregates, water holding capacity, bulk density) and biological soil quality indicators (microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and soil respiration). We conclude that POXC represents a labile carbon fraction sensitive to soil management and that is the most informative about total soil organic matter, nutrients, soil structure, and microbial pools and activity, parameters commonly used as indicators of various soil functions, such as C sequestration, nutrient cycling, soil structure formation and soil as a habitat for biodiversity. Moreover, POXC measurement is relatively cheap, fast and easy. Therefore, we suggest measuring POXC as the labile carbon fraction in soil quality assessment schemes in addition to other valuable soil quality indicators.</p

    The DOK long-term experiment - lessons learned from 40 years of interdisciplinary research

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    The world’s growing population calls for sustainable food production within the limits of planetary boundaries. With respect to nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, the loss of biodiversity, land use change and the emission of greenhouse gases, four of these boundaries have been crossed already. Although fragmented knowledge of effects of different cropping systems on these focal planetary boundaries exists, there is a lack of comprehensive data from comparative cropping system experiments over the long run. Four decades back, farmers and researchers co-designed a system comparison experiment, located in Therwil (Basel-Land) Switzerland, comprising a seven-year ley crop rotation. Two conventional (with and without manure), and two organic systems (biodynamic and bioorganic) are compared. This experiment has served as a platform for national and international interdisciplinary research teams in the field of agronomy, soil quality, biodiversity, plant nutrition, food quality, sustainability assessment and modelling. Results of the 40years old DOK experiment show that organic systems, receiving distinctly less external inputs (chemical N, P, K and pesticides), maintained a higher biodiversity and produced lower greenhouse gas emissions. Yield averages over 40 years were 20% lower in organic systems across all crops. A nitrogen balance, including biological nitrogen fixation and stock changes of soil nitrogen, revealed a surplus for all manured systems, whereas the conventional system with sole mineral fertiliser was well balanced. Soil nitrogen stocks only increased slightly in the biodynamic system receiving composted manure. The biodynamic soil showed also increased soil organic carbon stocks, while the conventional soil receiving only mineral fertilizer acted as source for atmospheric CO2. A climate impact analyses encountering nitrous oxide, methane and soil organic matter changes resulted in lower CO2eq emissions in organic compared to the conventional systems, both area and yield scaled. Biodiversity and especially biomass of invertebrate fauna and plant seeds was enhanced in the organically managed systems. Our results demonstrate that organic cropping systems can contribute to a more sustainable production with respect to key planetary boundaries. To further improve system performance, yield gaps between organic and conventional systems need to be reduced by adapted cultivars, more effective organic plant protection and by closing urban and rural nutrient cycles