11 research outputs found
Context matters: the importance of extra-mathematical knowledge in solving mathematical problems
Extra-mathematical knowledge is often overlooked when investigating mathematical skills. This study explores profiles of mathematical skills and associations with extra-mathematical knowledge and the understanding of complex sentences. The study involved 1,288 sixth-grade students (52.1% male) from 95 classes in 58 schools in Estonia. Students completed a math test as part of their regular lessons. The profiles of mathematical skills included studentsâ calculation skills, standard problems, and complex problems. Three distinct profiles of students emerged: students with high skill levels, students with average skill levels, and students with low skill levels. Students with high mathematical skills also had high extra-mathematical knowledge showing the crucial role of understanding the context of the math tasks in addition to having good mathematical skills
Tava- ja eriklassis Ôppivate hariduslike erivajadustega Ôpilaste lugemis- ja matemaatikaoskused
Selle uurimistöö eesmĂ€rk on kirjeldada hariduslike erivajadustega (HEV) Ă”pilaste lugemis- ja matemaatikaoskuste seoseid tava- vĂ”i eriklassis Ă”ppimisega. Valimisse kuulus 3369 kolmanda klassi last (poisse 50%, 209 klassist, 135 koolist) ning 3340 kuuenda klassi last (poisse 51%, 200 klassist, 134 koolist) eesti- ja venekeelsetest koolidest. Ăpilased tĂ€itsid koolitundide ajal veebipĂ”hised lugemise ladususe, loetu mĂ”istmise, arvutamise ja tekstĂŒlesannete testid. Tulemustest selgus, et tava- ja eriklassis Ă”ppivate HEV Ă”pilaste lugemis- ja matemaatikaoskused olid sarnasel tasemel, vĂ€lja arvatud vene Ă”ppekeelega koolide kuuendates klassides, kus tavaklassis Ă”ppivad HEV Ă”pilased said tekstĂŒlesannete lahendamises kĂ”rgema skoori vĂ”rreldes eriklassis Ă”ppivate HEV Ă”pilastega. Uuring annab esmase ĂŒlevaate eesti- ja venekeelsete koolide kolmandate ja kuuendate klasside HEV Ă”pilaste kaasamise olukorrast ja akadeemilistest oskustest.
Kutse- ja kÔrgkoolides Ôppijate autonoomne motivatsioon ettevÔtlusega alustamisel ning selle seosed enesejuhtimise, algatusvÔime ja loovusega
EttevĂ”tluse kontekstis on oluline uurida, mis motiividel alustavad ettevĂ”tjad tegutsemist ning kuidas need mĂ”jutavad edasist ettevĂ”tlusprotsessi. Motiivide uurimine seotuna teiste ettevĂ”tluses oluliste pĂ€devustega (nt enesejuhtimine, algatusvĂ”ime ja loovus) vĂ”imaldab paremini mĂ”ista motivatsiooni olemust ning pöörata kĂ”ne alustele teemadele tĂ€helepanu juba ettevĂ”tlusĂ”ppes. Uurimusega soovitakse rakendada eri valdkondades (nt haridus, psĂŒhholoogia, tervishoid) levinud ise mÀÀramisteooriat ettevĂ”tlusĂ”ppes. Selleks uuritakse 497 kutse- ja kĂ”rgkoolideĂ”ppija kogemust ning motiive ettevĂ”tlusega alustamisel, lĂ€htudes autonoomse ja kontrollitud motivatsiooni teooriast ning sidudes valitud teoreetilise lĂ€htekoha varem ettevĂ”tluse kontekstis esile tĂ”stetud pĂ€devustega. Uurimistulemusena ilmneb, et Ă”ppijad, kes lĂ€htuvad ettevĂ”tlusega alustamisel pigem autonoomsele motivatsioonile viitavatest pĂ”hjustest, annavad kĂ”rgemaid hinnanguid oma enese juhtimisoskuste, algatusvĂ”ime ja loovuse kohta. Seega vĂ”ib autonoomse motivatsiooni teadlik toetamine ettevĂ”tlushariduses olla seotud ka Ă”ppijate edasise parema toimetulekuga ettevĂ”tlusmaastikul.
Evaluating the efficacy of a teacher-guided comprehension-oriented learning strategy intervention among students in Grade 4
This study examined the effects of a teacher-led learning-strategy intervention program on fourth-grade students' reported use and perceived effectiveness of rehearsal and comprehension-oriented learning strategies. During 18 program units, teachers taught about learning and various learning strategies, including visualisation, elaboration and categorisation. Strategies were practised in math, language and science classes. Participants were comprised of 82 fourth-grade students in the intervention group and 387 fourth-grade students in the control group. Students' reported use and perceived effectiveness of learning strategies were assessed before and at least 4 months after intervention using a web-based word-memorisation task and associated reflection questions. The intervention group tended to use more comprehension-oriented learning strategies in post-tests, and the intervention group also showed an increase in perceived effectiveness of comprehension-oriented learning strategies. Still, rehearsal was evaluated as the most effective strategy in both the control group and the intervention group. Explanations for these findings and possible future directions are discussed.Peer reviewe
Effects of Prior Knowledge on Comprehending Text About Learning Strategies
Good knowledge and skills in using different learning strategies is important for learning with understanding and even more critical during distance learning. Findings indicate that students tend to use and value ineffective learning strategies, thus there is need to educate students. This study aimed to analyze the possibility of using refutation text on learning strategies that students can study independently. The study examined how reported use of learning strategies and preexisting beliefs about the effectiveness of rehearsal and comprehension-oriented strategies relate to the comprehension of text about learning strategies, and how text comprehension is related to later use of strategies and the completion of learning tasks. Participants included 2,706 students from primary school (Grades 3 and 4) and 3,782 students from the end of middle school (Grade 9) across Estonia. Studentsâ learning strategies and learning outcomes were assessed via a web-based word list memorization task with follow-up questions. Students were asked to read a written text that was specifically developed to explain the advantages of abstract grouping. Text comprehension was assessed using multiple-choice questions. SEM models were used to answer the research questions. At both school levels, valuing comprehension-oriented learning strategies enhanced text comprehension, suggesting that prior beliefs are important to fully understand written text. In addition, student beliefs and text comprehension also increased use of more advanced strategies. However, students who used comprehension-oriented strategies showed ambiguous improvements in word memorization performance. These findings emphasize that reading about complex topics may be a starting point for learning, but should be followed up with additional discussions, examples, demonstrations, and practice.Peer reviewe
Adolescent Studentsâ Digital Engagement and Achievement Goal Orientation Profiles
The current study investigated how students' digital engagement (i.e., digital learning preference, wish for digital schoolwork, and schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use) is related to their achievement goal orientation profiles from Grades 8 to 9. The sample included 1482 Finnish students (15-16 years old, 53% female) from 26 schools. Students' digital engagement and achievement goal orientations were assessed with self-reported questionnaires. Latent profile and latent transition analyses were used to investigate goal orientation profiles, and the Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars approach and logistic regression were used to explore differences between the profiles with respect to digital engagement. Four groups with different achievement goal orientation profiles were identified: mastery-oriented (focused on learning and doing well in school); success-oriented (driven to succeed in school and outperform others); indifferent (had all achievement goals at average level); and avoidance-oriented (sought to avoid schoolwork). Most students tended to remain in a similar group over time. The results indicated that students with either average (indifferent) or high achievement goals (success-oriented) might wish for more digitally mediated schoolwork. Mastery-oriented students tended to have significantly lower schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use than other students. The findings supported previous studies but also provided new insights into relationships between goal orientation profiles and digital engagement.Peer reviewe
Adolescent studentsâ digital engagement and achievement goal orientation profiles
The current study investigated how students' digital engagement (i.e., digital learning preference, wish for digital schoolwork, and schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use) is related to their achievement goal orientation profiles from Grades 8 to 9. The sample included 1482 Finnish students (15â16 years old, 53% female) from 26 schools. Studentsâ digital engagement and achievement goal orientations were assessed with self-reported questionnaires. Latent profile and latent transition analyses were used to investigate goal orientation profiles, and the Bolck-Croon-Hagenaars approach and logistic regression were used to explore differences between the profiles with respect to digital engagement. Four groups with different achievement goal orientation profiles were identified: mastery-oriented (focused on learning and doing well in school); success-oriented (driven to succeed in school and outperform others); indifferent (had all achievement goals at average level); and avoidance-oriented (sought to avoid schoolwork). Most students tended to remain in a similar group over time. The results indicated that students with either average (indifferent) or high achievement goals (success-oriented) might wish for more digitally mediated schoolwork. Mastery-oriented students tended to have significantly lower schoolwork and sleep impairment related to Internet use than other students. The findings supported previous studies but also provided new insights into relationships between goal orientation profiles and digital engagement.</p
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A background of bias: Subtle changes in line up backgrounds increase the own race bias
In police photo lineups there can sometimes be small variations in shades and hues of the background images due to the faces being filmed under different lighting and cameras. Own race bias refers to a situation where people are better at remembering the faces of those who are the same race as them and find it more difficult to recognise faces from a different race. In this paper we investigated the influence of small colour variations in backgrounds for the recognition of Black and White faces. Across 3 experiments we found when small changes were introduced into the backgrounds of the images this increased false identifications for previously unseen Black faces, but not White faces. This finding suggests that the police need to ensure that the backgrounds of the photo lineups they use are all uniform to reduce mistaken identifications of innocent suspects
A background of bias: Subtle changes in line up backgrounds increase the own race bias
In police photo lineups there can sometimes be small variations in shades and hues of the background images due to the faces being filmed under different lighting and cameras. Own race bias refers to a situation where people are better at remembering the faces of those who are the same race as them and find it more difficult to recognise faces from a different race. In this paper we investigated the influence of small colour variations in backgrounds for the recognition of Black and White faces. Across 3 experiments we found when small changes were introduced into the backgrounds of the images this increased false identifications for previously unseen Black faces, but not White faces. This finding suggests that the police need to ensure that the backgrounds of the photo lineups they use are all uniform to reduce mistaken identifications of innocent suspects
EttevÔtluspÀdevuse mudel ettevÔtlusÔppe arendamise alusena
Artikli eesmĂ€rk on kirjeldada ja empiiriliselt pĂ”hjendada ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devuse mudelis sisalduvate alapĂ€devuste valikut, et luua alus ettevĂ”tlusĂ”ppe arendamiseks ning toetada Ă”ppijate ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devuse arengut ja toimetulekut nii töös (sh ettevĂ”tluses) kui ka igapĂ€evaelus. EttevĂ”tluspĂ€devuse mudel hĂ”lmab 14 alapĂ€devust, mis on jaotatud enesejuhtimise, vÀÀrtust loova mĂ”tlemise, sotsiaalsete olukordade lahendamise ja Ă€riideede elluviimise valdkonnaks. KĂ”rgkooliĂ”pilaste (N = 1479) hulgas tehtud uuringust ilmneb, et seosed alapĂ€devuste vahel on ootuspĂ€rased ja vastavad teoreetilistele eeldustele. See lubab arvata, et alapĂ€devused moodustavad terviku ning on usaldusvÀÀrseks aluseks Ă”ppija ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devuse arendamisele ja toetamisele. Artikkel soodustab diskussiooni ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devuse ja selle arendamise vĂ”imaluste ĂŒle, pakkudes ĂŒhtlasi vĂ€lja lĂ€htekoha ettevĂ”tlusĂ”ppe arendamiseks Eesti haridussĂŒsteemis.