54 research outputs found

    The changes of burning efficiency emission and power output of a diesel engine fueled by bioethanol – biodiesel-diesel oil mixtures

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    The environmental pollution and the decrease of the oil based fuels are the greatest problems of the automotive-industry at the start of the 21st century. There were and certainly there are a number of experiments to aiming substitute the petrol and the diesel oil with other fuels. One group of these substitutable fuels is the bioethanol – biodiesel – diesel oil mixtures. These mixtures are very similar to the fuels used today, as it can be used in the engines without any structural changes. At the Technical University of Budapest investigations have been made to explore the possibility of using bioethanol – biodiesel – diesel oil mixtures in vehicles and agricultural engines. The main aspects of the researches was find blends that are substitutable for diesel oil consisting of the most renewable part as possible, reaching the same or similar power output and lower the emissions. The experimentations were based on mixing bioethanol and biodiesel with diesel oil. Our idea was, when the biofuels are mixed they supplement each other, cutting the negative effect of each and increasing the renewable component rate in the fuel. During the researches the two main requirements of the fuel were: the maximal possible renewable part with which the engine does not need any changes, yet meets the prerequisites set by diesel oil and to have the same power and better emissions with the blend. The low (up to 20%) biofuel rate was important, while the first step of introduction is possible with low rates. The experiments were maid at engine benches with different engines, one-cylinder measurements, cetin-number determination, viscosity determination, life cycle analysis and cost benefit analysis. In conclusion of the research it could be established that the use of bioethanol-biodiesel-diesel oil emulsion in agricultural engines is in technicality already solved, as no changes are needed on the engine, and it also reduces the emissions and is economically justified

    Növényi alapanyagú megújuló tüzelőanyagok adagolásának hatása a gázolaj viszkozitására és az égésfolyamatra | Effects of vegetable based renewable fuels on the diesel oil’s viscosity and burning abilities

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    Az olajárak emelkedésével egyre inkább előtérbe kerülnek a megújuló tüzelőanyagok a gép-jármű- és az energiaiparban is. Az Európai Unió Altener programja támogatva ezt, 2010-re 5,75%-os megújuló energia részarányt szeretne elérni a motorhajtóanyagok területén. A meg-újuló motorhajtóanyagok egyik nagy csoportját a növényi alapanyagokból előállított tüzelő-anyagok jelentik. Ezek a tüzelőanyagok felhasználhatóak tisztán vagy a hagyományos motor-hajtóanyagokkal keverve. Utóbbi megoldásnak előnye, hogy a keverék tulajdonságai hasonlóak lesznek a konvencionális tüzelőanyagokéhoz, így a mai motorokban minimális változtatásokkal felhasználhatók. Alkalmazásuk másik fontos szempontja, hogy a keveréshez kisebb mennyiség szükséges a megújuló motorhajtóanyagokból, s ez a mennyiség a ma rendelkezés-re álló gyártókapacitással előállítható. A mezőgazdasági bázisú motorhajtóanyagok alkalmazása az agráriumban több szempontból is előnyös lehet. Egyrészt megoldást jelenthet a mezőgazdasági termékfelesleg, az el nem adható termények, a melléktermények és az emberi fogyasztásra nem alkalmas termények feldolgozására és hasznosítására, másrészt pedig a mezőgazdasági felhasználása lehetővé teszi a kő-olajtól való kisebb-nagyobb mértékű függetlenedést. A mezőgazdasági munkahelyteremtésben is fontos szerep lehet a növényi eredetű hajtóanyag-oknak. Az Európai Uniós Közös Agrárpolitika sarokszámai alapján Magyarországon 1% mezőgazdasági eredetű motorhajtóanyag 35000 – 50000 embernek adna munkát a mezőgazdaságban. Kutatásaim során bioetanol – biodízel – gázolaj keverékek viszkozitását vizsgáltam meg különböző keverék-összetételek mellett. | The application of the renewable fuels is coming forwards with the increasing of oil prices. One method of the application could be to mix the renewable and coil based fuels. It could have the benefits that no or minimal changes on the engines will be needed and the measure of the renewable part could be produced with the available production capacity. It were investigated the bioethanol – biodiesel – diesel oil mixtures with different composition during my researches. As conclusion of the research it could be established that the use of bioethanol – biodiesel – diesel oil mixtures in the aspect of viscosity fulfill the specifications of the diesel oil. It means that they could be able to burned in internal combustion pressure ignition engines in the consideration of viscosity

    Investigation of Correlation Between Diesel Fuel Cold Operability and Standardized Cold Flow Properties

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    Role of diesel fuel in the mobility is unquestionable despite of diesel scandal. There are several approaches to substitute partially at least it, but in commercial utilization the real alternative is not found yet. Diesel fuel main disadvantage beside the environmental factors is the application properties in cold weather. In the presented research there is an overview and evaluation about the main classification methods of winter properties of diesel. The result is, that CFPP and CP have lower and lower correlation with the newest engine technologies and a new method would be necessary to able to predict the winter behavior of diesel in real conditions. In the paper a specification of a new test equipment is presented

    Fuel Properties of Butanol – Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Blends as a Diesel Extender Option for Internal Combustion Engines

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    European legislation and new engine technologies require better quality in fuels, and the diesel scandal pushes engine and fuel developers to investigate new solutions. The decrease of fossil energy sources and the new, stricter emission regulations necessitate the discovery of renewable sources. Biofuels are an obvious solution to replace fossil fuels in a more environmentally conscious way. This study presents a new approach with the analytical investigation of butanol, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and diesel oil blends.In the presented phase of the research, our focus was on the most application- critical chemical properties of the fuels, to analyze if the three component blends are suitable for compression ignition engines. A wide-ranging chemical-analytical test plan was prepared with nearly 20 parameters measured of the chemical and physical parameters of blends, especially regarding flash point, cetane number, viscosity and cold filter plugging point (CFPP).The findings prove that from an engine-critical characteristics point of view butanol – hydrogenated vegetable oil – diesel blends are a potential solution, as HVO and butanol counterbalance its critical parameters

    Engine Oil Test Method Development

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    Climate change is an unavoidable global problem we must face sooner rather than later. Regulatory bodies are raising standards. One of these is for automotive manufacturers to decrease engine carbon-dioxide emissions, closely linked with fuel consumption, heavily influenced by the type of engine oil used. Engine bench tests are an accurate way to test the effectiveness of engine oils on fuel economy. This study aimed to develop a new method for engine oil testing in a moderate size, state-of-the-art engine. Based on the literature overview, a test procedure was developed that was tested with three very different engine oils. Results confirm that with this new method, the differences between oil grades can be adequately measured and it is an efficient tool for further engine oil developments. It has the advantage that it needs a much lower amount of fuel than other test procedures and as a result, it is much easier to convert to current engines

    Regional Development Perspectives of Production and Utilisation Renewable Fuels in Hungary

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    The main aim of the present article is to highlight the regional development perspectives of production and utilization renewable energy fuels in Hungary. Due to our model it is possible to examine the relations between the terms mentioned above. In the model area the most significant elements are highlighted in relation to renewable fuels and sustainability. It implies the importance of holistic approach that is crucial in these investigations. Only marginal attention is paid to the regional impacts of renewable fuels. Taking every result into account, this methodologically complex subject is possible to examine from the point of sustainability. Sustainable development can not be grasped easily, but the production and utilization of renewable fuels can be one of the tools to further the practical implementation of regional sustainability

    Ethanol–biodiesel–diesel blends as a diesel extender option on compression ignition engines

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    Increasing fuel demand, decreasing natural reserves and environmental consciousness have together led to testing and implementing new fuels and blending components of compression ignition engines. Biofuels are very commonly added to fossil fuels, mostly ethanol to gasoline and FAME to diesel. Harmonizing their properties with engines is a great challenge for automotive and oil industry. Increasing demand for diesel oil in Europe raised the question about the possibility of increasing the amount of bio extenders. There were and certainly there are a number of experiments aimed at substituting or blending diesel with other fuels. One group of such fuels makes bioethanol– biodiesel–diesel oil mixtures. The paper proposes a global overview on literature and presents the obtained results. The article explores the possibility of using bioethanol–biodiesel–diesel oil mixtures in vehicles and agricultural compression ignition engines. The main aspect of researches was to find blends substitutable for compression ignition engines. Investigations were made to determine the maximum volume of a renewable part thus reaching the same or similar power output with lowering emissions. The received results were used for environmental and economical investigations. The valorisation of the results shows that bioethanol–biodiesel–diesel blends fulfil the cetane number, viscosity and lubricity requirements for standard diesel. Practical measurements and engine tests show that the utilization of a new fuel decreases emissions from the engine. The results of agricultural feedstock calculation indicate that in Hungary the biofuel part of the investigated fuels can be produced from an overflow