3 research outputs found

    Broadcasting as a mechanism for consumer participation in the context of delivery health care

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    OBJETIVO: compreender a percepção de gestores de Unidades de Saúde sobre o uso das rádios comunitárias (RC) como mecanismo para a ampliação da participação e processo de controle social no contexto da gestão descentralizada da saúde. MÉTODO: descrição e exploração, com abordagem qualitativa, de recortes discursivos de entrevistas com gestores de municípios brasileiros, analisados em quatro eixos temáticos: (1) RC como ambiente de uso popular; (2) RC como espaço de comunicação e de educação em saúde; (3) concepção sobre o modelo de atenção à saúde; (4) participação social nos serviços de saúde. RESULTADOS: a partir dos modelos de gestão adotados, observa-se tendência ao exercício instrucional de educação em saúde. Proposta que preconiza ações de saúde e intervenção, normativas. Este modelo de atenção e educação se distancia da perspectiva da compreensão da Saúde como produto histórico. O enfoque educativo adotado salienta a importância de ações higienistas de saúde, naturalizando a abordagem sobre os determinantes sociais do processo saúde-doença.OBJECTIVE: to understand the perception of managers of health units on the use of community radio (CR) as a mechanism for expansion of consumer participation and control process in the context of delivery health care. METHOD: study with descriptive exploratory design and qualitative approach based on interviews with managers of counties analyzed under four themes: (1) CR environment and popular use, (2) CR as space communication and health education , (3) design on the model of health care, (4) consumer participation in health services. DISCUSSION: from the management models adopted, there is a tendency to exercise a instructional health education. Proposal that uses normative paradigm to health care and intervention. This model of care and education is far from the perspective of understanding of Health as historical product. The educational approach adopted emphasizes the importance of measures of health hygienists, naturalizing approach on the social determinants of health-disease process

    The difficulties of social adaptation of patients with HIV/AIDS

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    Estudo quantitativo de caráter descritivo, realizado na Unidade de Referência em Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, com objetivos de verificar os preconceitos que ainda existem em relação aos pacientes portadores do HIV ou com AIDS, bem como os motivos pelos quais existem; e de investigar as dificuldades de adaptação no convívio social de pacientes com AIDS. A amostra foi composta por 20 pacientes portadores de HIV/AIDS atendidos na Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis, que participaram da coleta de dados respondendo um questionário. A maior parte (11; 55%) dos entrevistados relatou repercussões em suas vidas após a descoberta da soropositividade, comumente no convívio social (amigos, família e serviços de saúde). Constatou-se que a falta de conhecimento sobre a doença é um fator determinante do preconceito. Neste estudo, pode-se constatar a existência de preconceito relacionado a pacientes soropositivos, mesmo após três décadas da primeira ocorrência de HIV/AIDS.Quantitative study of a descriptive nature undertaken at Unidade de Referência em Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC designed to evaluate the prejudices that still exist in relation to HIV or AIDS patients, as well as their reasons and to investigate the difficulties in social adaptation of those patients. The sample comprised 20 HIV/AIDS patients seen from the Reference Unit and for data collection used a questionnaire. Most (11, 55%) of respondents reported an impact on their lives after the discovery of HIV seropositivity, usually in social life (friends, family and health services). It was found that the lack of knowledge about the disease is a factor of prejudice. In this study we could confirm the existence of prejudice related to HIV-positive patients, even after three decades of the first occurrence of HIV/AIDS

    Nutritional strategies of physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud The aim of this study was to identify dietary strategies for physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia based on a systematic literature review.\ud \ud \ud \ud Method\ud \ud References were included if the study population consisted of adults over 18 years old who were physically active in fitness centers. We identified reports through an electronic search ofScielo, Lilacs and Medline using the following keywords: muscle dysmorphia, vigorexia, distorted body image, and exercise. We found eight articles in Scielo, 17 in Medline and 12 in Lilacs. Among the total number of 37 articles, only 17 were eligible for inclusion in this review.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud The results indicated that the feeding strategies used by physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia did not include planning or the supervision of a nutritionist. Diet included high protein and low fat foods and the ingestion of dietary and ergogenic supplements to reduce weight.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud Physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia could benefit from the help of nutritional professionals to evaluate energy estimation, guide the diet and its distribution in macronutrient and consider the principle of nutrition to functional recovery of the digestive process, promote liver detoxification, balance and guide to organic adequate intake of supplemental nutrients and other substances.We thank Professor Jason Saltsgiver for extensively reviewing English Grammar and Spelling