43 research outputs found

    Inovação e seu financiamento: as contribuições da nova economia institucional

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    This working paper is an initial effort to analyze theoretical contributions from New Institutional Economics (NEI), specially the Transaction Costs framework, for understanding financial mechanisms to innovation. Transaction Costs economy is one hand from firm’s contractual theories that allows investigating how resources are allocated inside the firms. For the purpose of the paper, it will be analyze resource’s allocation for innovative activities that embraces uncertainly, asymmetric information and high risk.

    Sistemas financeiros e o financiamento à inovação: algumas reflexões para o Brasil

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    Technological change and innovation is now playing an important role in economic growth. In this framework, investigations towards financial system role in financing technological change and innovation are important contributions to comprehend sources of economic growth. Financing innovation activities is still a gap to be treated specially in National Innovation System literature. This paper is a contribution in this direction being a reflection about financial system and innovation, showing the Brazilian case.Technological change, financial systems, Brazil

    Interação Universidade-Empresa no Brasil em 2002 e 2004: Uma Aproximação a Partir dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq

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    O presente trabalho investiga a interação universidade-empresa no Brasil tendo como proxy os grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no CNPq que declararam algum relacionamento com empresa. As informações foram extraídas do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq referentes aos Censos 2002 e 2004. O exercício permite inferir panorama recente da interação entre universidades e empresas no país. Os resultados revelam que em 2002 os relacionamentos refletiam uma demanda pouco sofisticada por insumos acadêmicos, voltados a pequenas melhorias ou adaptações, em 2004, por sua vez, um maior estreitamento das relações com empresas é observado, refletindo na preponderância da freqüência de relacionamentos como os resultados de pesquisas científicas e a transferência de tecnologia. Se por um lado esta investigação ilustra especificidades recentes do Sistema Nacional de Inovação presente no país, por outro aponta que ainda há espaço para incentivos que fomentem a transferência do conhecimento acadêmico para as empresas.Interação Universidade-Empresa, Grupos de Pesquisa, Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq


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    The present work investigates university-industry interactions in Brazil using CNPq's research groups as a proxy. The data were collected in CNPq's Research Groups Directory collected in Census 2002 and 2004. Although limitations intrinsic to information collected, the database supplies some evidence from recent university-industry interactions in Brazil. The results point that in 2002 relationship reflected low sophisticated academic inputs, towards adaptations, and in 2004 a closer relationship between universities and firms are observed, showed in relationships based in scientific research and technology transference. This result were in accordance with Brazilian's National System of Innovation, but also suggests that much more can be done fostering academic knowledge transference to firms in the country.

    A changing role for universities in the periphery

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    An international research on interactions between universities and firms is an opportunity to investigate this subject beyond the developed countries. This project involves 12 countries from three continents: Africa (South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda), Asia (South Korea, China, India, Thailand and Malaysia) and Latin America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina and Brazil). This paper introduces a theoretical framework to deal with this broad set of countries, their different levels of NSI formation and their different levels of development. This framework may help public policies to understand the role of universities for a country search for an “active insertion in the international division of labor”.interactions between firms and universities, National Innovation Systems, catch up processes.

    Reflexos locacionais na interação universidade-empresa nos setores químico e farmacêutico brasileiro

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the paper is to analyze the dynamics of university-industry interactions in chemical and pharmaceutical sectors in different regions in Brazil. The hypothesis is that actors’ location affects the type and intensity of these links. Groups of companies were selected by the frequency of interactions with universities. Data from the Brazilian Innovation Survey and the Research Groups Directory of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) were combined and analyzed. Results show geographic proximity is likely to stimulate interactions through scientific research. Moreover, distant actors tend to interact through technology transfer. Key words: industry-university interactions, geographical location, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. Classificação JEL: O33 Artigo recebido em maio 2010 e aceito para publicação em jun. 2012.Pablo Felipe Bittencourt Endereço - Rua José Dutra n.70; Bloco 01, ap.102 Bloco 1. Cidade: Florianópolis CEP: 88036-205 Marcia Rapini Rua Chefe Pereira, 93, apt. 201, Serra Belo Horizonte-MG CEP 30240-150 Julia Paranhos Rua Dona Mariana, 113/409 Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 22280-020RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é avaliar a dinâmica das interações entre empresas dos setores químico e farmacêutico aglomeradas em diferentes localidades brasileiras. A hipótese é a de que a localização geográfica influencia na intensidade e na forma dos relacionamentos estabelecidos. As aglomerações foram selecionadas segundo critérios capazes de apontar aglomerações de empresas que se destacavam na interação com universidades. Para isso, informações da Pesquisa Industrial de Inovação Tecnológica (Pintec) foram consideradas conjuntamente às do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Os resultados apontam a proximidade geográfica como provável elemento estimulador de interações via pesquisa científica e a transferência de tecnologia como o relacionamento mais frequente em interações cooperativas de atores localmente distantes. Palavras-chave: interação universidade-empresa, localização geográfica, setores químico e farmacêutico

    Interactions between firms and universities in an immature system of innovation: a survey of industrial R&D-performers firms in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    This paper presents preliminary results from a survey of R&D-performer industrial firms located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The inspiration for this research comes from the Yale Survey (Klevorick et all, 1995) and from the Carnegie Mellon Survey (Cohen et all, 2002), for these Surveys are groundwork for the study of interactions between universities and firms. The objective of this Minas Gerais Survey (MG Survey, henceforth) is the investigation of specific characteristics of the interaction between universities and firms in an 'immature national system of innovation'. The first section summarizes the theoretical questions putted forward by this investigation, specially the role of universities in immature NSIs. The second section investigates the Brazilian NSI using data from the IBGE’s PINTEC, focusing the R&D performer firms in Brazil and the importance of universities and public research institutes as source of knowledge for industrial innovation. This second section presents data that highlight the position of Minas Gerais in the Brazilian NSI and helps to define the MG Survey research universe. The third section summarizes the issues involved in the adaptation of the Yale and the Carnegie Mellon questionnaires to the Brazilian reality and in the identification of the R&D-performer firms in Minas Gerais. The fourth section presents the MG Survey results. The fifth section concludes the paper.systems of innovations, interactions between science and technologies