60 research outputs found

    Walter Mischel: Pillecukorteszt (könyvajánló)

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    Walter Mischel könyve a szerző több évtizedes kutatásainak eredményein alapul, ezek többségét be is mutatja igen élvezetes és olvasmányos formában. A könyv 20 fejezetben taglalja az önkontrollal kapcsolatos tudományos ismereteket, bemutatja az ezzel kapcsolatos kísérletek eredményeit, megvilágítja annak működését és fejlesztési lehetőségeit. A szerző a húsz fejezetet három nagyobb részbe csoportosítja, az első az önuralom alapjairól szól, aminek központi eleme a késleltetés készsége, a második rész a pillecukortól a nyugdíj-megtakarításig címet viseli, és arról szól, hogyha megtanuljuk akaraterőnket eredményesebben alkalmazni, akkor sikeresebben élhetjük életünket. A harmadikban pedig a laborban született eredményeknek a hétköznapi életben történő alkalmazhatóságáról ír a szerző

    Thoughts on the possibilities of empirical study of organisational culture and competences

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    In the special literature we can often read about the interaction of organisational culture and competences. Culture and competences are considered important parts of the conditions of organisational success by the management literature. In our opinion the mechanism of the impact between culture and competences has not been discovered or empirically completely proven as of yet. The aim of our research was the completion of the above mentioned gap, therefore we researched this topic in a pilot study, the results of which we present in this article

    A kompetenciák fejlesztésének lehetőségei a szervezeti kultúrán keresztül

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    We can often read in the special literature about the interaction of the organizational culture and the competences. Culture and competences are important parts of the condi-tions of the organizational success by the management literature. In our opinion the mechanism of the impact of the culture to the competences has not been discovered and not empirical proved completely yet. The aim of our research was the completion of the above mentioned lack, we researched this topic in a pilot study, of which results we present in this paper

    Small business strategy: German and Anglo-American evidence

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    This article examines how and to which extent small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) apply strategic planning within their business activities. Specifically, the authors address the question of why SMEs seem to plan less than big companies, whether strategic planning and corporate success correlate with each other and whether strategic planning is a function of increasing company size. Along these lines, they conducted an analysis of the relevant literature based on a systematic review of articles on planning and strategy in SMEs over the last twenty years. These have been taken from the leading Entrepreneurship and Strategy journals as well as from other sources in the German as well as the English language science. SMEs seem to plan strategically in a less structured and more informal manner than bigger companies, while they might engage relatively more in (informal) visionary strategic management. The paper structures current research on strategic planning in SMEs and derives an agenda for future research, thereby extending our knowledge on strategic planning in SMEs. The authors close this paper with their own conceptualization of “strategic planning in SMEs”
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