414 research outputs found

    Never-Ending Exception

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    Published online: 10 May 2022No abstract availabl


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    Sándor Petőfi was the greatest poet of the Hungarian romantic literature, but aft er his participation in the events of the Hungarian revolution of 1848 he became the legendary fi gure of the national liberty and republicanism. Petőfi ’s mysterious disappearance aft er the batt le of Segesvár further confi rmed the importance of his personal heroism and at the end of the 19th Century Petőfi became an emblematic fi gure of the national freedom and independence not just in Hungary, but in Europe too.Petőfi ’s cult was signifi cant in the period between the two world wars too, mainly at the time of hundredth anniversary of his birth. A memorial banknote was issued on this occasion and were staged a national commemoration in 1925.In the communist era Petőfi was the idol of the radical revolutionary republicans, who fought against the members of the oppressive ruling classes. His glorious and heroic image became one of the fi gures of the Hungarian communist pantheon. But also the anti-dictatorship young intellectuals viewed Petőfi as a role model and founded Petőfi Circle prepared for the events of the revolution of 1956.Until the end of the seventies Petőfi became again the emblematic historical hero of the antiregime democratic opposition movement. Th e square at Petőfi statue was the scene of many demonstrations. Th is square was also the favorite commemoration place also of the Hungarianliberal political party aft er the Hungarian political transition in the last decade of 20th Century

    Trusting Hungary with Billions of Euros

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    How NOT to Be an Independent Agency

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    MAP kináz jelátvitel funkcionális vizsgálat mitokondriumban = Functional studies on mitochondrial MAP kinase signalling

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    Munkánk során a növényekre specifikus, kevésbé vizsgált, D típusú MAPKok családjának egyik tagját az AtMPK9-t tanulmányoztuk. Élesztő kettős-hibrid rendszerrel a kalmodulint, mint lehetséges AtMPK9 fehérje partnert azonosítottuk, majd a kölcsönhatást in vitro transzlációval előállított fehérjékkel többféle megközelítéssel igazoltuk. Az AtMPK9 poszttranszlációs módosításokon keresztül történő szabályozása korábban ismeretlen volt. A pályázat keretében tömegspektrometriás vizsgálatokkal és in vitro mutagenezissel előállított AtMPK9 variánsokkal bizonyítottuk, hogy az aktiválásért felelős T hurok régióban elhelyezkedő TDY aminosav triplet treoninjának és tirozinjának foszforilálása nélkül a kináz nem rendelkezik aktivitással. A tömegspektrometriás adatok alapján az is nyilvánvaló vált, hogy az AtMPK9 kináz doménjét követő C-terminális doménben további négy aminosav foszforilálódik. Vizsgálataink szerint az összes általunk azonosított foszforiláció autofoszforiláció eredménye. Feltételezésünk szerint a kináz autofoszforilációs aktivitásának szabályozásában a kölcsönható partnerként azonosított kalmodulin kaphat szerepet. Az AtMPK9 in planta funkcióját protoplaszt tranziens expresszióval és null-mutáns növényekkel tanulmányoztuk. Vizsgálataink alapján a fehérje kináz abiotikus stresszel aktiválható, azonban ennek ellenére a null-mutáns növények fenotípusa még stressz körülmények között sem tér el a vadtípusétól, így az AtMPK9 valószínűsíthetően funkcionálisan redudáns kináz. | The project aimed at studying AtMPK9, a member of plant specific, D type mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). We identified calmodulin as its putative protein interacting partner by yeast two-hybrid assay. In order to evaluate this result, AtMPK9 and calmodulin were produced by in vitro translation and the interaction was confirmed by pull-down assays and surface plasmone resonance analysis. The kinase activity regulation of AtMPK9 was unknown previously. We demonstrated by mass spectrometry and in vitro mutagenesis studies that phosphorylation of threonine and tyrosine of TDY amino acid triad of T loop is inevitable for kinase activity. Further mass spectrometry analysis revealed another four phosphorylated amino acids in the C-terminal domain of AtMPK9. According to our in vitro translation based data, all the identified phosphorylations are caused by autophosphorylation. We hypothesize that the interacting partner calmodulin regulates the autophosphorylation activity of kinase. The in planta function of the protein kinase was studied by protoplast transient overexpression and application of AtMPK9 knock-out plants. Although the kinase activity of AtMPK9 was inducible by abiotic stress, the knock-out plants did not show any difference in phenotype, not even in stress conditions. These data imply that AtMPK9 is a functionally redundant protein kinase

    Note on terminal-pairability in complete grid graphs

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    We affirmatively answer and generalize the question of Kubicka, Kubicki and Lehel (1999) concerning the path-pairability of high-dimensional complete grid graphs. As an intriguing by-product of our result we significantly improve the estimate of the necessary maximum degree in path-pairable graphs, a question originally raised and studied by Faudree, Gyárfás, and Lehel (1999). © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Carl Schmitt in Hungary: Constitutional Crisis in the Shadow of Covid-19

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    Online Publication Date: 24 Feb 2021This paper discusses Hungarian constitutionalism and the emergency model which can be called an ‘autocratic’ emergency model in which the government’s main aim is to create an emergency regime without real threat. That was the case in Hungary before 2020, but as the new coronavirus flourished the Hungarian constitutionalism and the rule of law withered. As the article asserts the declaration of the state of danger was unconstitutional because the human epidemic is not involved in the listing of the constitution. The constitutional concerns have become even more complicated after the acceptance of the “Enabling Act” which gave unconstrained power to the Government. The spirit of Carl Schmitt’s theory again emerges. As the coronavirus and its immediate effect necessitated extra-legal measures, the threshold between the rule of law and exceptionalism was fading swiftly and legal constitutionalism became a pleasant memory