27 research outputs found


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    El sector vitivinícola español se encuentra inmerso en un importante proceso de actualización y renovación, no sólo en cuanto a superficie de viñedo, sino también en cuanto al nivel de inversión que se ha destinado a la edificación de nuevas bodegas, a la mejora de las instalaciones y equipamientos y a la utilización de técnicas de envejecimiento distintas para ofrecer una gama mucho más amplia de vinos de calidad. En este contexto se ha desarrollado el proyecto “Estrategias de diseño bioclimático en bodegas como modelo de edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo”, que planteando un ambicioso estudio global y a gran escala, ha analizado un importante número de bodegas repartidas por todo el territorio español, representativas de los principales diseños constructivos. En el presente trabajo se analiza y cuantifica el coste actualizado de naves de crianza en superficie ubicadas en regiones vitivinícolas destacadas. La documentación técnica de la ejecución de las bodegas analizadas (proyecto, planos, certificados de obra, etc.), fue revisada y complementada con inspecciones y visitas realizadas a dichas bodegas, obteniendo presupuestos actualizados con base de precios de 2018. Los resultados obtenidos son una valiosa herramienta para el diseño de nuevas salas de crianza en superficie

    Patología urinaria de urgencias en gatos: aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos

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    La enfermedad renal en gatos es una patología común en la clínica de animales de compañía y tiene una gran importancia dentro del ámbito de las urgencias. Este trabajo pretende dar un enfoque claro y práctico sobre las patologías renales más frecuentes que pueden encontrarse bajo situaciones de emergencia y que muchas veces requieren de una actuación rápida y posterior diagnóstico. Para ello nos basaremos en un estudio realizado a lo largo de seis meses en una clínica veterinaria de urgencias situada en el centro de Zaragoza (Emvet Zaragoza, España). Se hablará por un lado de las enfermedades renales obstructivas y por otro de las no obstructivas, y a su vez se explicarán los distintos orígenes posibles: prerrenal, renal y postrrenal. En la práctica, la diferenciación entre pacientes renales crónicos y agudos es en ocasiones difícil, ya que pacientes crónicos no diagnosticados pueden agudizar su enfermedad y, al contrario, pacientes renales agudos pueden llegar a desarrollar una enfermedad renal crónica posterior. Dado el problema que surge por tanto, es importante realizar las pruebas oportunas que nos ayuden a conocer mejor la lesión de nuestro paciente. Uno de los parámetros estrella del diagnóstico de enfermedad renal hasta el momento es la creatinina, cuya medida en sangre correlaciona la Tasa de Filtración Glomerular (TFG) del riñón, sin embargo tiene sus inconvenientes y en ocasiones puede entorpecer nuestro diagnóstico. Un nuevo biomarcador, la dimetil arginina simétrica (SDMA) comercializada desde julio de 2015, ha sido probado como un parámetro predictivo capaz de detectar fallos renales mucho antes y con mayor especificidad que la creatinina. El presente estudio tiene por objeto conocer lo que ocurre con los valores de SDMA en pacientes felinos renales de urgencia cuyas lesiones estén a varios niveles (prerrenal, renal y postrrenal), en comparación a los valores de creatinina bajo las mismas condiciones

    Je li privatnost informacija zaštićena u neonatalnoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja? Opservacijska studija

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    Respecting patients’ intimacy and confidentiality can be a challenge in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) designed according to traditional standards (e.g. a single big room with a number of cots and incubators located close one to another). Concerned about this topic, two members of the team designed a study to check the quality of the confidentiality in the NICU area, and identify opportunities for improvement. This is an observational study performed for a period of one month. The observed team was not aware of being observed. During observation time, a total of 147 hours, 25 confidentiality violation situations were encountered. Twelve (48%) were comments, spoken with a loud voice, about the patients in the NICU area or in adjacent areas, 24% (6/25) were related to the privacy issues due to leaving medical documentation or computer screens available for anybody to see or informing parents in a way that could be heard by parents of other babies, 12% (3/25) were phone conversations about patients in a loud voice, 4% (1/25) were answering questions to parents or relatives about other babies. The medical and personal information of the patients in the NICU is often exposed and shared with parents of other patients and nonrelated professionals. The architectural design of the traditional NICUs, some socio-cultural issues in South European countries, and the difficulties in changing attitudes are the critical points to focus on to start a quality educational project to protect the right to intimacy and confidentiality of vulnerable children and parents admitted to the NICUs.Poštovanje privatnosti i povjerljivosti pacijenata može biti izazov u neonatalnim jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja (NJIL) koje su dizajnirane prema tradicionalnim standardima (npr. jedna velika soba s određenim brojem krevetića i inkubatora smještenih jedni blizu drugih). Zabrinuti zbog ove teme, dva člana tima osmislila su studiju koja će provjeriti kvalitetu povjerljivosti u neonatalnim jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja i pronaći mogućnosti za poboljšanje. Ova opservacijska studija provodi se tijekom jednog mjeseca. Tim koji je bio promatran nije bio svjestan našeg promatranja. Tijekom vremena promatranja, ukupno 147 sati, primijećeno je ukupno 25 situacija u kojima je prekršena povjerljivost. Bilo je dvanaest (48 %) komentara koji su bili glasnije izgovoreni o pacijentima u neonatalnim jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja ili u bližoj okolini, 24 % (6/25) situacija odnosilo se na pitanja privatnosti, bilo zbog ostavljanja medicinske dokumentacije ili računala bez nadzora ili zbog informiranja roditelja, tako da su ih mogli čuti i roditelji druge novorođenčadi, 12 % (3/25) su bili telefonski razgovori o pacijentima i to glasnijim tonom glasa, 4 % (1/25) su bili odgovori na pitanja roditelja ili rodbine o drugoj novorođenčadi-pacijentima. Medicinski i osobni podaci pacijenata na odjelu NJIL-a često su izloženi i podijeljeni s roditeljima drugih pacijenata i profesionalcima koji nisu ni u kakvoj vezi s tim pacijentima. Arhitektonski dizajn tradicionalnih jedinica NJIL-a, neka sociokulturna pitanja u južnoeuropskim zemljama i poteškoće u promjeni stavova kritične su točke na koje se treba usredotočiti kako bi se pokrenuo kvalitetan obrazovni projekt za zaštitu prava na intimu i povjerljivost ranjive djece i roditelja koji borave na odjelu NJIL-a

    Creating digital awareness

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    As a result of the world’s population being much more digitally connected, it is increasingly relevant to acquire an adequate level of digital awareness. For this reason, the objective of this work is to introduce the competence of digital awareness in higher education programs. Specifically, this work is focused on the deployment of such competence within the Degree in Network Engineering of the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. To do this, we ` have planned a project structured in four phases in which the tasks to be carried out by the different participants have been defined in detail. Thus, the roles involved are: project coordinator, academic content designers, support companies for this implementation, students, as well as the Degree Coordinator and the Deputy Director of Master’s Studies and Head of Quality. This is the first initiative we plan to extend to other grades or levels of study in the future.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Transplantation of hMSCs and hMAPCs induced an increase in angiogenesis.

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    <p>A) CD31 immunostaining in the ischemic boundary zone at different time points after cell transplantation (2 days, 4 days, 7 days and 28 days) (Scale bar = 100 µm). B) Quantitative analysis of angiogenesis after cell transplantation (n = 4). *<i>p</i><0.05 and ** <i>p</i><0.001 by Bonferroni test.</p

    Therapeutic Effects of hMAPC and hMSC Transplantation after Stroke in Mice

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    <div><p>Stroke represents an attractive target for stem cell therapy. Although different types of cells have been employed in animal models, a direct comparison between cell sources has not been performed. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of human multipotent adult progenitor cells (hMAPCs) and human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on endogenous neurogenesis, angiogenesis and inflammation following stroke. BALB/Ca-RAG 2<sup>−/−</sup> γC<sup>−/−</sup> mice subjected to FeCl<sub>3</sub> thrombosis mediated stroke were intracranially injected with 2×10<sup>5</sup> hMAPCs or hMSCs 2 days after stroke and followed for up to 28 days. We could not detect long-term engraftment of either cell population. However, in comparison with PBS-treated animals, hMSC and hMAPC grafted animals demonstrated significantly decreased loss of brain tissue. This was associated with increased angiogenesis, diminished inflammation and a glial-scar inhibitory effect. Moreover, enhanced proliferation of cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and survival of newly generated neuroblasts was observed. Interestingly, these neuroprotective effects were more pronounced in the group of animals treated with hMAPCs in comparison with hMSCs. Our results establish cell therapy with hMAPCs and hMSCs as a promising strategy for the treatment of stroke.</p> </div

    Effect of hMSCs and hMAPCs transplantation on microglia activation after stroke.

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    <p>A) Immunostaining with anti-Iba1 in sections corresponding to the peri-infarct zone 2 days after cell transplantation. Upper panel represents a panoramic view (Scale bar = 50 µm) while a detail image is provided in the lower panel (Scale bar = 10 µm). B) Quantification of the mean number of intersections of microglial processes/cell with the grid. C) Representation of the percentage of intersections with each concentric circle of the grid/cell. *<i>p</i><0.05 for PBS-treated group vs. hMAPCs by Bonferroni test.</p

    Glial-scar inhibitory effect after hMSCs and hMAPCs transplantation.

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    <p>Immunoflurescence analysis of fibronectin (A) and NG2-CSP (B) 4 days after hMSCs and hMAPCs transplantation. The intensity of the staining varied according to the color scale shown in the left corner in each panel. C) Quantitative analysis of NG2-CSP immunostaining. *<i>P</i><0.01 in PBS-treated group vs cell transplanted groups. Scale bar = 100 µm.</p

    Effect of transplantation of hMSCs and hMAPCs in tissue loss.

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    <p>A) Nissl-staining photomicrographs of coronal sections that show the loss of tissue at 28 days after transplantation. The dashed line marks tissue loss. Scale bar = 1000 µm; B) Quantification of tissue loss 28 days after cell transplantation n = 4 *<i>p</i><0.05 PBS-treated group vs cell transplanted groups by Bonferroni test.</p