19 research outputs found

    The wage model in the Galician labour market: gender effects

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    Objeto: Se estudian las características personales que determinan la participación en el mercado de trabajo en Galicia, ya sea como trabajador por cuenta propia o por cuenta ajena. Diseño/metodología: Se construye el llamado modelo de salarización, en él se estima la probabilidad de que una persona en edad de trabajar lo haga por cuenta ajena. Una vez estimados los parámetros del modelo mediante regresión logística binaria, se calculan las probabilidades de trabajar por cuenta ajena condicionadas a distintas características personales, para evaluar la influencia real de las mismas en la forma en que un individuo interviene en el mercado de trabajo, como asalariado o como autónomo. Aportaciones y resultados: Las probabilidades de trabajar por cuenta ajena difieren en función del género. A mayor edad, la probabilidad de que un hombre y una mujer trabajen por cuenta ajena va disminuyendo. En los hombres, la probabilidad de trabajar por cuenta ajena se mantiene invariable para cualquier tamaño familiar, mientras que en las mujeres al aumentar los miembros de la familia la probabilidad disminuye. Ante un incremento en los ingresos corregidos familiares, la probabilidad de trabajar por cuenta ajena disminuye en hombres y mujeres, aunque los porcentajes son distintos. Limitaciones: Este trabajo ha sido realizado en un momento económico de crecimiento sostenido. Así, se abre una futura línea de estudio en la que se averigüe el efecto del ciclo económico en esta investigación. Implicaciones prácticas: El género sigue marcando diferencias en el mercado laboral. Valor añadido: En este análisis, la variable más destacada es el sexo, y la influencia de las demás variables explicativas sobre las distintas probabilidades de trabajar por cuenta ajena varía en función del sexo de la persona analizada. La forma de construir la variable “Ingresos del hogar corregidos” es novedosa.Purpose: We study the effects of personal features in the Galician labour market, as both self-employed people and employees who work for a firm. Design/methodology/approach: We propose a wage model to estimate the probability of a person in working age being employee who works for a firm. After the model parameter estimation through binary logistic regression, we estimate the conditional probability to be an employee who works for a firm for different personal features. We do this to evaluate the real effect of personal features in the person role in the labour market, as employee who works for a firm or self-employed person. Findings and originality/value: The probability to be an employee who works for a firm depends on the gender. The greater age, the lower is the probability of men and women that they will be employees who work for a firm. The probability of men to work for a firm is the same to all family size, whereas this probability for women is lower if the family size gests bigger. The greater corrected family income, the lower is the probability of men and women to work for a firm, but the percentages are different. Research limitations/implications: This paper has been made during a moment of sustained economic growth. So, future researches could study the effect of the economic cycle in this topic. Practical implications: The gender differences affects to the labour market. Originality/value: This study considers as the most important variable the gender, and the effect of other explanatory variables on the different probabilities to be an employee who works for a firm change depending on the gender. We propose a new way to create the variable "corrected household income".Peer Reviewe

    Variables Determining Total and Electrical Expenditure in Spanish Households

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101535[Abstract] Our aim is to discover the variables influencing total and electrical expenditure in Spanish households in the Survey of Family Budgets. Using a principal component analysis, a cluster analysis, and a stepwise regression analysis, we find that income-related variables are the most influential factor in determining total expenditure; however, dwelling size is the most influential factor in determining electricity expenditure. Regional location is the second most important factor for total household expenditure but not electricity expenditure. We find that electricity expenditure depends on the surface area of the house and the number of people in the household, as well as heating and hot water systems and building type. Energy savings will not only reduce household electricity costs, but will benefit the environment. In general, in a developed consumer society, the determining factors go beyond income and include other lifestyle aspects.This research was supported by project ECO2016-77843-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and S52_17R: Compete Research Group (Government of Aragón/FEDER, UE)Gobierno de Aragón; S52_17

    Activity in the labor market and the economic crisis: gender differences in Galicia

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    Purpose: This paper studies personal characteristics that determine labor activity in Galicia. Design/methodology/approach: The data are from the Galician Statistics Institute (IGE) Family Living Conditions Survey (ECV). We estimate the model parameters via binary logistic regression; then we calculate the probability of activity according to various personal characteristics. We find that probability varies according to the gender. We analyze three periods: economic growth (2003), the year the economic crisis began (2007), and the economic crisis (2012). Findings: In general, the probability of activity during the economic crisis is higher than during economic growth. We find that people enter the labor market younger during economic growth and retire later during the economic crisis. Women participate in the labor market at lower raters after the birth of their children in 2003 and in 2007; this rate rises in 2012. This is due to the high cost of childcare for families with scarce economic resources. Research limitations/implications: Future researches could study the crisis context which reduce the gender differences in labor market. Practical implications: The gender differences are reducing and the economic cycle plays a relevant role. Originality/value: We show through repeating the analysis in different periods that the cycle involves different behaviors in the probability of activity by gender. Overall, during the crisis, the probability of activity are bigger and the gender differences are smaller.Peer Reviewe

    Determinants of Job Satisfaction in Wood and Paper Industry: Study in Spain and Findings in Other Countries

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    [Resumen] Esta investigación se desarrolla en el colectivo de trabajadores ocupados pertenecientes a la cosecha forestal, industria de la madera y papel, y su comparación con el total nacional. El ámbito es el mercado laboral español. Se escogen 14 variables cuantitativas, extraídas de la Encuesta de calidad de vida en el trabajo (Ministerio Empleo y Seguridad Social). El objetivo primero es averiguar qué variables y agrupaciones de variables (o factores) afectan a la satisfacción laboral en el sector forestal, madera y papel, comparando estos resultados con el conjunto nacional al que pertenece. Las metodologías son análisis de componentes principales, análisis de conglomerados y regresión múltiple stepwise. El segundo objetivo es recopilar estudios parecidos en otros países y ver si se puede establecer algún patrón común. El análisis en ambos colectivos (forestal, madera y papel por un lado, y conjunto nacional español por otro) permite averiguar si los determinantes coinciden o difieren en función de los epígrafes de actividad; en ambos casos, el salario es una de las últimas variables en la explicación de la satisfacción laboral, siendo la motivación y el desarrollo personal las variables que ocupan los primeros puestos en esta explicación. A partir de estudios en otros países no es posible construir una teoría general y válida en todos los ámbitos, de forma que si el contexto es diferente, los determinantes que afectan a la satisfacción laboral son también distintos[Abstract ]This paper is carried out in a workers group of logging, wood and paper industry, which is compared with the whole of the labor market. We select 14 quantitative variables of job-related features. For this purpose, we use data Quality of Labor Life Survey (ECVT) by the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. The first objective is to find out which variables and groups of variables (or factors) affect job satisfaction in logging, wood and paper industry, comparing these results with the national set. Our methodologies are principal component analysis, cluster analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The second objective is to review similar studies in other countries in order to find some common pattern. The analysis in both groups (logging, wood and paper on the one hand, and the Spanish national set on the other) allows us to find whether determinants are the same or different according to activity. So, in both cases, wage is one of the last factors that explain labor satisfaction, whereas motivation and personal development are on the top position. It is not possible to propose a general and valid theory in all areas from studies in other countries, so that if the context is different, the determinants that affect job satisfaction are also differen

    Effect of the Personal and Job-Related Features on the Labour Satisfaction in Spain

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    [Resumen] Con este trabajo se pretende determinar qué características afectan en mayor medida a la satisfacción de los trabajadores. El ámbito de aplicación es el mercado de trabajo español actual, aquejado de una fuerte recesión e inestabilidad. Se trata de averiguar si son las características personales de los trabajadores o si, por el contrario, son las características referidas a la organización las que influyen en mayor grado en la satisfacción laboral. Los datos provienen de la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo, del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración del año 2010. Mediante modelos lineales (ANOVA) se concluye que las variables inherentes al trabajo arrojan mejores resultados para explicar la satisfacción del trabajador, además, todos los coeficientes son positivos. Por último, se propone un modelo de regresión múltiple stepwise que permita jerarquizar la aportación de las distintas variables referidas al empleo sobre la satisfacción de los trabajadores; de todas ellas, la que tiene mayor incidencia es la motivación[Abstract] This paper tries to determine the main features of the labour satisfaction. We applied the mentioned analysis to the current Spanish labour market, which is affected by a deep recession and instability. We want to get differences between personal and job-related features in order to find which better explain the labour satisfaction. Data come from the Quality of Labour Life Survey corresponding to the year 2010 by Ministry of Labour and Immigration of Spain. By means of linear models (ANOVA) we find that job-related variables explain better labour satisfaction, also, all the coefficients are positive. Finally, we propose a stepwise multiple regression which let us to put in order the effect of job-related variables on labour satisfaction. The variable with higher influence on labour satisfaction is motivation

    Synthetic Indicators of Quality of Subjective Life in the EU: Rural and Urban Areas

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    [Abstract] The aim of this paper is to develop subjective synthetic indicators that quantify the quality of life in the different countries of the EU-28, with data from the 2016 European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS). We add other indicators to the general synthetic ones in order to quantify the different dimensions of quality life due to its multidimensional nature. The successive but unchained application of the principal component analysis and the Mazziota-Pareto analysis allows us to classify 5 dimensions of quality of life: subjective component of governance, public services, environment, general satisfaction with life, and socioeconomic issues. We verify that countries with the lowest or highest positions in the general index usually keep that position in most dimensions. The spatial perspective is fundamental to study of regional development. For this reason, the next objective is the analysis of differences by spatial location using the variance analysis. The general indicator shows significant differences between EU countries but it does not show differences in the quality of life of European citizens in urban and rural areas

    Impact of Shift Work on Health and Job Satisfaction of Workers in Spain

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    [Resumen] Este artículo analiza la satisfacción y la salud en los trabajadores a turnos, así como las posibles relaciones entre esos términos a partir de los datos españoles de la 6ª Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo de 2015, publicada en 2017. Utilizamos matriz de correlaciones, análisis de correspondencias y regresión logística. Los trabajadores a turnos rotativos presentaron porcentajes menores de estar satisfechos o muy satisfechos con su trabajo, siendo el efecto negativo más acusado en la satisfacción que en la salud. Se evidencia para todos los turnos de trabajo que los que gozan de “muy buena salud” son los que se encuentran “muy satisfechos” laboralmente. La satisfacción de los trabajadores a turnos es 1,047 veces menor que los que no están a turnos, mientras que los que gozan de muy buena salud están 6,325 veces más satisfechos que su categoría de referencia. Consideramos necesario un estudio longitudinal pues la permanencia en el trabajo a turnos puede incrementar los efectos negativos en el trabajador.[Abstract] This article analyzes the satisfaction and health of shift workers, as well as the possible relationships between these terms based on the Spanish data of the 6th European Survey of Working Conditions of 2015, published in 2017. We use matrix of correlations, analysis of correspondences and logistic regression. Rotating shift workers had lower percentages of being satisfied or very satisfied with their work, with the negative effect more pronounced in satisfaction than in health. It is evident for all work shifts that those who enjoy “very good health” are those who are “very satisfied” at work. The satisfaction of shift workers is 1,047 times lower than those who are not in shift, while those who enjoy very good health are 6,325 times more satisfied than their reference category. We consider necessary a longitudinal study because the permanence in shift work could increase the negative effects on the worke

    Factores determinantes para la inserción y distintas formas de participación en el mercado laboral gallego

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    [Resumo] Neste traballo estúdanse as características personais que determinan a inserción, e no caso afirmativo a forma de participación, no mercado de traballo de Galicia. Por iso constrúense tres modelos: no modelo de actividade estímase a probabilidade de que unha persoa en idade de traballar pertenza a poboación activa: o modelo de ocupación tenta medir a probabilidade de que un activo encontre traballo; e, por último, o modelo de salarización explica a probabilidade de que un activo sexa traballador por conta allea. Unha vez estimados os parámetros dos distintos modelos mediante regresións loxísticas binarias, calcúlanse as probabilidades de actividade, ocupación e salarización dadas distintas características personais, a fin de avaliar a influencia real das mesmas na forma na que un individuo intégrase no mercado de traballo. Do análisis empírico obténse que a característica máis destacada é o sexo, e que a influencia das outras variábeis sobre as distintas probabilidades varía en función do sexo da persoa analizada.[Resumen] En este trabajo se estudian las características personales que determinan la inserción, y en caso afirmativo la forma de participación, en el mercado de trabajo de Galicia. Para ello se construyen tres modelos: en el modelo de actividad se estima la probabilidad de que una persona en edad de trabajar forme parte de la población activa; el modelo de ocupación trata de medir la probabilidad de que un activo encuentre trabajo; y, por último, el modelo de salarización explica la probabilidad de que un activo sea trabajador por cuenta ajena. Una vez estimados los parámetros de los distintos modelos mediante regresiones logísticas binarias, se calculan las probabilidades de actividad, ocupación y salarización condicionadas a distintas características personales, para evaluar la influencia real de las mismas en la forma en que un individuo se integra en el mercado de trabajo. Del análisis empírico se obtiene que la característica más destacada es el sexo, y que la influencia de las demás variables sobre las distintas probabilidades varía en función del sexo de la persona analizada.[Abstract] The personal features involved in the incorporation into the labor force are studied, together with how this incorporation is carried out in Galicia. Three models are built with this purpose. The first one is an economical activity model, where the probability that a person of working age will be economically active is estimated. The second one is an employment model, where the goal of estimation is the probability that an economically active person will become employed. The last model is a hired-hand employment model, which is focused on the probability that an economically active person will become a hired-hand worker. Once the parameters of these models are estimated by binary logistic regression methods, the probabilities of economic activity, employment and hired-hand employment conditioned to different personal features are calculated, in order to evaluate their consequences on how a particular person is incorporated into the labor force. It is obtained from the empirical analysis that sex is the most relevant feature, and that the effect coming from other variables on the probabilities under study, also depends on sex

    Activity in the labor market and the economic crisis: gender differences in Galicia

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    Purpose: This paper studies personal characteristics that determine labor activity in Galicia. Design/methodology/approach: The data are from the Galician Statistics Institute (IGE) Family Living Conditions Survey (ECV). We estimate the model parameters via binary logistic regression; then we calculate the probability of activity according to various personal characteristics. We find that probability varies according to the gender. We analyze three periods: economic growth (2003), the year the economic crisis began (2007), and the economic crisis (2012). Findings: In general, the probability of activity during the economic crisis is higher than during economic growth. We find that people enter the labor market younger during economic growth and retire later during the economic crisis. Women participate in the labor market at lower raters after the birth of their children in 2003 and in 2007; this rate rises in 2012. This is due to the high cost of childcare for families with scarce economic resources. Research limitations/implications: Future researches could study the crisis context which reduce the gender differences in labor market. Practical implications: The gender differences are reducing and the economic cycle plays a relevant role. Originality/value: We show through repeating the analysis in different periods that the cycle involves different behaviors in the probability of activity by gender. Overall, during the crisis, the probability of activity are bigger and the gender differences are smaller.Peer Reviewe

    Gestión del cambio tecnológico y de la asimilación tecnológica

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    Los contenidos que se abordan inicialmente, son los referentes a la implantación del cambio tecnológico sobre los trabajadores y los cambios organizativos que experimenta la empresa. En este sentido, se muestra el paso del uso a la asimilación de la tecnología, permitiendo liberar recursos materiales y/o humanos que facilitan el descubrimiento de un nuevo saber hacer. A continuación, se plantea el estilo de dirección, los factores clave organizativos y las etapas del proceso de asimilación de la tecnología. Además, se reflejan los estadios del compromiso de las personas con el cambio tecnológico a lo largo del tiempo, así como, las características y peculiaridades de la implantación de la cultura para la innovación.First, the effects of the technological innovations on the workers are studied, together with the changes in the organization experienced by the companies. In this sense, the transition from the use to the assimilation of the technology is shown, in which some material and human resources can be released, giving place to a new know how. Later on, the direction style, the key organizational factors and the stages of the process to assimilate the technology are studied. Moreover, the steps in the compromise of the people with the technological change along the time are studied, together with the characteristics and peculiarities of the assimilation of an innovative culture