185 research outputs found

    Policies to increase business tourism income : a dynamic panel data model

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    This article aims to identify the determinants that influence business tourism income and that may be controlled by economic agents and policy makers of destination countries. For the development of the empirical study, a dynamic panel model by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) was estimated using the Gretl 2016a software, and a sample of 122 countries for the period 2002?2013 (12 years) was used. The study reveals that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the short and long-term of business tourism income, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism and foreign direct investment.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    International business tourism : a growth rate model

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the factors influencing business tourism on a global scale, in order to assess the competence of the countries in this tourism segment and prescribe them guidelines for action. For the development of data analysis, a growth rate model was estimated and a sample of 136 countries for the years 2005 and 2009 was collected. Results reveal that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the business tourism segment, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism, leisure tourism and trade openness.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    Estimation of a growth rate model for international business tourism

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the factors influencing business tourism on a global scale, in order to assess the competence of the countries in this tourism segment and prescribe them guidelines for action. For the development of data analysis, a growth rate model was estimated and a sample of 136 countries for the years 2005 and 2009 was collected. Results reveal that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the business tourism segment, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism, leisure tourism and trade openness. Economic agents should also focus their investments in equipment that creates value throughout the tourism supply chain, in particular, in transport and equipment for entertainment and culture.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de Carvalhoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado segundo del colegio Sagrado Coraz?n

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    94 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto titulado ?La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado Segundo del Colegio Sagrado Coraz?n?, es producto de una investigaci?n cualitativa (estudio de caso) semestre a semestre, aplicado a una poblaci?n de 98 estudiantes que oscilan entre los 6 y lo 8 a?os de edad; se utilizaron instrumentos de recolecci?n como: observaci?n, diario de campo, entrevista semiestructurada, estudio de caso, grupos focales y matrices DOFA; con el fin de cualificar la comprensi?n lectora por medio de la Lectura est?tica, se incentiv? la imaginaci?n, la autonom?a y la creatividad en los estudiantes. Se encontr? una problem?tica focalizada en la predominaci?n de la lectura eferente en las aulas de clase, minimizando el goce est?tico. La fundamentaci?n te?rica del proceso investigativo, se asienta en los planteamientos de los siguientes autores: Rosenblatt (2010). Lectura Est?tica; Goodman (1990). Lenguaje integral; Ausubel (1983) Aprendizaje significativo; Jolibert (1995). Formar Ni?os lectores de Textos; P?rez (1992). La lectura es un proceso cognoscitivo; Ley General de educaci?n 115 (1994) Constituci?n Pol?tica de Colombia (1991); Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Castellana (1998) y Est?ndares B?sicos de Competencias del Lenguaje. MEN, s.f. Posteriormente, se implement? una propuesta pedag?gica con talleres tales como: taller 1: ?Cu?ntame mi cuento?, taller 2: ?M?tete en el cuento? taller 3: ?Goz?ndome en el cuento? y finalmente Taller 4 ?Mu?strame tu cuento?. La aplicaci?n de estos permiti? fortalecer la Lectura Est?tica y desarrollar la comprensi?n lectora. Para el contraste de secuelas se utilizaron rejillas, que permitieron un an?lisis general de resultados.This project entitled " aesthetic reading as a strategy to strengthen reading comprehension in grade students Second Sacred Heart College " is the product of a qualitative research ( case study ) semester to semester , applied to a population of 98 students range from ( 6-8) years old; collection instruments were used as observation, field diary , semi-structured interviews , case studies , focus groups and SWOT matrices ; in order to qualify reading comprehension through reading aesthetics , imagination , autonomy and creativity in students is encouraged . a problematic focused on the dominance of the efferent reading in the classroom was found , minimizing the aesthetic enjoyment. The theoretical foundation of the research process is based on the statements of the following authors: Rosenblatt (2010). A esthetic Reading; Goodman (1990). Whole language; Ausubel (1983) Meaningful learning; Jolibert (1995). Children from readers Texts; Perez (1992). Reading is a cognitive process; General Education Law 115 (1994) Constitution of Colombia (1991); Spanish Language Curriculum Guidelines (1998) and Basic Skills Standards Language. MEN, S. F. Workshop 1: "Tell my story," Workshop 2: "Get in the story" workshop 3: "Rejoicing in the story" and finally Workshop 4 "Show me your story" The application then a pedagogical proposal with workshops such as implemented these allowed Reading Aesthetics strengthen and develop reading comprehension. For the contrast of sequels grids were used, which allowed an overall analysis of results. Keywords: Reading, aesthetics, understanding, meaning, enjoyment, feelings

    Do neighbouring countries encourage the demand of international business tourism?

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    This paper aims at determining the factors that influence the growth of international business tourism and understanding whether the demand growth of business tourism spreads across neighbouring countries. For the development of the empirical research, data has been collected from a sample of 136 countries worldwide, and spatial econometric techniques have been used. Evidence that supports the idea that the main factors related to the increase in incomes of business tourism are the private investment on tourism assets, the leisure tourism and the trade openness in relation to the outside world is presented. This study also reveals that the demand of business tourism in a country is not contagious, that is, the demand varies neither with the demand of its neighbours nor with their exogenous characteristics. The results have important implications for the choice of tourism policy goals at national levels and the corresponding policy instruments.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    El estr?s laboral en los trabajadores del ?rea comercial de la Positiva - Lima 2019

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    El objetivo de la presente investigaci?n es determinar si existe estr?s laboral en los trabajadores del ?rea comercial de La Positiva. La metodolog?a planteada comprende un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo; adem?s, el trabajo es no experimental y transversal. El universo de estudio son todos los trabajadores del ?rea comercial de La Positiva: los apoderados comerciales, los analistas comerciales y los asistentes comerciales, que ascienden a 94 individuos. El muestreo es probabil?stico y por racimos, y la muestra la conforman 50 colaboradores comerciales. Para la recolecci?n de datos se emple? la encuesta de diagn?stico de estr?s (SDS), de Ivancevich y Matteson (1984), que presenta 30 ?tems medidos en escala de Likert del 1 al 7. La SDS cuenta con un procedimiento para el an?lisis de los datos, donde determina si los elementos de estudio poseen un nivel alto, moderado o bajo de estr?s. Los resultados indican que solo el desarrollo de la carrera genera un estr?s moderado a nivel general de los trabajadores comerciales de La Positiva; asimismo son los apoderados comerciales los que en general presentan mayor nivel de estr?s, por sobrecarga de trabajo, por ser responsables de otros y por el desarrollo de su carrera

    Determinants of competitiveness in international business tourism : an exploratory spatial data analysis

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para a compreens?o dos fatores que influenciam o turismo de neg?cios ? escala mundial, de forma a avaliar-se a compet?ncia tur?stica dos pa?ses junto deste segmento e ser-lhes prescrito orienta??es que os auxiliem a conquistar quota de mercado a n?vel internacional. Para o desenvolvimento da investiga??o emp?rica, foi realizada uma an?lise explorat?ria de dados espaciais, com recurso ao software OPENGEODA 1.3.15 e recolhida uma amostra de 136 pa?ses mundiais relativos aos anos 2005 e 2009. A investiga??o revela que, para o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas que visem estimular o crescimento das viagens e turismo de neg?cios, os decisores pol?ticos e agentes econ?micos, devem desenvolver medidas que estimulem o investimento em capital fixo tur?stico e o turismo de lazer. Por outro lado, n?o devem tomar em considera??o quest?es de natureza geogr?fica nas suas decis?es estrat?gicas. No entanto, estas recomenda??es dever?o ser testadas no contexto de uma futura an?lise confirmat?ria.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de Carvalhoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chalcogenide Perovskites Tantalizing Prospects, Challenging Materials

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    Chalcogenide perovskites have recently emerged into the spotlight as highly robust, earth abundant, and nontoxic candidates for various energy conversion applications, not least photovoltaics PV . Now, a serious effort is required to determine if they can emulate the PV performance of the better known, part organic halide perovskites, in applications such as tandem solar cells. This review summarizes the surprisingly large body of literature pertaining to chalcogenide perovskites, which have been investigated for many years despite only recently being considered for applications. The confusing variety of claims coming from computational materials discovery is clarified, and it is specified which chalcogenide perovskites actually exist and should form the focus of experimental work. The highly interesting optoelectronic and transport properties of the known materials at their current stage of development are summarized, which makes a clear case for investigating them further. The existing synthesis literature is collated, which provides some important and possibly unnoticed clues to experimentalists grappling with these somewhat challenging materials. The authors hope that the highlighting of this information will facilitate further exciting studies, better approaches, and new progress for chalcogenide perovskite

    La influencia del n?mero de delegados sobre el local de las reuniones asociativas internacionales, a nivel nacional : un an?lisis exploratorio de la ?ltima d?cada

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    Este artigo visa analisar a evolu??o das reuni?es associativas internacionais e do n?mero de delegados das reuni?es associativas internacionais, assim como compreender, de forma explorat?ria, se os planeadores de reuni?es, tendem a ir de encontro aos requisitos esperados pelos principais intervenientes numa reuni?o internacional. Para efeitos da realiza??o do estudo, foi desenvolvida uma an?lise explorat?ria de dados, no per?odo de 2002 a 2009, provenientes da International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). Os resultados mostram que, os Estados Unidos e a Alemanha lideraram ininterruptamente o ranking de pa?ses com maior n?mero de reuni?es associativas e delegados e, indiciam fortemente que, os planeadores de reuni?es tomam em considera??o os interesses dos executivos das associa??es e dos respetivos participantes, no processo de escolha do local da reuni?o associativa internacional. Os resultados t?m implica??es importantes na postura a adotar pelos delegados e executivos das associa??es, assim como no desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    What determines the holding of association meetings in a global context?

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    This article aims to understand the determinants influencing the number of association meetings held in countries worldwide and which may be controlled by their economic agents and policymakers. For this purpose, we use a dynamic panel model with data provided by the Data World Bank, the World Travel & Tourism Council, and the International Congress and Convention Association, in a time series of 8 years. The results reveal the importance of the experiences obtained by the tourists in previous meetings, as well as the countries? need to implement measures to stimulate the dynamism of economic activity and political stability.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de Carvalhoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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