44 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study is to improve the solubility of poorly water soluble anti-bacterial drug Norfloxacin by hydrotropic solubilization technique. For the present study sodium benzoate was used as hydrotropic agent. By using this hydrotropic agent as water soluble carrier, hydrotropic solid dispersions of Norfloxacin were prepared.in 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 ratios (drug: hydrotropic agent). Equilibrium solubilization of pure drug and hydrotropic solid dispersions of Norfloxacin in distilled water by excess solute method and solubility enhancement ratios were calculated by measuring the absorbance of the solutions at 274.80 nm using UV spectrophotometer. The hydrotropic agent did not interfere in analysis. The results showed that there was an increase in the solubility of Norfloxacin with hydrotropic solid dispersions compared to pure drug in distilled water. There was 9.56 fold enhancement in aqueous solubility of Norfloxacin with hydrotropic solid dispersion of 1:4 ratio compared to 1:1 (6.29), 1:2 (7.09) and 1:3 (8.59) ratios

    Interpretable simultaneous localization of MRI corpus callosum and classification of atypical Parkinsonian disorders using YOLOv5

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    Structural MRI(S-MRI) is one of the most versatile imaging modality that revolutionized the anatomical study of brain in past decades. The corpus callosum (CC) is the principal white matter fibre tract, enabling all kinds of inter-hemispheric communication. Thus, subtle changes in CC might be associated with various neurological disorders. The present work proposes the potential of YOLOv5-based CC detection framework to differentiate atypical Parkinsonian disorders (PD) from healthy controls (HC). With 3 rounds of hold-out validation, mean classification accuracy of 92% is obtained using the proposed method on a proprietary dataset consisting of 20 healthy subjects and 20 cases of APDs, with an improvement of 5% over SOTA methods (CC morphometry and visual texture analysis) that used the same dataset. Subsequently, in order to incorporate the explainability of YOLO predictions, Eigen CAM based heatmap is generated for identifying the most important sub-region in CC that leads to the classification. The result of Eigen CAM showed CC mid-body as the most distinguishable sub-region in classifying APDs and HC, which is in-line with SOTA methodologies and the current prevalent understanding in medicine

    Optimization of linear arrays using modified social group optimization algorithm

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    In this paper, optimization of the linear array (LA) antenna is performed using modified social group optimization algorithm (SGOA). First step of the work involves in transforming the electromagnetic engineering problem to an optimization problem which is completely described in terms of objectives. Linear array synthesis is inherently considered as a multi-attribute problem. The pattern synthesis of LA is carried out with several objectives involving sidelobe level (SLL), beam-width (BW) and desired nulls. The SLL suppression with BW constraint is considered as first objective of this work and the results are compared with several evolutionary computing algorithms like ant lion (ALO), grey wolf (GWO) and root-runner (RRA). Following this, the MSGOA is further used to synthesise null patterns in which the pattern is completely described in terms of nulls with SLL and BW as constraints. The entire simulation-based experimentation is performed using Matlab® on i5 computing system

    Implementation of Area Efficient Multiple Passband FIR Filter for 5G Applications

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    In television, mobile and digital signal processing applications, efficient multiband filters have great usage. The proposed architecture gives the Reconfigurable Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter with multiple pass bands. Implementation of architecture utilizes FIR filter with control logic and frequency selection circuit. By adjusting the parameters of the filter, proper bandwidth of the pass band can be achieved and the ripple content in the pass band and stop band can be controlled. The efficient way to adjust the bandwidth is to choose the effective value of the filter length and coefficients. The area efficient multiple passband FIR filter using control logic has been proposed with order (n = 4 and 11). Target device that has been selected for implementation is Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Virtex 4 Device. The Look-Up Tables (LUT) utilization for the implemented architecture with length of filter (n = 11) is observed to be 6%

    Implementation of Area Efficient Multiple Passband FIR Filter for 5G Applications

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    971-978In television, mobile and digital signal processing applications, efficient multiband filters have great usage. The proposed architecture gives the Reconfigurable Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter with multiple pass bands. Implementation of architecture utilizes FIR filter with control logic and frequency selection circuit. By adjusting the parameters of the filter, proper bandwidth of the pass band can be achieved and the ripple content in the pass band and stop band can be controlled. The efficient way to adjust the bandwidth is to choose the effective value of the filter length and coefficients. The area efficient multiple passband FIR filter using control logic has been proposed with order (n = 4 and 11). Target device that has been selected for implementation is Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Virtex 4 Device. The Look-Up Tables (LUT) utilization for the implemented architecture with length of filter (n = 11) is observed to be 6%

    Design of Rectangular Patch Antenna on the Hilbert Fractal-shaped High Impedance Surface

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    The high Impedance Technique has emerged as a modern approach for high-gain microstrip antennas. A high impedance surface minimizes surface waves and provides increased gain. Instead of, a typical mushroom to design High Impedance Surface (HIS), fractal geometry can be used. Hilbert curve-based Fractal geometry minimizes physical length and keeps electrical length the same. In this work, three iterations of Hilbert curve-shaped HIS geometry are studied with emphasis on HIS application. Fractal facilitates multi-frequency operation from GSM 1800 MHz to 6 GHz Wireless applications. The antennas have a peak gain of 5.3 dbi. The simulation is conducted in HFSS, and the analysis is performed using reports like reflection coefficients, radiation patterns, and gain plot

    Optimization of Linear Arrays using Modified Social Group Optimization Algorithm

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    354-359In this paper, optimization of the linear array (LA) antenna is performed using modified social group optimization algorithm (SGOA). First step of the work involves in transforming the electromagnetic engineering problem to an optimization problem which is completely described in terms of objectives. Linear array synthesis is inherently considered as a multi-attribute problem. The pattern synthesis of LA is carried out with several objectives involving sidelobe level (SLL), beam-width (BW) and desired nulls. The SLL suppression with BW constraint is considered as first objective of this work and the results are compared with several evolutionary computing algorithms like ant lion (ALO), grey wolf (GWO) and root-runner (RRA). Following this, the MSGOA is further used to synthesise null patterns in which the pattern is completely described in terms of nulls with SLL and BW as constraints. The entire simulation-based experimentation is performed using Matlab® on i5 computing system


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    Objective: The aim of the present study is to formulate and evaluate enteric coated pellets of Rifampicin and Isoniazid with improved Rifampicin stability in invitro conditions.Methodology: Two different capsule formulations of these drugs were prepared. Formulation-I contains immediate release uncoated pellets of Rifampicin and Isoniazid. Formulation-IIcontains immediate release enteric coated pellets of Rifampicin and Isoniazid. These pellets were evaluated for various physicochemical parameters. Enteric coating was mainly done to prevent the release of these drugs in acidic medium and to improve the stability of Rifampicin by preventing its interaction with Isoniazid in acidic medium. Dissolution studies for both these formulations were performed and the cumulative percentage drug release for Rifampicin was calculated.Results: The cumulative percentage drug release for Rifampicin was found to be around 81% in formulation-I whereas it has been increased to 89% in formulation-II.Conclusion: This study proves that Rifampicin interacts with Isoniazid and undergoes degradation to a significant extent in acidic medium. This interaction and degradation can be reduced and the stabilityof Rifampicin can be enhanced by formulating them as enteric coated dosage forms.Keywords: Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Enteric coating,pellet